Chapter 1

A Collection of Oneshots: SHINee Edition

Although he had never really considered himself to be one who would actively participate in religious activities, Minho had begun to regularly attend mass each Sunday. Honestly he had never seen the point in organized religion and chalked it up to a bunch of supposed theories that billions of people chose to follow. With so many religions out there, how was he supposed to know which religion was correct? It wasn't as if he didn't believe in a higher power, he just didn't exactly agree with the ideas that surrounded this higher being, namely religious organizations. Yet, for the past three weeks, he found himself attending mass on Sunday.

Contrary to popular belief, Minho wasn't attending mass because he had some religious epiphany which allowed him to miraculously believe in organized religion. Of course his parents had been overjoyed that he suddenly found an interest in his faith again, but he wasn't doing this for them. There was no religious epiphany, nor was there an event which made the stubborn man begin to commute to church each morning.  Rather than some prophetic dream traveling angel, it was one singular individual that prompted him to attend mass each Sunday, and his name was Lee Jinki.

If one were to be technical, it could be assumed that Minho was stalking the young choir director, but he was never one for technicalities. Ever since the other male had stumbled into his cafe one morning, Minho had been unable to take his mind off him. The soothing quality of his speaking voice complimented the sweet sounds that escaped his mouth when singing in praise of his God each Sunday. His angelic face held a serene expression when in his house of worship, an expression that he seemed to carry with him throughout his day. In a way, Minho felt that his knowledge of such minute details was dancing on the border between perceptive and obsessive, but he tended not to worry about such trivial things.

Every time the mild-mannered man came into the cafe, he would make it a point to smile and ask Minho about his day. It was such a small polite gesture, yet it never failed to fill Minho with some sense of satisfaction. Their small encounters always gave the cafe owner an opportunity to ease out tidbits of information about the other man. In just three weeks, he knew that Jinki worked as a music instructor during the week, and spent his weekends devoted to his choir. He also knew that the man had an intense hatred for hazelnut coffee due to some allergy, and preferred to drink tea while reading the newspaper by the window.

Such insignificant things became significant to the cafe owner simply because they pertained to the angelic choir director. Normally he would have been disgusted by this whole love sick routine, but there was something about the other man that made it acceptable. With pursed lips, Minho intently listened to the closing sermon, trying to find some helpful words of advice hidden within the religious propaganda. His eyes occasionally drifted towards the choir, just so that he could get a glimpse of the angelic man in his natural habitat. Jinki had seemed at ease and occasionally broke a smile in response to the words that were being spoken. When he smiled, Minho felt propelled to follow suit, figuring that maybe such a small act would bring them closer together.

As the voice from the altar fell silent, the rest of the congregation rose to their feet in order to chime in with the closing hymn. He paid no mind to the other voices, and strained to pick out the clear voice of his choir director. His insides filled with warmth and he pretended to mouth the words to the hymn, just to feel closer to the other man. It never occurred to him that he could find such feelings tucked within a church, but he gave no more attention to the thought. Part of him took particular pride in being able to say that he had the pleasure of conversing with the other man, while another part of him longed for the feeling of the other pressed against him. Both were conflicting feelings, however it only confirmed that the attraction he felt for the other man was real.

As the hymn ended, the faithful church goers filed out in an orderly fashion and the choir began to gather their things and exit the church. Minho felt a tinge of jealousy as he watched the other man hug the members of his choir, but he felt that it was a ridiculous and misplaced emotion. Inwardly he berated himself for feeling jealous, for he felt that he had no real right to feel that way. His feelings had never been conveyed to the young man, nor did he even hint that he had an interest in him. Minho made a face at the ground and exited the pew along with the other parishioners.

The man sighed and ran a lazy hand through his black hair and mentally ran through his to-do list. Mass had let out at a quarter to ten, leaving him with half an hour until he was supposed to open the cafe. Sunday normally didn't bring in many customers, which allowed the man to close his shop early. The weekends usually were slow, which was why he debated in whether or not he should close the shop on Sunday's. An extra day off would be much appreciated, and it would give him extra time to pursue different opportunities.

"Hey..." He felt a soft tap on his shoulder, accompanied by a voice that was all too familiar to the café owner. Minho calmed the erratic beating of his impressionable heart and turned to face the owner of the soothing voice.

Just looking at the man caused his brain to malfunction and turn all rational coherent words to a pile of useless garbage. Despite the frigid wind that blew from the doorway, he felt small beads of sweat forming under his arms and on his hands. The only thing he could manage was a polite smile and a look of slight curiosity. "Hi."

The other man blinked and held up a familiar object. "Your scarf fell from your pocket as you were exiting. I thought that you might need it...well of course you need it I mean, it's below freezing out there so um..." He trailed off and placed the object around the man's neck.

Minho could only register the clean scent that came from the other male and the soft feeling of his hand as it accidentally brushed past the skin on his neck. It took everything in him not to wrap his arms around the other and never let go. Such an act would most likely be perceived as erse and impolite, so the taller of the two just smiled and held the scarf closer to him. "Thank you, I probably would have spent the rest of my day looking for it."

"It's no problem really." Jinki gave a polite smile and placed his hands in his pockets. "I uh...I didn't know that you attended church here. I was a bit surprised to see you in the crowd, but it was a nice surprise not an unpleasant one."

Minho was pretty sure that if there were some freak accident that killed him at that very moment, he wouldn't even mind it. Just knowing that Jinki had noticed him in such a large crowd filled him with an indescribable warmth. "I normally don't...but I recently began going to church again. "

"I see..." He trailed off again, something that Minho surmised was another little quirk of his. "What...what made you change your mind?" He stared at the other male in slight confusion. "You don't need to tell me I mean...I'd feel reluctant to tell others about personal things as well, but for some reason I..." He trailed off once more, opting to stare at the space between Minho's eyes.

The other fought the urge to grin at Jinki's words, and came up with an answer for the other man. "I guess I was inspired." He shrugged and smiled at the other man. "I don't mean to cut our conversation short, but I need to head over and open café. I'll see you around though." As reluctant as he was to leave, Minho knew that if he stayed any longer, he would spend his whole day speaking about seemingly insignificant topics with the young choir director, and yet he wouldn't regret a single moment.

"Oh..." The other man nodded and shifted his weight a bit. "Do you mind if I come with you...? Feel free to say no I completely understand, it's just that I was planning on heading over there in a bit anyways'd be nice to walk with you."

The taller of the two noted that the choir director's ears turned red whenever he was embarrassed or nervous about something, and he found the reaction to be very endearing. "I don't really mind at all, I think it would be nice to walk with you too." On the outside he remained calm and offered the other man an inviting smile; however, on the inside, Minho felt like doing cartwheels. It was a hard emotion to suppress, yet somehow he managed just fine.

Jinki had let out a small sigh of relief and grinned at the taller man. "Thank you."

He couldn't resist the urge to gently poke the younger man's cheek, and did so with a playful smile. "No problem. I guess I can give you a better answer now right?"

There were no words to describe the happiness that Minho felt at that moment, for words would only trivialize the moment. As they comfortably set off towards their destination, Minho couldn't help but think that maybe he had been too harsh on those who wholeheartedly believed in religion. Maybe there was some higher being that looked after each and every individual, ensuring that they never strayed from the path set for them. Yet, the details mattered not to the tall man, as long as Jinki remained somewhat cordial with him, he would remain content.


Word Count: 1715
Genre: Fluff
AN: So here is the first Chapter thing, I hope it was somewhat enjoyable! If you have any concerns, suggestions, or just a general review, comment below! I eagerly await your response~.

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