Wish Me Home


"Be careful what you wish for." Baekhyun, already successful as a singer, had never given much thought to the phrase before; until during a heated argument, he uttered fatal words. "I wish I had never met you."


Baekhyun has, what many believe to be, a perfect life - and, being the main vocalist in an internationally known boy group, he can't help but to agree. The adoring fans, the praise, the success; Baekhyun's one desire is that it lasts forever. But, nothing does, and soon things begin falling apart. Rehearsals become more rigorous, the members are slowly getting exhausted, and everyone seems to be drifting apart. With the stress that comes with the sudden pressure, and the destruction of what was once called a family - Baekhyun grows bitter, lashing out on those he cares about. One particular victim of Baekhyun's unneccessary rage is his best friend, and fellow member; Chanyeol. But Baekhyun has no remorse, and during one vehement argument that ends with both parties saying cold things that strike deep, Baekhyun wants nothing more than to wish everything away.


And so he does.


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