Bangtan Girl ( A BTS Fan Fiction)

The next day

The pinkish ceiling greets my sleepy eyes as I stretched my arms. Another school day... *sighs*

I got in the bathroom brushed my teeth and did my morning rituals. I stared at my own reflection. "You're so cute" I pinched my own cheeks "Ouch!" I rubbed it as the pain subsides. I tugged on my uniform, fixed my hair. Nothing happens. Still the Park Eun Mi everybody wants to disappear. "Hwaiting~!" I formed an enclosed fist.

I walked in the empty hallways, it's still early. Very early. It's better to be the early bird than to be the late comer. Proceeding to my class I felt a sudden uneasiness. "Huh?" I wonder why?? "Ah! It's probably my sfomach! I haven't ate any foods since last night..." I smiled satisfied on my thought. As I came in front of FC's door I took a deep breath... Tighten my grip on the knob and turned it. I entered the room and carefully closed the door behind me. I turned and there in front of me sat seven boys... Seven overwhelming boys…


"A-ah! Are you the new students??" I cheerfully asked walking towards my seat.

"Yes!" A blond-haired guy answered. The rest of them nodded as a response.

"I'm Eun Mi... Park Eun Mi" I bowed and smiled afterwards.

"Nice to meet you all."

"I-Im Kim Taehyung" the blondy walked to me. Well he's uhh... Active? I shook his hands "You can call me V or you can stick with Taehyung... But Tae-tae also sounds great..." He pouted. Aww cute...

I giggled "I think Tae-Tae suits you. It's cute" I showed him a thumbs up.

He flashed a rectangular smile to me making my cheeks color in a light shade of pink.

"I'm Yoongi!!! Or Suga" A boy who's literally lying on two desks introduced.

"Uh hi??" I said not sure if he can see me... Is he sleeping?

"Yah! Hyung! This is not your bedroom! Stand up will you?? Oh hey~ I'm Jimin" he saluted to me. I awkwardly raised my hand and saluted him back.

"Yo~ I'm Namjoon... You can call me Rapmonster" He asked patting his chest "I'm a great rapper and dancer" a flying pencil hits him in the head. It's raining pencils now?

"In your dreams Namjoon. You can't barely do basic steps correctly." A boy with a smiley face comes up to me next. "Jung Hosoek... J-hope for short. I'll be your hope!!" How encouraging! But he's cute too... well all of them actually.

I noticed two red-haired guys who haven't introduced their selves yet. I'll just approach them myself.

"Uhh... Hi I'm Eun Mi" I offered my hands to him. He ignored it and continued reading his book like I'm completely not in here. "Uhh... Hi??" I asked again. Omo! "Demons on Earth!" I pointed to his book. I got his attention and he turned his head to me. "You know this book?" He curiously asked.

"Well yeah... I already read it, it's a great book" I replied.

"D-do you perhaps have the sequel?" He blushed. Wait? He BLUSHED?!

"I-i have the complete set." I replied sheepishly.

"JINJA?! CAN I BORROW THEM!" He held both of my arms. I shivered from the sudden contact.

"O-oh sorry" he dropped his arms and looked down I can tell were both in an awkward situation.

"Y-yeah sure..." I broke the awkwardness between us. He just nodded.

Really no 'thank you'? As soon as I sat other students came in. They're really unique, I guess?

A crumpled paper hit the back of my head. Who's throwing paper?! Awhile ago it's raining pencils... Now it's raining paper?

I picked up the paper and unfold it. Theres a note...

Oi. Peasant. I'm Jungkook the handsome god behind you. You shouldbe lucky I'm talking to you. Others would die for this note.

How conceited why would I be thankful to someone who called me a peasant?! Psh. Self-conceited jerk.

The teacher came in we stood up greeting her and she ordered for us to sit down.

I grabbed my sticky notes and wrote my reply.

Dear Jungkook,


Thank you for that 'humble' Introduction of yours. I am Park Eun Mi the girl in front of you. Nice to meet you too.

I removed it from the pad and turned around to stick it to his desk.

After sometime I heard him snarl.

Ms. Lee continued her discussion, after like an hour of listening (if staring and nodding at her is considered as listening) the bell finally rang signalling that the morning classes has ended.

"Ms. Park the president wants to see you tomorrow before 7am I'll understand if you get late." Huh? Why would the president wants to see me? Did I do something wrong? Ugh. Second day of school and I'm being send to the principal's office already? Aigoo.

I stood up and made my way to the cafeteria. I haven't even made half of the way inside I could already hear the 'whispers' of these wealthy students around me.

Here comes the commomer...

Get away from her we don't know what bacteria she might be carrying.

I heard she even got Jinny as her best friend...


Maybe she poisoned her or something...

Talk about over reacting. I opened the door to the cafeteria, well more like a five star restaurant fit into a school and labeled the door as 'Cafeteria'.

I went to the counter and waited for my meal. Since I am a scholar everything that I need is provided by the school my meals, device, uniform, books, everything. My meal is chosen by the principal's secretary so I only have to wait til it gets cooked.

"Here are your utensils maam" a butler went to me, "and here is your seat your order will be here soon" he led me to a chair escorted me like a fine gentleman indeed.

"Why thank you..." I said

"Will you be needing me maam?"

"No.. No.. You can go now" I smiled as I watch him disappear into the cafeteria kitchen. After ten minutes I received my order. 
"Wow. Just wow" I whispered to myself... Pasta salmon dessert everything that I only see in movies.

"Enjoying your self too much I see" Nate took a piece of lettuce out of the salad and stuffed it inside his mouth.

"Yah! That's mine!" I slapped his hands away from my little babies.

"Alright alright" he chuckled and took the seat in front of me.

"You're rich anyway so why don't you buy your own food?" I said covering my babies with my two hands.

"I was just starving my order hasn't arrived yet" he replied stuffing my pasta in his mouth... wait... MY PASTA?!

"Yah?! That's mine how dhsjdbahhsr" he stuffed my mouth with the pasta he's currently eating. I blushed with the thought of him feeding me.

"Shut up and eat. You can eat mine when my friggin order arrives." I just nodded and focused myself in eating the cookies in front of me.

"Sorry for the inconvenience sir, we ran out of an ingredient for the sauce you ordered" the butler bowed after he served Nathan's order on our table.

"Hjd jdhdja befnsoa Idj endjdibfh mysbeld rifg nohf" Nate looks like a human version of a puffer fish. Since he stuffed too much food into his mouth.

"Srsly?" I chuckled "he said it's alright beside he's enjoying his self right now" the butler approvingly smiled at me and departed. I sighed and just continued what I was supposed to do awhile ago. Eat.

The whole day passed quickly... I grabbed my books and made my way home.

I reached the front yard and before I could go inside I checked our mailbox. As usual an envelope sealed with a ribbon is adressed to me. It's been awhile since I received his last letter. I smiled and stuffed it into my pocket and got  myself inside.

"Umma! Appa! I'm home!!" I shouted as I took of my shoes.

"Ahh... My baby is here" says Appa hugging me.

"Aigoo... You're pampering her too much" my mother chuckled and shook her head.

"Ah... Appa I can't breath" I struggled to escape my Appa's crushing hug. He finally lets go of me.

"Arraso, you can proceed now to whatever stuff you're going to do. We'll just call you for dinner" he replied.

I nodded. Were not really that poor, were just um. Average? Appa is a doctor and Umma is a pharmacist. In my old school, were some of the richest family. But in Empire I have the poorest level in terms of money.

I went to my loving bed and stared at the ceiling. I searched my pocket for his letter... I opened it and a metal thing dropped on my neck. Huh? A necklace?

My Dearest Eun Mi,

I'm sorry for not  sending  a letter last week, I was kind of busy with some school stuff. I heard that you passed to Empire High! Congratulations! I knew you can do it. :) Hey... I like to tell you something. I'll come home soon in Korea... I'll meet you soon my princess. I love you.  I always have and I always will.. :) I  bought you a necklace with my initials on it so you would remember me every time. Wear it every day okay?

P.S. I'm still gonna marry you though. :P


Your dearest admirer, 

I sighed...It's been 6 years since I first received his letter. At first, I thought he was some kind of a stalker cause he said that he knows everything about me. Although, I don't know anything about him. I don't know what's his name or how did he know every single thing about me. I just know that he likes me and that's that. Every week I always receive his letter, he's been doing this for 6 concecutive years. I'm gonna be meeting him soon eh? After 6 years he finally decided to show his self. Atlast...

I placed the 311th letter in my memory box where all the unreplied letters he gave me are. I closed my eyes not bothering to change and before I knew it I drifted off to a deep slumber. 


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