A JOURNAL OF FANTASY ~a one-shot compilation~

Where is it? Where am I? This place is so cold, dark, and small. Help! Someone, help me, please! I am scared! 


I closed my eyes and hugged my knees. 


Help me... 


I begged but none heard me. I was tired. I could not bear this anymore. I would not survive. I would die soon. I closed my eyes and hugged myself, waiting my death came. It was so quiet till I could hear my own heartbeat. 


Suddenly I felt that place was moving. A weak warmness crept out around me. I heard a weak sound near my ear. It had the same rhythm with my heartbeat. 


What is it? 


"Puff, the magic dragon, lived by the sea..." 


I heard a soft and lovely voice. I did not understand what that voice talked about. I just simply liked it. 


Who is that? 


I rested my ear on the cold wall, wanted to listen it a bit longer. It could make me a bit relax. 


Where it comes from? I want to see it. Help! Let me out from here! 


I could feel that place was shaking. 


What is going on here? Help! Anyone! Help! 


That warmness was replaced with familiar coldness. I hugged my knees. Then I heard something cracking beneath. It was followed by a comfy warmness. Then that lovely voice appeared again. I smiled. I could sleep peacefully tonight. 


It was happened many times like a cycle. I heard that voice whenever I missed it. I never felt lonely and cold anymore. I could feel this warmness all time. 


"Puff, the magic dragon, lived by the sea..." 


That voice. Are you here? 


I opened my eyes and rested my ear on the wall, trying to hear it a bit clearly. I smiled widely. It was here. I could not wait anymore. I wanted to get out from darkness and saw it. I gained all my strength and hit the wall with all of my power. I did not care it would hurt me. I just wanted to be free. 


That small place spinned around and hit something hard. I could hear a loud clang many times. I felt so dizzy but I kept hit it. Then I heard a faint cracking sound. I looked up and smiled. For the first time of my life I could see a light. 


A little more and I am free. 


I hit that cracked wall. It exploded. I closed my eyes and protected my body with my tiny wings. I got buried between shattered wall. 


Why so quiet? Am I dead already? 


I slowly opened my eyes and moved my wings. 


"My baby..." 


I heard a soft whisper. I felt someone removed something heavy from my body. 




I stood up and saw a gigantic creature stood in front of me. I gasped in shock. I wanted to run but I got slipped and fell. Slimy and fishy viscous liquid splashed to me. 


"Welcome to the world, Baby." 


It said something strange. I was afraid. My whole body trembled when it tried to touch me. I protected myself by blowing fire as huge as I could produce. It gasped in shock and quickly waved its finger to turn off the fire. 


"It is Daddy..." 


It sang something familiar to me. My eyes widened. 


This voice! I know it! So it was you? 


It took me gently with its huge and warm palms. I looked at its huge face. It had a good face and a warm smile. I felt so safe like I just came home. 


"Do you recognise Daddy now, Baby?" 


I blew a faint white smoke to it. I felt so happy and tired in the same time. 




I fallen asleep on its hands. 


"Sleep well, Morgana..."

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Dak-shi-1004 #1
Can i ask is this full HP story or are there idols in it? ^^