Chapter 1

undeniably in love with you

“What happened?” One of the senior asked with a stern voice.

Both of us got pulled out of the big freshmen group for ‘questioning’.

“When a senior asked question, you freshmen  answered!!” he screamed. Seriously? Was there even a need to scream? He was terrifying. Was Taekhyun the only kind senior here because that seemed to be the case.

“Nothing, sir. We just had a little misunderstanding.”

“Was it really a misunderstanding?” The senior turned to ask me and, I didn’t want to argue. I have had enough attention for the day…

“Yes, sir”

“Good. I’m watching the both of you okay, so you make sure you behave. Anymore fights and you get more punishments.”

“Yes, sir” 


“He’s trying to scare you so don’t be scared by him. That guy is my friend’s brother and from what I know he’s a real joker.”

I ignored him and walked away.

“You’re pretty strong huh, little bug? That shove back th-”

“Don’t! Call me little bug.” Turning back, I gave him a glare.

“What? Do you think that glare is going to instant-kill me? It made my heart flutters little bird” the corner of his mouth lifted up and it was annoyingly attractive. Damn, he was annoyingly attractive.

“No little bird too!” I hope the crimson red colour on my cheeks wasn’t too obvious.


Another reason why I love this school, the cafeteria here was just perfect. Nice food and, nice food. I love food.

All the freshmen were now having their breaks in the cafeteria before the activities for the day would start. I had made myself a new friend. She was quiet. She seemed to be nothing like me but more like the shy and innocent type of girl in the drama that would get a rich boyfriend in the future. Not that I wasn’t like her at all, but I tried to be more daring and, brave at times.

“Minji, you want any drinks?” I asked, getting ready to get up and fix us with some drinks.

Instead of a reply, she pointed to the side of the table.

“Hey ladies, mind if we join?”

“Actually, yes we do. Thank you for asking.” I answered without a second thought as soon as I saw who it was.

Kai acted shock and…

“Thank you so much. I knew you wouldn’t mind, you…?”

“M-m-minji” she stammered. Oh my poor little friend.

“Hey Kai! Let’s go, you’re being rude to them!” said a marshmallow hair colour guy. He was gorgeous, unexpectedly. Just maybe not as gorgeous as Kai).

“Yes. Listen to…” I glanced at his name tag.

“Sehun. Nice to meet you Sehun. You’re a good guy.” I continued and the guy beamed. He beamed at me like a happy child eating his first ice cream. His eyes were missing, too.

“Why not the two of you sit and Ji I’ll help you with the drinks instead, you stay here and talk with them!” Minji spoke up with her tiny tiny voice. I was surprised she did. BUT, WHY NOW NEW FRIEND? I DIDN’T NEED A KAI ON MY TABLE!

“You got yourself a really good friend there little bug.”

I smirked.

“So, Sehun. What’s your major?”

“I do accounting! Kai’s doing-”

“Hm… Your hobby?”

“I love dancing, so does Ka-”

“Little bug, which team are you in later?” someone was trying to interrupt us over here?

“Oh Sehun, which team are you in for the activities later?”

“I’m in the purple team, you? And Kai is-”

“That’s great!! I’m in purple too! I was so worried I would be lonel-”

And there came the expected bang by you-know-who. Kai hit the cafeteria’s table with his palm. It wasn’t that loud to attract everyone attention but it was loud enough to scare me. Sure, I had ignored him. So what? First, he called me “little bug” which I had already told him not to. Second, he was a jerk. Third, he was annoying because he was just annoying. Forth… Same as the second and third. And fifth, repeat.

“H-hey. I got your drinks. For the both of you, too.” Minji came just in time to save fights (if there was going to be any). Unexpectedly, angry-Kai only stormed out of the cafeteria.

“Uhm, thanks Minji. Minji, right?”  Sehun spoke up through the tense atmosphere.

“Y-yeah” she stuttered. Did she just blush?

Sehun took the drinks from Minji and excused himself to follow the missing Kai.


By the time the briefing, breaks and everything end, it was already in the afternoon. So we were told that we were going to have a game, followed by barbequing for dinner.

“Alright freshmen, now I will need all of you to split up in your respective coloured teams! Purple team is with me, the rest, you already know.”

Luck wasn’t on my side today, getting Mino for team leader didn’t sound nice at all. I would rather have Taekhyun and not this terrifying-looking guy.

Minji was in the yellow team so we were separated. That’s okay, I’m sure I will manage to make new friends. I didn’t have any friends from school to join me in this college because they couldn’t make it through the entrance exam. I didn’t blame them, we were all from the countryside, I was the only one who wanted to come and study in this college in Seoul. Oh, Sehun’s in purple!

I shall look for him.

As I looked left, right, left and, right. I didn’t spot any marshmallow hair coloured guy. Sehun would easily stood out wherever he goes because of his hair colour but right now I couldn’t find him.

My eyes landed upon a pair of hazelnut-coloured eyes, messy yet strikingly attractive hair, sharp nose, plum lips. Why does he always have to look so good?

“Where is Sehun? Why are you here?”

“Hello there, little bug. I miss you, too.” As annoying as ever.

“W-what! Answer me properly!” Flirty as always, too.

“Shhh. I asked Sehun to exchange team with me and I got Mino’s permission already, too. He loves the idea because I told him that I wanted to be closer to you to erase all the misunderstandings between us and have a good bonding session with you in the team.” He smirked. y smirk. My mind has to stop betraying me; he was a flirty, irritating, annoying, irresistible jerk!!

“So, you see little bug. I’m here to torture you because you ignored me at the table back there. But, in front of Mino I have to be a little bit nicer to you, don’t you think?” he continued. Okay, one can plays game.

I walked up to Mino who was checking the attendance.

“Mino senior! Kai lied to you about his intentions of changing the team! He bullied me again, he said hurtful words to me and he… He… He hit me! Switch him back, please!” I lied and pleaded, hopefully he would buy it. I couldn’t think fast enough therefore the stutter. If he was going to ask for evidence then I would be so doomed!

However, his response wasn’t something I expected. Not something that I would even guess. He didn’t switch Kai and Sehun back. He didn’t split me and Kai up either. He said,




 “That’s it. I’m tying the both of you together, by the wrists. And you two are going to have to last through it until sleep time. Any more fights and I’ll make sure the ropes don’t get cut until the camp is over.”

Oh, hell. 




Hi :)!!!
I'm so glad i finished this chapter today!
Enjoy reading and feel free to comment below :D


[ also, check out my blog for k-drama recommendation here: !! !! ]




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See you tonight for Chap5! I'm finishing


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leechoding #1
pls update this story authornim!!!!!!
Chapter 6: but what bout Nana is he really dating her or what since she kissed him or did he asked her out for shooping because he is buying something for Nana :o omgomg >.< does he know that his 'baby girl' likes him :3 :( and BTW I AM A NEW SUBSCRIBER~~ HELLOOOO~~
Chapter 6: oh God! Can I hit him instead of his 'baby girl'? He's really straight forward and also annoying and then lovable at the same time!
(I wish I was the character,but I can't be.I'm 167cm tall)
Gomawo,chingu-ya =)
delightingKAI #4
Chapter 5: no please kai no
Chapter 5: well,I think the rumor is false and this Nana girl is just throwing herself at Kai,but who knows?! Maybe I'm wrong!
Thanks,btw ;)
Chapter 4: omg,he's really good at embarrassing people!
It reminded me of The Ultimate Group that at the end of the program,they gave that piece of cloth which Lay said that it has all members' sweat on it.
I had fun reading it;)
12exoverdose_v #7
Chapter 3: The teasing and flirting + fluff = ♡♡♡♡♥♥♥♥♥♥
I can't wait to see what you have there in the next chapters ^^
Chapter 3: wow wow wow...I admit that I also liked the ending of this chap;it was really funny;)
Thanks and I loved both the characters and the plot^_^
nice job=)
gonna read it tonight;)
delightingKAI #10
Chapter 3: aw flirt is his middle name anyway :3 i love the way he ㅋㅋㅋㅋ can't wait to see what will she do after that