
No Better Father Than You


Hey guys, this is technically Hyunbin (if you read my ffs on ffn), but here in aff, I'm known as Peachy. I now have the next chapter for NBFTY. Here in this chapter, I just want to say, that there'll be a few more characters from EXO, as promised, and it will also be a bit longer than the usual chapters. Just saying. Well, without further ado, here is the next chapter.

Tao had realized that he had fallen asleep. He woke up, when he heard his dad calling him. Kris walked into the room, and Tao stared at him.

"You ready?" Tao checked his clock, and saw that it was 3pm. He just remembered that his dad had plans with him.

"Gimme a minute". Kris nodded, and walked out the door. As soon as the door closed, looked at his MacBook. No matter how much Kris doesn't seem like himself today, he knows that Kris still loves him. He was his son after all. Tao grabbed a brush, and brushed out his bed hair. He looked at himself in the mirror one last time before he walked out the door. He walked outside, and saw his dad right outside.

"Come on Tao, let's go". Tao nodded as he joined Kris.

They spent the rest of the day together, and Tao was more than happy. They first went to the mall, and Kris bought him a new watch from Gucci. After that, the went for a movie, and ate ice cream together. It was basically a normal father -son hang out, but to Tao, as long as he was with his father, he would feel as if he were in paradise.

The had finished at about 8.15pm. They walked on their way home. The street looked pretty empty. Tao had gone home late from a friend's house many times, and no matter what, the streets he walked on was always crowded, until today. Not even a single soul, and this sight right now reminded him of what happened earlier this morning, where Kris freaked out and pulled him back home. He was now feeling a bit scared.

Kris, seeing his son's facial expression, could tell he was scared. He put one arm around his shoulder, and pulled him closer. Tao smiled at Kris, and they continued walking. They were still quite far from the apartment, but as long as the were together, the would fine.

But then all of sudden, out of no where, they heard a rustle, or maybe even something else, something that they had heard a few several times, the entire walk home, as if something, or someone were following them.

"What was that?"

"Tao, stay here". Tao, hearing those words, remembered his birth father saying the same thing before he died. "Tao, stay here, no matter what" those words kept repeating in his mind. He looked at Kris. "I'm coming with you". Kris looked at Tao.

"No, you're..."

"Yes, I am"


"Dad, we're a team. You said you would always look out for me, always guard me, but if you died, imagine how I would feel". Hearing the words Tao had just said, Kris looked down. If Tao lost him, he would be heartbroken. He had already lost one father, he wouldn't be able to live on if he lost another.

Kris looked at his son. A smile curled at the edges of his mouth. "Alright son". The two of them walked to where the sound was coming from. They tried to find the source of that sound, but they couldn't find it.

"Dad, maybe we should go back. There's nothing here". Kris nodded in reply. But by the time the had turned around, they saw there were 3 guys, right behind them. The one in front had jet black hair, and had quite tan skin. The other two stood behind him. One looked as if he were still a teenager, while the other had lots of color in his hair, it looked like a rainbow.

"Well, well... If it isn't the banished prince". The three men looked at the father and son. If anyone else saw them, they would think that they were cool, even Tao thought so. But Kris looked at them in a serious way. It was as if the were enemies or so.

Kris stepped up, and stood in front of Tao. "What do you want, Kai?". Kai laughed, as he looked at Kris.

"You know why I'm here". Kris looked up. Why would Kai be here? What's going on anyways?

"No, I don't know why your here. Why don't you tell me?". Kai looked at Kris with a glare. He said to him...

"She's back, Kris. You know it". Kris felt his anger bubbling inside him. He hated the memory of her.

"What of it?"

"I want you to go back to her. Once she has you, she would leave.."

"I'm not going back to her..."

"She's your mother.."

"She's not my mother Kai. Not anymore"

"Because she banished you?". Kris looked down, gritting his teeth. He then looked back at Kai.

"She was never my mother to begin with. I hated her my entire life..."

"Then go back to her, and suffer. Suffer the way I suffered when you killed 90% of my entire pack..."

"I was never apart of that.."

"But it was your clan who did it!". Kris looked at Kai. He looked as if he were about to cry, but he wasn't going to show any mercy that way.

"Now you go back to her, and feel the emotions that I felt" Kai said. His eye color had changed, from dark brown, to red, glowing red. Kris looked at Kai.

"Come on Kai, we used to be best friends, remember that?"

"You should've thought of that before you let your clan kill my pack".Tao knew it was none of his business, but he had to stand up for his father. Tao stood up. He looked at the man in front of him, and said...

"Please, don't talk like that to Kris". All eyes were now on Tao. Kai stepped forward, and had his eye on Tao.

"Who are you?". Tao stepped in front of Kris. Kris widen his eyes. He whispered to Tao, "Tao, get back" but Tao wouldn't listen.

"My name is Tao, and I won't let you take Kris away from me"

"Tao, stop. Get back"

"No! They can't take you away from. They can't!"


"DAD!". Hearing the last word that Tao had just said, a smirk grew on Kai's face.

"Dad? Kris, you have a son?". Seeing the look on Kai's face, he could tell that he was up to something.

Kai moved in, and was about to punch Tao in the face. "Now you will know what it's like to lose someone you love". But before he was able to punch him, Tao dodged, and kicked him right below his jaw. Kai went falling onto the hard ground , and the other two men ran for him. Kai was shocked, to see someone stand up to him that way, but that was probably because he doesn't know who he is, or what he is.

The youngest looking man looked at Tao with anger in his face. "How dare you do that to Kai?". Kai sat up, as he coughed out blood. He said to him,"Luhan, don't turn" but he wouldn't listen to him.

Tao stood there, not moving a single bit. They say that when you're really scared, you can't scream, you can't even move. That theory was true.

Tao's eyes must have been tricking him. One moment, the guy named Luhan was a normal man, the next thing you know, he had morphed into a wolf,in fact, it was bigger than any plain wolf.

"Werewolves" Kris whispered. He then looked at Tao, and said one word to him, "Run".

The wolf jumped, and leaped for Tao, but Kris held it's jaw, and made sure it wouldn't hurt Tao.

The man with the colorful hair looked at Tao, and started to change as well. "No one upsets my brother. No one upsets Luhan!"

Tao saw him shape-shift into another wolf. Kris looked at his son. "Tao, RUN!". Hearing his fathers words, Tao made a run for it, and the wolf raced after it. Tao ran as fast as he could. He saw the wolf was gaining on him. He pushed his legs to go faster. He made a turn at the edge of the sidewalk, hoping that he could lose the wolf. He kept running, until he was suddenly pulled into an alley. Tao tried to fight back, but this man that held him was very strong. When he saw the face on that man, it was that Chanyeol man he saw earlier. Chanyeol shushed Tao. Tao was about to complain, when he heard the wolf was now pretty close. Tao then stayed still, closing his mouth, trying to stay as quiet as he could. Tao saw the wolf. It was even scarier than ever now.

The wolf growled. He had lost the boy. He changed back into the form of a human being, and walked back.

Tao sighed. He finally felt safe again. He looked at the man. This was the man who Kris had trusted so much. Tao now had so many questions. Who were those guys? What did they want with Kris? So many questions raced into Tao mind.

"I know you're scared, confused, and all, but we have to get you home". Tao looked at this man. He was scared, not only for himself, but also for Kris. What'll happen to him?

Chanyeol quickly grabbed his hand, and dragged him back to the apartment. Tao walked into his room and closed the door. Tao kept thinking. He had let a total stranger drag him home, while his father was out there, still fighting those things. Tao peeked through his door, and saw Chanyeol was still there, in the living room. He could've fought back at him, but he didn't. He was now afraid. He had just seen two men turn into huge wolves. Who knows what this man was capable of. He was now only worried for Kris. What could've happened to him?

Done and done... Hehe, there you have it, the latest chapter. I hope you like it, and just for the record, some of you may be wondering, why was Kai acting that way? Let me ask you, how would you feel if someone in your bestfriend's family (for example, cousin) had killed a whole lot of people you cared for? You would also be mad at your best friend too, right? Don't worry, things will lighten up eventually, just wait...

Oh, and btw, I tried my best to put in a bit of HunHan, but I didn't know what the should've done. I'll try my best. Anyways, thanks for reading, and please leave me a review. I'd really appreciate it...


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Chapter 10: My tears tru,ing came down
Liek three ?‍♀️
Chapter 10: Tao is also special!! I hate Averna!!!