For The Love of Art

For The Love of Art

Her hands grasped the case she was holding tightly as it was a bit heavy. As she walked through the museum, her eyes strayed to the paintings lining the walls until she spotted the one she was looking for. Placing her case down, she pulled out her fold-up easel and chair to set up her small but adequate station. As she was sorting out her colors, she felt a few fingers skimming across her baby soft skin so she looked up and smiled at the girl passing by.

The girl continued to eye out the little painter that was situated in front of one of the paintings at the museum she worked at. Lucky for her, the young painter always picked the gallery she was stationed at. Her job was nothing special and pretty boring as all she did was watch people to see if they were to do anything to harm the paintings so having the painter in her view gave her some much needed entertainment.

The museum worker watched as the painter finished setting up her station before some guests arrived in her section. The guests would occasionally stop at a painting and read something but they made their way through at a brisk pace. It wasn’t long until those guests left making her look back at the painter who was busy making a rough sketch before applying the paint. It was like this every work day, the museum worker was able to watch the paintings come to life by the little painter. This is why she loved art.

The painter put down her pencil once satisfied with what she put on the canvas. Not wanting to rush things, she took a step back and examined the painting for the brush and colors that needed to be applied. When guests arrived, she was never bothered by their presence but she would take this chance to glance at the museum worker. She would watch her cross and uncross her arms or see the girl pace around so her legs wouldn’t get stiff in the chair the museum provided her. A smile would appear on the painter’s face before returning to the painting at hand.

Another museum worker skipped in happily, “Jess! Want to go back together?”

Jessica, the museum worker, looked at the busy painter before turning her attention back to the other worker, “I am leaving with someone else.”

The other girl frowned, “Always making me go home alone…”

Jessica smiled and squished the cheeks of her fellow worker, “Don’t be so sad alligator, go find your giraffe. She always takes you home anyways.”

The girl laughed, “You should come out with me and Soo this week.”

Jessica smiled, “I will find time.”

The girl grinned happily seeing as the girl didn’t reject the invite, “Okay! I am working tomorrow so see you then?”

“Of course. See you Yoona.” Jessica bid the girl goodbye before turning her attention back to the painter that was packing her things up. She noticed the painting was only a quarter finished but she just shrugged and approached the girl, “Not much progress today.”

The young painter looked at the girl and smiled, “Some distractions today.”

The girl behind the painter reached into the bag and found some sketches of her standing and sitting at work, “You know they let you in here for free to paint this painting and not some worker.”

The painter chuckled while continuing to pack, “Some things are more beautiful.”

Jessica gasped, “How could you say that about Millet? He is one of the best realist painters that ever lived?!”

This caused the painter to laugh harder, “I know and that is why I am taking those opportunity to paint this since we have it on loan from the museum in Paris. Yet your beauty is not one easily grasped in a painting like he does.” With the last few things packed, the painter took the opportunity to plant a quick peck on the museum worker’s lips.

Jessica blushed and backed away quickly, “Tae… not here. I am still at work.”

The mischievous painter laughed while walking out with Jessica, “I don’t know how you can expect me to be near you all day and not do that. I must say my will power is strong.”

Jessica slapped the painter’s shoulder, “If you struggle so much maybe I should change my station while you are busy working on that replica.”

The painter pouted, “Now you are trying to break my heart.”

The two reached the worker’s break room and stopped, “I will see you outside.” The painter smiled as she started making her way out of the museum, “Taeyeon!” The painter looked back to the girl that was calling her, “Umm you heard what Yoona said right?”

“We can. I know you want to.”

“You aren’t busy with that?” The museum worker pointed down at the unfinished painting.

“It is fine. It is only one night.”

Jessica smiled, “Ok! I will tell them.” The painter just nodded and went to the exit.


The museum worker looked down at the case the painter was holding, “Why not leave that at the museum?”

Taeyeon looked down at the case, “I like having my work with me in case we go home and inspiration hits.”

Jessica smiled, “That never happens. Someone is always there to distract you.”

Taeyeon squeezed the girl’s hand, “Yes my girlfriend is the greatest joy and struggle in my life.”

The two, laughed and giggled until they came in view of the older building in which that had to climb four stories up to the door of the small flat. Taeyeon set her stuff near the door while Jessica went to fix some tea in the kitchen. Tired from her day, Taeyeon went to lay on the couch as her girlfriend did her thing in the kitchen. Not long after she closed her eyes, another weight came on the couch, “Don’t tell me that you want to fall asleep now?”

The painter smiled and opened her eyes to see her girlfriend already hovered over her, “I think your tea will get cold.”

Jessica smiled while leaning forward, “Good thing we have a microwave.” Not waiting much time, Jessica smashed her lips on Taeyeon’s as they started to make out on the couch. With their activities becoming more intimate, Jessica’s tea grew cold like Taeyeon said.


Jessica was enjoying the warmth of her girlfriend as they laid wrapped in a blanket on the couch together. Taeyeon was still sleeping as Jessica watched her girl breathe calmly in her arms. Although it had been several years since they got together, Jessica remembers vividly how the two of them met.

Jessica was in her second class of the day and she was pretty excited as the class talked about art preservation. Although she was an art history major, she loved the concept of art preservation and how it was done so she could have art to still talk about today. Yet it was not the class that caught her attention, while she was seated Jessica noted the girl in the washed out jeans, ankle high converse, army jacket, and beanie covering her bleached hair. Not to mention the rod earing going through the two top holes in her right ear that also had several other creative earrings for all of her piercings. Also she had a small earning in her left nostril and lower lip. Overall, the girl surely stood out.

This girl sat a few seats ahead of Jessica causing Jessica to look down at her during class. Despite her punk appearance, the girl was a diligent worker in class and looked to be taking decent notes. However, it wasn’t class that made Jessica approach the girl.

The fifth week of school, the art majors did a carnival of street art to show their abilities. That was when Jessica noticed the beanie girl’s amazing talent. She saw the girl’s knack for replicating scenes from famous artists and for putting some unique flare to their works. No doubt the girl had talent. Piercing girl, saw this preppy art history major looking at the work she just completed, “It is art from the late 1800s that has the best representation of human struggle in the realistic form.”

Jessica looked up at the girl who was referring to the set of paintings she did, “I can clearly see why you got accepted here, but what is a Korean like yourself doing in Vienna?”

“Are you asking me that question or yourself?”

“Maybe you can answer for the both of us?”

A sly smile went on the painter’s face, “Sounds like our life’s struggle should be talked over coffee?”

It was after that encounter that the girls decided to start a relationship since they both had a love for art. Jessica was the art history major while Taeyeon the artist with a minor in art preservation. They were the only Korean girls on campus causing the natural initial attraction but love followed fast as both girls were very much attracted to one another.

As of now, the girls live in the same flat. Jessica came from a wealthy background so getting into a prestigious art school in Vienna was easy and money for rent was never a hassle but she took the job at the museum to help with familiarization of paintings for school. Taeyeon argued for many months that she should help with rent but Jessica knew the girl was only at the school due to a scholarship and only made extra money doing art replicas. It was when was threatened to be taking away, that Taeyeon decided it was best Jessica took care of rent while she took care of Jessica.

Taeyeon opened her eyes and squeezed the girl she was holding while giving a kiss on her temple, “Are we going out with the girls?”

Jessica turned to face the girl who was now awake, “We have some time for a shower.”

Taeyeon smiled before leaning into capture those luscious lips. Jessica smiled as she pushed her body on the other girl so every inch of skin could touch. With their tongues busy, Jessica moved her hand down the smooth stomach of her girlfriend. Her finger tips danced around Taeyeon’s hip which had a small butterfly tattoo placed there, “Mmm babe… shower.”

Jessica bit on her girlfriend’s lip before lifting herself off the girl below her. Taeyeon got up to give her girl a quick back hug to whisper in her ear, “I love you.”

Jessica turned around to wrap her arms around Taeyeon’s neck. She smiled at pecked her nose before kissing her lips, “And I love you my little Millet.”





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elitabien #1
Chapter 1: Thanks for the art of taengsic.
Laboli #2
Chapter 1: Update please
Chapter 1: please update soon
Chapter 1: ohhh how i really love taengsic soooo mucchhhh..
Chapter 1: hmmm, that's cute and interesting., thanks for the oneshot.,
soneako9 #6
Chapter 1: Hello unnie!! Your TaengSic one shot always make me feel gidddddyyyyyy!!!!
Chapter 1: I miss Taengsic fluff :)
You always have new story line! Have you write historical fiction story? I'd love to read Taengsic in old style kingdom setting
Chapter 1: so sweeeet!! reading this early in the morning really made my day! :)
Chapter 1: woah <3 really cute and sweet! i love it! <3