Find Them

No Better Father Than You


Anyeong! It's me Peachy with another chapter for NBFTY... And I'm also thinking... Should I write another story for my fan fictions? I know I'm not even done with this one yet, but something in me's telling me to make at least oneshot or a short fanfic of something, maybe fairy tail, or adventure time, or maybe another EXO couple... What do you think? Idk, but send me a review later, whether I should write another story, or finish this one first... Well then, enough of this chitchat, here is now the next chapter...

The three men walked through the deep dark tunnel, with only Chanyeol's ball of flame as a light. "Dad, have you ever been in here?"

"Many times. Usually, when I want to go somewhere far beyond the town, I would take this tunnel, instead of walking through the entire town. It makes up time"

"Then where does it lead up to?" Kris looked at his son, his face quite dark due to the lack of light. "The small cave in the forest, the one you used to be afraid of". Tao remembered back then, about 2 years ago, he had heard from his friends that that cave was haunted, and he was stupid enough to actually believe them. There was nothing wrong with this cave.

By the time they had reached the end of the cave, the had found a wooden door, one that looked like it had been there for a century or so. Kris held the rusted handle, and turned it. The door opened, revealing a very loud disturbing squeaking noise. Kris stepped into the door, followed by Tao and Chanyeol. They continued to walk. A few feet later, they saw the exit to the cave. They walked out, as Tao took in a deep breath, and let the fresh outside air into his nose. The cave was very helpful, but he thought it smelled like dead weeds in there. He was just glad he was out.

"Where are they?" Kris asked. Chanyeol looked around, but he couldn't see any of their allies anywhere.

"Looking for us?". The trio spun around, to see some of their old friends and allies standing right behind us, on top of a tall tree. There were three of these allies. Tao looked at them one by one. The first one was quite tall, compared to the other two. He had light brown hair, and had quite a fair complexion. The second one wasn't as tall as the first one. He had brown eyes, and hair to match the color of his eyes. His hair was kind of spiky. The third one was quite taller than the second one, yet wasn't as tall as the first one. His hair was also spiked, yet the color of his hair was a tiny bit brighter than the other two. He actually looked quite young for his age, maybe he was still a teenager.

Kris welcomed the three people."Long time no see". Kris looked at the three people. The one with brown hair and eyes jumped off the tree. Kris remembered this man very much. It was Suho.

"Yes Kris, long time no see indeed". The tall man with the light brown hair followed Suho, and also jumped off. He looked at Kris. "So I hear the the queen is coming?". Kris looked at the man who asked that question. It was no other than Chen.

"Yes, she is. I have no idea how she found us, but all I know is that she's near, I can feel it". The third man, stayed on the tree, with both eyes on Tao. Tao looked back at the third man. "Who's this Kris?" The third man said. Kris looked at him, and smiled. "Xiumin, this is Tao, my son". Hearing the sentence Kris had just said, all eyes were now on him.

"He's your son?" Suho said, with full shock in his eyes. Kris was about to answer him, while Chen interrupted him. "Who's his mother? When did you ever marry?". Kris looked down, and let out a small laugh.

"Tao was adopted". Tao smiled, hearing Kris. He always remembered that day, where Kris had saved him. Although he loved his birth father, he also loved Kris as if he were his real father as well. Xiumin jumped off from the branch he was sitting on, and looked at Kris. Tao saw him, and was about to laugh a tiny bit. He saw how short Xiumin was, but he couldn't bear to say it out loud. He looked at his father.

"Dad, so we found our allies, what do we do now?"

"We have to find shelter. There's an old cabin somewhere in these woods. We'll camp out there in the meantime"

"What about the wolves?" Chanyeol asked. He was right. The wolves are pretty powerful themselves. They had Luhan with them, and he had the power of telekinesis, and Kai himself has the power to teleport to anyplace. If they suddenly knew where they were, Kai could immediately teleport them all to where they were. Not to mention, they had Lay, and he had a very unique power, Healing. Whatever wound they had, Lay could heal. Chen, Suho, and Xiumin were not so bad, but were they enough against the wolves?

"In the meantime, lets just try to avoid them". Kris was actually quite worried himself. But he has to keep at least Tao safe. Kris doesn't know why, but it seems that Tao was very important, and not only to him, but it's like he had possessed something else within him, something beyond ordinary. Kris believes his son is actually more than meets the eye, and he doesn't even know it himself.

The 6 men walked through the forest, until they had found the old cabin which Kris had meant. By the time they got there, Kris tried to pull of a spell, which his stepmom had once used. It was a protection spell, somewhat like a shield or a barrier around the cabin, that way they would be safe there. Averna had put on many evil plots, and she would always be afraid that someone would try and hunt her down. She had years of practicing, and learning the arts of witchcraft. Kris, being an only son, watched her, and was able to observe and learn a few spells. By the time he had finished the spell, a bright light had shined around the cabin. Only the people he wanted to enter can pass through.

Kris walked through the portal, as he saw Tao sitting on the wooden steps in front of the door. He sat right next to him, and looked at him. Tao was staring at the ground, until his father had sat next to him. He eyed his father, looking into his charcoal eyes. "What's on your mind, son?". Tao leaned onto his father's shoulder. "It's been such a long night. So many things had happened, and it's all so much to proses. I think it's just too much". Kris looked at his son. Worry was seen in his eyes. Maybe he should have told him a long time ago. He wouldn't be so stressed out right now.

"Tao, it's okay. I know it's a lot to take in, but I know more than anyone, that you are a very strong guy. Come on, lets go in...". Tao looked at his father and nodded.

"Where do you think they are?"

"I don't know. D.O and Lay are now checking up their apartment Sehun. Just wait"

"I don't think I 'can' wait, Kai. Kris hurt Luhan pretty bad earlier. We're lucky that Lay is on our side, and was able to heal him, cause if he weren't, I wouldn't stop until my brother is avenged"

"Sehun, at least calm down a little. They couldn't have escaped, could they?". D.O came out of the building, as Lay followed. "I'm sorry Kai, but they're not there. When we walked in their apartment, it was empty. No one was there...". Kai couldn't take it anymore. His patience was fading away. One moment, he was right next to Sehun, all of a sudden, he was beside a car. He had punched the door, and it set off it's alarm. "We have to get out of here". The six men held hands, and in a flash, they were gone. Kai had teleported all of them to an alley.

"Kai, you didn't let me finish" D.O said. He put his hand in his pocket, and pulled out a picture. It was a picture of Tao and Kris, together at a concert, probably about seven or eight months ago. Nothing was odd about that photo, but it had one thing that would be very useful for wolves, a scent. The scent on that photograph was very clear. It smelt like coffee, to be exact, Starbucks Coffee. That couldn't be Kris's scent, because Kai knows pretty well that Kris smelled like a combination of vanilla and green tea. It must have been the scent of the boy. It was Tao's scent.

"Good job D.O". Kai took the picture, and gave it a whiff. He inhaled it as deeply as he could, until he saw it. It was a trail of blue smoke in the air. He followed it, while the others were right behind him, following his every step. Of course it lead back to the apartment, because that was where he was last. He followed the trail into the building, as it lead him down to the cellar. But by the time he had gone in, the scent disappeared. It was the wine. The smell of all that wine in there had masked Tao's scent, leading him into a dead end. Filled with anger, Kai was about to kick a barrel into the shelves of wine. Luhan widened his eyes, as he yelled at Kai...

"Wait, STOP!"

It was too late. With full power, Kai had kicked the barrel. Luhan stared at the barrel which Kai kicked, and right before it hit the shelves, the barrel stopped moving. It was floating in mid-air. All eyes were now on Luhan.

Luhan dropped the barrel on the floor, as he walked towards the shelves. "In my family, I was taught to see before destroying things, to observe every single object and item. If you didn't notice, every single bottle of wine are now covered in dust, except one". Luhan walked towards a bottle which was dark brown, right in the middle of all the bottles. "This bottle isn't as dusty as all the others,in fact, it looks like someone had just brushed off some of the dust". Luhan held the bottle with one hand, and began to pull. "Who would pick such a bottle, unless... there was something behind it" The shelves moved, revealing the secrete tunnel.

A smile had curled by the tips of Kai's mouth. As the tunnel opened, he began to see the trail again. "Baekhyun, do you mind giving us some light?". Baekhyun nodded, as a white ball of light had appeared in his hands. Kai looked at the picture D.O had found in the apartment."Kris, just you wait, cause now... I'm coming for you"

Cliffhanger! Sorry guys, but I guess now you'll have to wait for a bit. As you can see, Luhan and Sehun are brothers here, and I was finally able to get the other EXO members to do something. That's good enough for me! And did you notice, that there was a tiny (very tiny) bit of Baekyeol there? Can you try and figure it out? They both had something on common, or here, it shows that they did something that was particularly the same. Do you know? They were both shining a light in their hands, lighting up the tunnel... Hah! But as I said, that was only a tiny bit, and it's probably not much for you Baekyeol fans out there... Well what can I say? I'm more of a Taoris fan instead of a Baekyeol or HunHan fan... Sorry

And sorry that I hadn't put in the fight scene yet. It should be in the next chapter...

Anywho... Hope you liked this chapter, and please be kind enough to leave me a review... Thank you very much...Gomawo...


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Chapter 10: My tears tru,ing came down
Liek three ?‍♀️
Chapter 10: Tao is also special!! I hate Averna!!!