Chapter 2

A Collection of Oneshots: SHINee Edition

He was stuck in perhaps one of the most awkward places at that moment, with no clear way of escape. It was absolutely essential that the other man knew naught of his existence, for if he was caught snooping around again, the repercussions could be great (though he couldn't help but secretly admit that the thought of being punished by the man wasn't exactly awful). He had no one else to blame for his predicament but himself, and if he had been just a tad bit more cautious, he wouldn't be awkwardly lodged inside of the other man's closet.

Taemin usually had nothing to worry about, for Jonghyun usually preferred to visit his parents and spend the night there. It made sense considering the fact that he worked late hours and his family’s home was located just seven minutes away from their company office. With this knowledge, Taemin would shamelessly allow himself into the elder man's room, just because he knew that he could. He loved sifting through all of his various items and discovering secrets about the outgoing vocalist. Not only did it give him the upper hand when it came to arguments, but it also allowed for him to get that much closer to Jonghyun's heart.

Absurd wasn't it? Thinking that the key to one’s heart lay within his bedroom, but this didn't dissuade Taemin nor did it discourage him from getting his hands on every piece of information that he could find about the man. That night things had been going smoothly. He had just finished leafing through one of Jonghyun's old lyric notebooks when he heard the front door open and a loud greeting.

"Fear not my members in home!"

Panic started to set in the maknae's heart and he quickly tried to throw together some bull explanation as to why he was standing in the middle of the second oldest member’s room. He chewed on his bottom lip, half thinking half listening to the exchange between Jonghyun and Kibum.

"SHHHH. Jesus Christ do you have to be so loud?" It was clear that the other was annoyed.

"Awe did Bummie miss me? Did he?"

"I swear to the gods..." Shuffling ensued, followed by the television volume increasing.

"Tsk tsk is some drama more important than your favorite blonde?"

"I'm usually my favorite blonde and that isn't going to change anytime soon. Weren't you working late or something?"

There was a pause in the conversation. "Yeah but I let myself out early, the album is practically done already. All I need to do now is relax tonight and tomorrow and hope for the best." Footsteps could be heard coming towards the nervous maknae. "Where the hell is everyone else?"

"Jinki hyung is practicing for some musical until three in the morning, Minho is reciting lines in the bathroom, and Taemin is probably doing something unproductive."

Taemin didn't even bother to hear what the other's reply was, for he had decided that the best thing for him to do was hide in the closet. He knew for a fact that Jonghyun rarely reached in there unless he needed something formal to wear. The man would probably walk in the room, drop his stuff on the floor, change and go to bed. Taemin had smirked to himself, planning on sneaking out once the blonde was out cold, but fate had a different idea.

Jonghyun entered his room whistling a light tune, before he sighed and shut the door behind him. He paused for a moment, casually looking around the room, before deciding to plop his bag on the floor next to his desk. With a satisfied hum, he strolled over to his drawer in order to pick something out to wear.

"Shower today or shower tomorrow...?" He made a face, staring at the floor in deep thought. "Tomorrow is good. Definitely good."

From his spot in Jonghyun's closet, Taemin watched breathlessly as the man carefully removed his clothing from his body. Brown curious eyes raked over the well sculpted body that unconsciously paraded itself around the room. He bit his bottom lip as his eyes traveled further away from Jonghyun's face and inwardly sighed. It wasn't fair that Jonghyun was hiding such a body away beneath a simple white T-shirt and baggy light gray sweatpants. Though annoyed, Taemin did like the sense of mystery that Jonghyun's clothing provided.

Once he had finished his miniature striptease, Jonghyun grinned to himself and walked over to his bag. He muttered inaudible words to himself as he fished out his laptop and his cellphone from the jumbled contents of the bag. Taemin wondered what he could have been saying, however he felt as though asking the man to speak louder wasn't exactly a smart thing to do. Honestly this was the best thing that could have happened to the peeping maknae. Instead of sifting through Jonghyun's precious items, he had an opportunity to spy on the man personally. It was a thousand times better than trying to make sense of unfinished love songs and sad journal entries.

A light and airy tune began to emit from the blonde's cellphone, alerting both him and his peeping maknae, that he had a phone call. After checking the caller ID with a scrunched expression, he immediately smirked and answered the phone.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of hearing your sweet voice?"

Taemin's heart immediately dropped as he heard the man begin to speak. He had no idea who was on the other line, but it was obvious that Jonghyun had some sort of "more than friends" relationship with this mystery person.

"Well I can't say that I'm disappointed by your call, it was just pleasantly surprising.....Now why would you think that?.....Aren't we being a bit too paranoid? You must not have a lot of friends.....Oh please it was a joke, learn to laugh a little will you?.....Did you really only call me to ask for a favor? Do I look like a 24/7 Jonghyun favor operator? I have a life too you know.....Now now now that's hardly the proper respon-.....Ok fine fine I'll answer your question, but if that's your favor then you need a dictionary my friend....." There was a very long pause in the conversation and Taemin could clearly see that Jonghyun was searching for the right words to say. "Yes you were. Did you really think that we had some sort of magical connection? What is this a shojou manga?.....Never mind what that is, the most important thing is that you were a one night stand that never called back and I have since moved on with my life.....Three weeks is a life time to some organisms my dear.....You're cute, and still pretty new at everything. I'll always be your friend but that's about it.....hello......" With that he huffed in annoyance and tossed the phone across the room.

Taemin held his breath as Jonghyun kicked his bed and the device slid towards the closet. He didn't know what he should be feeling at that moment. Should he be hurt that Jonghyun was obviously having casual with other people, or should he be glad that the man wasn't in some really serious relationship? He supposed that feeling both emotions couldn't kill him, and decided to keep his thoughts at the back of his mind.

After what seemed like years, Jonghyun sighed and went over to retrieve his discarded cellphone. Taemin watched nervously as he picked up the phone and stood directly in front of the closet, examining the device for any clear signs of damage. From this distance he could smell the sweet cologne that wafted from the other male, which was enough to make the lovesick Taemin weak at the knees. He studied Jonghyun's every movement and action from his tiny hiding place in the closet, taking pleasure in their private moment together. However this quiet moment was abruptly ruined by a rapid knock on the door followed by an agitated Kibum.

"I swear to god you better be dead or buried under debris..."

Jonghyun looked up and tilted his head in confusion. "Whatever do you mean Bummie? I'm as quiet as a y blonde mouse."

The brunette rolled his eyes and sat down on Jonghyun's desk. "Ok spit it out what's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong I-..."

"Bull, tell me what's wrong with you. You don't normally throw things and abuse inanimate objects."

He saw Jonghyun shift awkwardly. "You're too perceptive...."

Kibum just shrugged and gave a triumphant smirk. "Now tell me what the hell is wrong with you. You don't usually come home this often..."

"Funny how three times a week is considered often in my case isn't it?"

The brunette’s expression softened and he sighed. "You overexert yourself too much. I know you want the album to be perfect and I know it will, you just need to rest and relax and have faith in your composing abilit-"

"It's not the album Kibum. The album is uncomplicated and easy to understand because it's literally all of my thoughts and ideas wrapped in a box. So it isn't that..." He trailed off, choosing to slip the phone in his pocket. "I can't stop thinking about him and dear lord is it wrong. Do you know how many people I've slept with so far? Three. Three people and I still can't shake my feelings for him."

Kibum rolled his eyes and sighed in slight annoyance. "We've been through this before. It is painfully obvious that you're in love with him, especially if you can three people and still have enough stamina to yearn for him. Just say something."

"Yeah and ruin everything? Hell do you know what would happen if he rejected me? The group could split Kibum."

At that, the other man let out a loud hearty laugh. "If you really think that Taemin rejecting you will cause our group to split, then you are way way way too self-centered my friend."

It was as if his heart stopped and his lungs ceased to dispense oxygen throughout his body. Was he hearing correctly? Did Kibum really just use his is name in order to prove a point to Jonghyun? Did that mean that the object of his affections indirectly admitted his attraction towards him? Of course not, this couldn't be possible. There were many different Taemin's in the industry and a hell of a lot more Taemin's in South Korea. However, only one Taemin had the potential to screw with the very dynamic of their group, and that Taemin happened to be him. Suddenly he began to feel quite dizzy.

Jonghyun rolled his eyes and shot Kibum an annoyed glare. "I don't want to ruin our friendship. I really don't. What we have now is good enough for me."

"Yeah right. People from the next Galaxy could spot the hard on you had when the two of you performed Internet war. Who are you bullting here?"

Jonghyun's cheeks dusted red with embarrassment and he looked away from the smirking Kibum. "That doesn't count and you know it." He made a face and sighed. "I think I've composed about twenty songs for this idiot in the past few months alone and if that isn't saying something then I don't know what is."

Taemin wanted to leap from the closet and accept the other man wholeheartedly, but he knew that this was a terrible idea. Instead he bit his lip and fidgeted nervously in the closet. This seemingly small act however, caused the maknae to shift something out of place, which in effect caused the contents of the closet, himself included, to tumble out onto the floor.

There was a deafening silence in the room, followed by a loud outburst of laughter from a very amused Kibum, a look of pure confusion and embarrassment from Jonghyun, and the look of utter mortification that the fidgety maknae had been sporting. He could feel his cheeks redden in embarrassment as he slowly removed himself from the pile of things on the floor and stood up. He dared not look at anyone in the room, nor did he dare to offer any sort of explanation for his closet adventure.

"I swear if I placed cameras in this dorm I could make millions and sell the footage on Amazon." With that Kibum leaped from the table, winked at Jonghyun, and exited the room.

Now the only two inhabitants of the room were a scared Taemin and a very quiet Jonghyun. Neither of them dared to look the other in the eye, nor did anyone try to make the first move. The situation was awkward and no amount of small talk could get rid of the uncomfortable feeling.

"I...I was in your room earlier...l-looking for pants and um...well you said not to uh...look around the room so I um...was scared when I heard you I hid in the closet..."

Jonghyun just stared at Taemin and quietly assessed the trembling maknae. His expression was unreadable and his eyes were cold. "Taemin." He uttered the name robotically as if he were afraid to give away his current feelings. "You know you aren't allowed in here when I'm gone."

The dark haired man shifted and looked away. "I was just looking for something that's a-."

"Did you hear what I told Kibum?" His question was sudden, as if it were hurriedly uttered without thought.

He was tempted to lie, but knew that the man would call bull as soon as he did. "Yes...I heard...."

Jonghyun nodded and nervously cleared his throat. "And what uh...what do you think about what I told him?"

The younger bit his lip and stared at his feet. "It was nice...very nice...and um...the feeling is mutual Jonghyun hyung..." He trailed off and looked at the man with a sheepish smile. "Just so you know."

The elder of the two turned a brilliant shade of red as his brain processed the answer. "Ah really? It is? I mean...I was just curious and all so thank you for...agreeing with me and my feelings."

Taemin smiled and shrugged. "You don't need to thank me you should me lunch because I'm free and you're free and we both eat lunch sometimes."

Jonghyun nodded quickly and crossed his arms. "Yeah...we can both eat lunch...together....tomorrow yeah uh. Mm hm." The man looked at Taemin and smiled. "So I'll just...knock on your door tomorrow then ok?"

The maknae took a deep breath and walked over to his short hyung. "Ok then um..." He trailed off, pausing for a moment before kissing the man on the cheek. "Night hyung."

Jonghyun bit his lip and smiled. "N-Night Taemin."

And with that, the two awkward lovers retired to their rooms for the evening, eagerly awaiting tomorrow's adventures.


Words: 2500

Genre: Fluff/Comedy

AN: I've recently become a jongtae shipper and my Jongkey feels are really pissed at me BUT I JUST CAN'T HEP IT I'M SO SORRY! Thank you for all of those who reade the story and thank you to those who subscribed! I hope you enjoyed the update as much as I did heh~. Until next time~

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