Royal Love

Exactly after 10 minutes the motorway came to an end and Kyungsoo stopped the car by the side of the road where there was a walkway. When he was about to tell Soojung to hop off, he realized that she was fast asleep. He hesitated for a moment and took in a deep breath wondering what to do. After all he was heading to Lunar beach as well, and it would be less awkward clashing in to her there than just taking her there himself, but Kyungsoo didn’t believe that a person could fall asleep in 10minutes and thought Soojung was just acting.

“Hey stop trying to act” Kyungsoo threw a sentence coldly.

There wasn’t a reply, only her hard breathing was heard. Kyungsoo couldn’t dare touch her, as he knew it wasn’t a men’s action to just touch someone he didn’t know.

“Do you want me drag you out?”

Kyungsoo’s hand reached for her shoulders but he just stopped an inch away and took his hand back and drove off.

After driving for another 10minutes he realized that Soojung was really fast asleep and felt embarrassed that he was talking to himself.

“How can someone fall asleep that quickly…” Kyungsoo said under his breath.

When they finally arrived at Lunar’s beach the sun was about to hide itself away, just the scenery that anyone wouldn’t want to miss.

Kyungsoo didn’t want to disrupt Soojung’s sleep as she seemed like she was drowned into it, so he quietly got himself out of the car and took a walk around the beach.

This was a discrete place for Kyungsoo where he and Irene first met for the fist time, he couldn’t forget that day as it was the happiest day of his life but it was the place where it made him feel loved and special.

Kyungsoo walked slowly along the sand, while feeling the tiny tickling sand touch his toes. He looked across the never lasting sea and slowly thought about his past memories.

“I guess your enjoying the beach more than me”

Kyungsoo turned around instantly when he heard Soojung’s voice.

“Don’t you just love this place” Soojung whispered looking out at the sea.

Kyungsoo without saying anything just looked at the remarkable scenery that was about to end in any moment.

“I use to live here when I was 5years old, and my Mum would come here with me everyday, I miss those days….”

Kyungsoo looked towards Soojung and could faintly see tears in her eyes that slowly fell down her cheeks and onto the sand, turning it black. He didn’t know what to do, but just casually acted like he didn’t see anything.

“Did you borrow money, or get into drugs?” Kyungsoo asked wondering about the gangsters.

Soojung quickly washed away her tears.

“No, it’s not like that, I guess you would’ve known better if you knew who I was or watched the t.v"

Kyungsoo frowned at her while thinking at the same time about what she was talking about.

“Who are you…?” Kyungsoo asked carefully

“I think its getting late Mr, we should go” Soojung replied avoiding Kyungsoo and walking towards Kyungsoo’s car.

When Soojung was about to open the door of the car, Kyungsoo quickly shut the door hard making a loud bang.

“I never said you can come with me” Kyungsoo remarked

“Do you want a reward? Money?” Soojung asked which made Kyungsoo smirk.

“Money is the one thing in this world I have more than enough”

Soojung gathered her hands together and tried to look like a beggar and sad, but nothing seemed like it would change Kyungsoo’s mind.

“Do you have a phone?”

Soojung nodded slowly feeling something bad was about to hit her.

“Call for help, I’ll wait with you but your not going to get into my car again”

Kyungsoo made a sarcastic smile that pissed off Soojung who got her phone out from her side pocket, but she hesitated when she was about to dial a number. She did come out from the hotel without any bodyguards or warning her secretery.

“My phone doesn’t have any credit…” Soojung quietly remarked

Kyungsoo took a long breath in frustration.

Soojung then suddenly grabbed onto Kyungsoo arm and tightly grabbed onto his hand. Kyungsoo jerked backwards but Soojung was still holding on.

“Please just one more time and I swear I’ll do anything you want me to” Soojung begged approaching Kyungsoo closer who stepped backwards.

“Fine!” Kyungsoo quickly shouted and pulled his hands away from her.

Soojung smiled with satisfaction and quickly got into the car and set herself.

“I don’t think I have ever seen you smile for the day” Soojung stated suddenly when they were off driving.

“One more sentence and your getting off” Kyungsoo responded

Soojung said nothing for the way back to the hotel until they were almost near arriving.

“I’m really sorry but do you mind dropping me off somewhere else than the main entrance?”

Kyungsoo did as she asked and drove to the discrete part of the Hotel where there was a small park that lead to the hotel.

The park was so attractive, there was a long pathway that lead to the hotel and along the side were tall streetlight that brightened the pathway.

Soojung got out of the car when Kyungsoo stopped the car and she leaned into the car facing Kyungsoo.

“Thank you for everything today, I guess this would have been your most miserable day ever in your life, but if you want a reward just come to the hotel in 3days time”

Soojung gave the warmest smile and headed off feeling empty and weird walking off from this mysterious man who has helped her out for the day, without even knowing who he was, or treating her any different.

Kyungsoo quietly sat on the car for a moment feeling empty as well, not knowing why he would feel that way when he hated her at the same time, he looked at the empty seat where Soojung sat and realized that she had left her phone.

Kyungsoo quickly grabbed the phone and ran off along the pathway, not knowing why he was in a hurry or why he even bothered to give her phone back himself when he could get one of his employee to.

He saw a small figure in front of him and ran faster towards the figure, realizing that it wasn’t Soojung but someone else and the figure was walking towards him as well in a slow pace.

Kyungsoo slowed down his pace and slowly walked towards the figure who was coming closer ever step. Then in an instance Kyungsoo’s steps stopped, as well as the figures when they finally saw each other.


Standing in front of Kyungsoo stood the girl he had loved for his entire life, but also the one person who ruined his life.


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kyungstal9394 #1
Chapter 7: OMG, the next pages please...
Chapter 7: Who's calling?
anywho #3
Chapter 6: Hope there are more kyungstal moment.
Actually what happen between kyungsoo and irene
Chapter 6: That kyungstal moments though. Soooooo cute!!!!! and finally Kyungsoo and Irene met. wonder what will happen next?
elle87 #5
Chapter 5: Even though this looks like a kaistal story...
I hope krystal ends sup with kyungsoo =)
They are too cute
anywho #6
Chapter 5: Yeah !this is what i waiting for
Kyungstal moment!!!
Anyway your story is very interesting.
Good luck with this story.
Chapter 5: Kyungstal!!
Chapter 3: I wonder what happened with kyungsoo and irene