Scared of you, Scared of the past.

New Romantics
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"Why is he here?" Shin Hye began to panic.

"Who's here? Shin hye are you okay?" He looked around and saw who she was talking about. "Don't worry I'll get you out of here." He assured her. He put an arm around her shoulder to keep her from falling. She started to shake in fear and willed herself not to cry. She saw him look around so she held her head low. Secretary Kim could feel her shaking so he walked faster. When they reached the car he opened the door to her car and quickly helped her in. He went to the other side and got in.

As soon as she entered the car she broke down.

He turned to her "Please calm down, he squeezed her hand, breathe in and breathe out."

"I can't as soon as I saw him, the memories came back, all the happiness, all the sadness, the pain that suffocated me for years. I thought that I was getting over the heartbreak but I'm back to the starting point"

"I don't know what you are feling but I know it must be tough, you know that to me you are like family. When I saw you struggle back there I wanted to go up to him and beat the life out of him, but were both aware that its not entirely his fault."

"I am completely aware that its not his fault, but a part of me just chooses to blame him. Why didn't he fight for me? I would have given up everything for him."

"The past is in the past, you cannot move the time backwards. Now you are married, be happy with Lee Min Ho, I could tell that he cares for you a lot. If you don't want the past to keep haunting you, talk to him and have closure."

"You know that I am fool when it comes to this, specially when things remind me of him. Min Ho oppa is someone who is caring and sweet, would put me before himself."

"So what do you need to think about? Lee Min Ho isn't selfish, you just admitted it yourself. You need to stop looking for someone who is a jerk trust me he hasn't changed, he seemed fine to me. I have seen his news and his success and he has soar high without you being by his side."

She broke out in a sob, "I don't know what to do. I just don't want to be sad anymore. I feel so weak and helpless, I didn't know that if we ever saw each other again I would be this hurt."

"Shin Hye you need to decide where your heart lies. Does Min Ho even know about your past?"

She shook her head, "I haven't told him yet."

"What were you waiting for? How are you going to exlplain to him that your ex came back and that you still feel something for him?"

"I am just hurt, I..I have no feelings for him whatsoever. I won't tell him he won't know of todays' encounter."

"You think he won't say anything if he sees your red eyes,I think he could tell if you are crying."

"He won't know."

"How can you be so sure, you know what I'm taking you home right now."

"No! please don't take me home."

"Then? Where are you going to go? Back to your parents house, that is the only place left."

"No, thats worst than going back to my house, take me to Park Se Young's house."

"That's any better than the other places. If you haven't been informed already she is one of his closest friends, she will tell him."

"She is my bestfriend, how can you say such a thing? I trust her, she will give me advice."

"How are you so sure the last time you guys talked was long ago, years ago. Are you sure she is someone you can talk to?"

"We did talk, she told me to call her if something came up. She is obviously trustworthy, now either you take me to her or I would take myself."

Seeing the condition she was in, he decided to take her, he didn't think it was the best thing to do but she is too stubborn she won't listen. He sighed, ' Why do I feel like this is going to get worse.'


Shin Hye knocked on Se Young's door vigorously. Her secretary sat in the car staring at her, he didn't want to leave, he regretted giving in so easily. Shin Hye kept knocking on the door but no one would answer it. She decided to call her, but no one would answer. "Shin Hye maybe she's not home. Come on I'll lets take you home. If she's not here there is no point in knocking, no one will come out." he tried to persuade her.

"She has to be here, you can just go, I'll wait until she comes." He got out of the car and made his way to Shin Hye. He grabbed her shoulders and turned around. "Either I take you home or I'll call Lee Min Ho."

She faced him tears streaming down her face, "Fine lets go, but what will he say, I'm scared."

"He won't hurt you come on." Her eyes were blurred by the tears that she stumbled. He helped her up lets get you some tea so that you can calm down. With that they were on their way.

Se young who was peeking through the window let out the sigh she was holding. She turned around and glared at the person in front of her. "Why would you go there?'' She gritted her teeth.

"I wanted to see her, I am ready to fight for her." He admitted.

"Are you out of you mind? Its too late for that. You broke her heart and now she's m..." Se Young stopped she didn't want to tell him afraid that he would do something reckless.

"She's what?" He hoped that she didn't mean married, he doesn't think he can take it. He shook her, "Answer me"

"Nevermind that, just don't look for her, you hurt her, if you really loved her then set her free. Let her be happy. Don't you think you tortured her enough. She used to be so different, so happy, and cheerful, really brave too, but that girl is long gone."

"I can bring her back I just need to see her again and you need to help me."

"I'm not going to help you anymore, I'm tired. Oppa I'm not going to help you anymore not when she's married."

Geun Suk stood there blankly, "So you did mean that. Why didn't you tell me sooner."

"I thought it was better not to but I just can't hold it in, you know what I think its not her father's fault anymore its yours. Sure, he pulled you guys apart but thats because you let him. You should have fought back with all your strenght, but you just walked away because you were tired of fighting with her family."

"I wanted to be ready so that I can come back and fight the war until its over, I was young. I was stupid for letting her go but what could I have done."

"Do you think its alright if you leave and then come back hoping things between you and her to be the same? You just left without a word leaving her clueless and lost. She stopped talking to anyone and just followed her dad's orders. Even though you left and came back that doesn't mean the war wouldn't be so though. So would you run again if it got tougher, stop trying to make excuses because there is no way you are getting her back."

"Even if she is married that doesn't mean she loves the guy, it was probably an arranged marriage. Seeing her so affected means that she still has feelings for me and I will fight for her. I will find a way to talk to her. I really thought you would help me out but I guess I expected to much."

"Oppa I care for you a lot, I'm telling you to back down while you can, trust me the pain will be much worst if you stay here. Just go back to Japan. Focus on your career." She grabbed his hands, "If you don't let it go you will suffer a lot.''

"I don't need your advice, it doesn't help me at all. Goodbye Se Young-ah." He walked

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Am I the only one who cried, seeing them together again. Minshin still look beautiful together. Yet for some reason I feel something weird around them.


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Chapter 23: THANKS!! authornim for this beautiful minshin story
Chapter 23: THANKS!! authornim for this beautiful minshin story
wunderschonoda #3
Chapter 22: hahaha poor Minho! he's cute, they're both cute.
I enjoy your ffs writer-nim. thank you!
Noelani78 #4
Chapter 23: What a wonderful story! So much struggles and heartache, but in the end love is the answer. I enjoyed your story very much. Thank you, and I hope to read more stories from you! <3
Chapter 23: Thanks so much writer-nim!!!Hope to hear more from you....^-^
Marinaaaa #6
Chapter 23: Thank you so much
Chapter 23: Happy new year!!! Wish all the best for U dear author...

Thanks for the update and your struggled to completed this wonderful story. So sad... I can't help my self for crying a lot while reading first part of this chap. That poor cute little baby, for the very first time her life, she has to suffer, it's reminds me of him. Well,thanks again my girl and keep continue to write story, b'coz I love all your FF, they're always great & amazed me. Take a good care of U & keep on stay healthy. Love U...mmuach...
shaibuz #8
Chapter 23: thank u please continue to write stories
rori0711 #9
Chapter 23: just so you know...I like New Romantics! I also read the rest of your Minshin ff. I have to say, i love your Shinhye's and you have the best Minshin banter. hehehe. keep up the good work! Happy New Year and Jik jin!