Four Season Love

Four season love

I dash down the street with a box of KFCs in my hand. “Come on, come on! Please…move it!” I mutter angrily. I steady the drink in my other hand and I know the fizzes had gone out long before I started running.

I let out a relieve sigh as I stop in front of the building. “Made it!” I cheer. I’m about to step into the automatic doors when a commotion a few steps down the building spark my interest.

“Ooh, is he?”

“He’s hurt!”

“Can I have your autograph?”


I crouch down and look through the people’s legs. “Ooh, nice Chanel flats,” I think and immediately mental slap myself. I squint through the legs and see a young man sprawls on his face. I blink, how can he trip over nothing? I look at the foods in my hands and shrug, they can wait.

“Give the poor boy some air,” I snap at the surrounding people. They murmur when they realise who speak. I roll my eyes.

“Hey, you OK?” I jab him with my elbow. He grunts in pain and looks up. “I’m sprawl here on the floor and a random person decides to jab me? What a beautiful day,”

“Just be grateful I came and see if you are alive,” I snap back. “And yes, it’s a beautiful day for me getting fired and being late,”

“Well, somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed,” he mutters, pushing himself up from the ground. I open my mouth to retort some nasty sentences when something strike me. I look at him and he looks up back at me.

“What?” he asks, confuse.

“I never quite get that sentence, what’s the difference if you get up on the wrong side of the bed?” I truthfully ask, curious.

He looks back at me, shock then he grins, “If I say that, my members will say that it’s my condition again,”

“No, but seriously,” I sit down, ready for an explanation. He sees that and shrugs, “I truthfully don’t know either,”

I scowl immediately, “You’re no hope,” I mutter as I get up and walk back to the building.

“Uh, wait!” he calls after me. “What?” I yell back, still walking. “Do you know where the studio around here is?”

I nod, “Where?” he asks, walking towards me. I look at him, “You sprawl on the ground, snap at the person who asks if you were OK and now you don’t know where the studio is?”

He nervously rubs his neck, “Er…yeah,”

I stare blankly at him, “You’re in front of it,” If this is in a manga, you can see the wind blowing a leaf over us.

“Oh,” is all he can say. “Yep, see you later,” I smile and attempt to wave. “Uh, bye?” he replies back.

What a weird funny boy.


“Please welcome Bao!” the host calls out and wild cheer and applause break out of the room. I raise my hand up to acknowledge them.

“So, Bao, before we start, how does it feel like to be a judge?” he waggles his eyes at me.

I laugh lightly, “Don’t know…I feel…powerful?” I joke. The audiences laugh.

“How does it feel to sit next to your mother, who is also judging?” he raises his voice on the last part as the audiences scream again.

“I may balance out the harsh sentence she might give,” I joke again as my mother nudges me in the arm and grins.

“Ok, please welcome Bao on the stage!” the host spread his right arm around the stage and steps off as I climb onto it.

“Oh, Bao, please, there are stairs there,” my mother speaks through the microphone amusingly. The audiences cheer.

“But mum, that’s no fun!” I whine as I finally stand up on the stage. “They should have made the stage lower,” I complain but smiling.

“Hey guys! Long time since I’m on the stage! Did you miss me?” I yell out to the audiences, they yell back.

“I can’t hear! Dad you miss me?!

YES!!!” they scream back, holding up home-made posters with my name on it.

“This is 4 season love,” I introduce the song

Autumn leaves floats down onto your shoulder,

Did you ever wonder? That even when it’s autumn,

You feel warmth, yea.

Or when winter snow drifts down onto your hair,

You can grin without a care?

Did I ever wonder why you are always there?

When I’m sad or lonely, you’ll be there.

Because our love is four season love,

We love without the feeling of cold,

When it’s winter for me, you come with ice-cream,

And when it’s spring for you I’ll bring autumn leaves

Our love is a four season love,

No matter what brings us apart,

We evolve our worlds to the loving summer,

Or the cold fun warmth hearted winter.

Because our love is four season love,

We love without the feeling of cold,

When it’s winter for me, you come with ice-cream,

And when it’s spring for you I’ll bring autumn leaves

Autumn leaves floats down onto your shoulder,

Did you ever wonder? That even when it’s autumn,

You feel warmth, yea.

Or when winter snow drifts down onto your hair,

You can grin without a care?

Because, my boy, our love is a four season love.

“Thank you!” I welcome the cheers, “Wow, I must have really missed the stage,” I lightly laugh before jumping down from the stage and back to my seat.

“Thank you, Bao,” the host grins. “Now, before we start the contest, let’s welcome the famous noona lovers, SHINee!”

5 boys come out from the wing and start their introduction, “Hello, we are the shining SHINee!” My eyes widen as I recognise the boy from outside. I made a tiny movement and point at him, my eyes questioning him. He grins and wave back and they start their new song; Hello.

I stare, spell bound by the lyrics, because he keeps looking at me. I shrug; it’s probably the fans though.

We all clap politely while the fans scream out SHINee.

“Now, we can start the contest! We have number 1, Lee Soo-Hee!” (<-Don’t know if that’s a Korean name…) the host announce. I feel a jolt from my left and look at the object.

“Hi,” the boy grins as he settles into his chair. “Why are you here?” I ask him and peer over his shoulder to see the other members settling as well.

“Hi,” they greet me cheerfully.

“I’m here because-why are you here?” he replies back, still bouncing in his seat.

“To…judge?” I give him a ‘duh’ look.

“To…judge?” he gives me back a ‘duh’ look. I scowl at him.


We keep on glaring and staring at each other then look away, then to glare and stare at each other then to look away, and you get the point. Somebody nudge me from the right, “Hi, mum,” I mini wave at her.

“Can you stop it?” she sighs.

“Stop what?” I defend myself instantly.

“That little glaring and staring then look away contest,”

“Sorry, mum,” I mutter.

It is until a not so funny comedian to the other people comes up on stage. I and the boy next to me laugh ourselves silly. The boy is lying on the desk laughing while I’m lightly banging the table.

“That dude, ahahaha,” the boy starts to talk in gibberish which makes the situation funnier.

It however encourages the other people to laugh. What can I say? Laughter is contagious. The other judges in the judging panels look at us amusingly.

I simply point at the person on the stage, “Funny,” before breaking into laughter. The boy also points up to the comedian before adding, “Very funny,”

I lightly slap his hand away and points to him, “No, he’s way funnier,” before we both break into laughter.


“That’s it for the contests! Thank you for participation and congratulations to those who got through! Our hearts goes with you to those who didn’t. Thank you for watching! Good bye!” the host yells cheerfully before we break into applause.

The judges go to the backstage to tell the contestants about the next show’s details while I wander off to console those who didn’t made it.

“It’s alright,” I console the sniffing comedian. “It’s funny,” I smile at him. He smiles back, “To you, but not to others,” he sniffs.

I notice another girl around him, patting his back. “Hey,” I greet her, “Aren’t you a finalist?” she nods. “Finalists are supposed to be there,” I point to the other end of the room.

“I’m comforting my boyfriend here,” she informs me. The comedian lightly pushes her away, “It’s alright, I’ll be fine, you go on ahead,”

His girlfriend reluctantly goes away. He sighs, “This isn’t how I imagine a meeting to the famous Bao,”

“Life isn’t everything you imagine,” I gently tell him. “Life is giving you lemons right now, but keeps them; well…it’s free lemons!” I grin.

“I love your song,” he appreciates. I smile back, “Why thank you, that made my day,”

“You and your boyfriend match together like that song,” I look confusedly at him. “Boyfriend?” I ask and before he can open his mouth, a pair of arm snakes around my waist.

“Sorry, she’s taken” A familiar voice says in my ear.

“Don’t worry,” the other boy grins, “I’m taken too,” I tilt my head up to look at him. “When did I get taken?”

“Just then,” he grins. I roll my eyes, “I hardly know you!” I protest, struggling free.

“We can get to know each other,” he suggests. The other members come towards us.

“Hi!” an energetic boy greets me.

“Hi,” I greet back. Then all of them bow, “Please take care of our Hyung,”

“He may be clumsy,” says another one.

“But he cares for people,” adds another.

“I knew it when he keeps looking at you during ‘Hello’” chimes another.


“He’s a lucky guy,”

“We’ll leave you guys,” and they all laugh.

I turn back to the boy, “So…” I frown at him.

“Do you still have those chickens?” he interrupts. My frown loosens up and tosses him the box.

“I had a feeling that you might ask for that,”

We sit down and start to eat, after a mouth he says,

“My name is Onew by the way,”

When it’s winter for me, you come with ice-cream,

And when it’s spring for you I’ll bring autumn leaves

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jnii818 #1
ahaha i like this, it's funny and cute ^-^
sakura4li #2
Thank you for commenting!
this is cute~ ^^
so cute. xD I love how Onew's so in-character here. clumsy and addicted to chicken. xD
sakura4li #5
Ahaha, yea....chicken lover...<br />
I realised that you were a she after I wrote bad <3