Look at Me

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Shinyeong know that her relationship with her boyfriend is not okay

He hurt her once..twice..thrice..and many times but they still together -without the same feeling like the first time-

untill they decided to take a break and the trouble begin...


I am not perfect, but when it come to you I can be everything you need.

I don't wanna you make mistake and regret to be with me.


When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us - Helen Keller

Don't judge me because I sin differently than you do - Dieter F. Uchtdorf


What do you think about blind love?

Is it when you love someone lover?

Is it when we love someone with all your heart more than yourself?

Is it when we can’t see other than the one you love in your eyes?

Is it even you can’t breathed when you look at your love?

Is it when you stubbornly be with your love even the world against it?


“Call me blind. I just love you, no matter happen. You steal my heart. So you must be prisoned. Deeply in my heart and never go or I’ll be death.”


“Don’t look at me like this”

“It's your fault to make me addict with you”


“please.. don’t.. don’t do this to me..”


“I’ll never let you go. Never.”


other cast:




Lee Chihoon





It’s my official first story here. I got this idea when I watching TV tonight. And suddenly I got this idea pop up in my mind. This story is based on my personal idea, but I got some reference from some drama too (blame me sometime to have such a drama addicted and be drama queen T.T). so, I’m sorry if you found other story with the same plot as mine. But I swear I’m not doing plagiarism cause I really appreciated writers sunbaenim too much *bow 900. Sorry if you feel sick with my grammar in this story later. I’m not that fluent with English T.T, but I didn’t say that I’m master at my own bahasa too. Hehe. But please, I hope you enjoy this story and leave me messages and comments. Thank youuuuuuuu ^^

I'm sorry It's been time for me not update this story because I just released my other stories (please check on them below while waiting for this story update)


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minniestory #1
I'll try my best saeng ;)
idohnamgil #2
Chapter 3: Sehun likes Hyuna??? OMG XD
Update soon unni~ ^^