The Two of Us

The Two of Us

It was way colder than I had expected when I stepped outside this morning. I searched through my pockets until I eventually found my gloves, put them on and pulled my jacket tighter around me. I sat down on a bench located against the wall and sighed. I got up earlier that usual today, just so I would have enough time to pick out the perfect outfit and do my makeup and hair, so that I would look as pretty as possible. My biggest concern right now was that any of it would get ruined throughout the day. I had to look my best just for him. If not, I was afraid his attention would go to someone else.

I looked around me. A lot of people had been here for a while already, despite the early hours, while some had just arrived. People were passing by now and then, giving me curious looks. My stomach growled violently, and I carefully looked around me again, to see if anyone else heard. I was so excited this morning, I didn’t have the time or patience to sit down and have a proper meal. I hadn't slept much that night either. The thought of seeing him kept me awake for at least three hours after bedtime. I looked at my watch. How much longer do I have to wait before he arrives?  

The last time I saw him was five months ago. I wondered if he still looked the same. I had seen his face a couple of times through social media, but I always failed to get in contact with him. I figured I’d just have to wait until he wasn’t too busy, and now was the time. Finally. I couldn’t wait to see his beautiful face, listen to his amazing voice and hear his heart-stopping laughter again. Experiencing his presence in real life was much better than through a screen, which had been my sad fate for some time.

Suddenly, the place was packed with people, and my heart began racing. I had liked him for quite some time now, but I was scared to hope he was feeling the same way. I dreamt about him every night. He was the last thing I thought about and the first thing that came to my mind when I woke up in the morning. Now our meeting was getting closer, and all sorts of thoughts began running through my head. Would it answer to my expectations? Would he appreciate the effort I’d made to look good for him? Would he even recognize me at all?

When I stepped into the room, he wasn’t there. I walked across the floor and stopped when I found myself surrounded by people in every direction. I took a moment to collect my thoughts and inhaled slowly. I closed my eyes. This is it. Just when I opened my eyes again, everything went dark. The crowd started moving, pushing me from side to side. All around me people were talking excitedly amongst each other, but I wasn't able to catch anything that was being said. I looked up to where I expected him to be appearing, and suddenly it lit up. Music started playing and people around me started chanting names. I stood still. Frozen. He finally walked out, and everyone screamed. Our eyes met, and at that moment it felt like it was only the two of us in the entire universe. 

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