⊿ cheatsheet + app

여름 bloc - an applyfic




 FACE-CLAIMS  ulzzangs and models only. since this story won't have any relation to idols i'd rather have the characters with a completely new identity. but for love rivals, idols are allowed as faceclaims BUT with a background that is not related to being an idol.

 ETHNICITY  don't go crazy on this one. i need your character to be atleast either half korean or have lived in Seoul for a long time. i'm not really a fond of half western characters but if you manage to pull it off, i'll take it. 

 LOVE INTEREST + LOVE RIVAL for this story, sadly you don't get to choose your own love interest ( cues audience boo-ing ) bUt, your love interest will obviously be one of the chosen characters beside you yes. so with that, i need you to fill in your HOPES of a love interest,  his/her personality and your future interactions. optional love rival, on the other hand could be another oc from your imagination. idols are allowed for faceclaims, with an age range of four years. make their background suitable for the story and have them work somehow in the same place as well. password is a link to a gif of a 6 member group mv.

Love interest is a must and should have their history, personality and interaction section filled but they do not require any faceclaim. while love rivals are not obligatory but if you do have one then copy all the sections for the love interest and fill them up as well, please pick a faceclaim. 

 AGE RANGE  since the range of love rival is 4 years, i'll be setting the age range at 1993-1997, make sure to relate to the plotlines.


 PLOTLINE 01  this one is tired of people caring her too much, they could be parents or siblings or friends, make it as interesting as possible. at first she should be patient, but for some reasons she starts losing herself. you can go crazy on her background but not her personality, her must-to-have neutral trait would be hardworking, that should get you started. her wish section would start with the sentence "if i am free, i would . . ." and continue with her future plans if she succeded on her 'quest'. 

 PLOTLINE 02  yes you can definitely go overboard on his background and be all dramatic [ hint : tobias from divergent ohmygod i love that guy ]. the background would clearly be something that ruined a part of him, thus it should cause a personality twist. may he be a gentle-turn-bad guy sure but i believe you can make something more interesting than that. the one thing he realized he wanted was to go back to his good-old gentle self. his must have neutral trait would be realistic. the wish section should start with "if i am gentle, i would . . ." continuing with his plans if he successfully return as the person he wants.

 PLOTLINE 03  same as the previous plotline, a background that ruined her, maybe even more. this one would result to her emotions, knowing that as a girl she should be more fragile. a hint, i'm thinking for this one to be and/or have lived in a neighborhood with lots of es. doesnt mean she should be ty, but with that kind of society she decided to stay away as much as she could by for example, the work she have through summer. this girl wants to be like every other girl in this world, but with a personality trait such as solemn, the trip won't be that easy for her. "if i am pure, i would . . ." would be the start in her wish section, the things she would do if she get to be like other girls again.

PLOTLINE 04  another one with a complicated background. you can add lots and lots of twists here until you think it's enough to tire your character. with so many people not taking him seriously, it should result to him not wanting to be serious in his life. there's not much requirements for this one though his must have personality trait is introvert. relating to his complicated background, this one won't be meddling with other people's problems. his wish section should start with "if my life is simple, i would . . ." continue with the person he wants to be or the things he would love to do then.

PLOTLINE 05  do not go overboard on the background for this one, a neat and simple one would be enough and make sure it's related to the plot. her personality is all that matters though, imagine a 10 yo stuck in a highschooler's body. in all conditions, she should be curious of new things, new faces, new places and everything else. all she wants is to make every single person happy, but for this summer she will learn that not everyone can easily turn happy. by learning more of the 'real world' this one is trying to understand how the world works, thus her wish section should start with "if i am cautious, i would . . ."

PLOTLINE 06  this one is not really complicated. be detailed for the background, add in a reason why he choose to stay quiet and not socialize with other people. why we suddenly made up his mind to change himself and be more open to other people and decided to go work for the summer, please make that clear. his ultimate quest is to finally fit in and be noticed by people, so his wish section starts with "if i am visible, i would . . ."

+ example


cheatsheet's up!
example app is not yet done.

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eunmini #1
I have one question~ how old do the characters have to be?
Chapter 2: ohmygAHD
the layout is so kawaii ; u ;
eunmini #3
ohh definitely going to apply for this fic!
unlighten #4
sounds quite interesting. i'll be looking forward to this \o/