
The Wedding Agreement

The wedding’s all blurry to Jongdae. She is so busy controlling her heart, only remembering saying ‘I do’ and then Sehun puts a ring on her finger. There’s this meaningful look on his face but she doesn’t know why. When it’s her turn, she’s shaking so much that Sehun chuckles openly at her and if she’s in her right mind she will hit Sehun on his head and she will also realize the familiar rings. But no, she is nervous and she will faint anytime soon. So when Sehun comes closer for their first kiss she just stands there, anxious.

Sehun sees her anxious look and puts his hand on Jongdae’s face, slowly rubbing it. He’s been waiting for the kiss and Jongdae is so pliant when she’s nervous much to Sehun’s delight. He kisses her lightly, just a little pressure on her lips and he lets go. He knows he can just go for more but Jongdae looks like she is about to passed out, so this time he spares her. Next time, he’ll make sure to exploit her, not that he knows when it’ll be.

There are cheering and clapping after that and Jongdae is frozen there, smiling and moving on automatic. Sehun takes her hand in his and Jongdae looks at him, somehow feeling relieves.

They are currently having their first dance and Jongdae’s having her arms around Sehun’s neck with the said guy leading the dance. Jongdae looks up and gasps, as if waking up from her daydreaming.

“What happened?”

“What?” Sehun calmly asked. He’s glad Jongdae’s back being normal because he wants to see her expression when Jongdae realizes about the rings.

“Oh god! I must look stupid, I don’t remember what happened. I can’t believe that I blank out on my wedding!”

Jongdae bangs her head on Sehun’s chest and he suddenly stops for a while, before starting the steps again. Jongdae looks up again and he hopes Jongdae can’t hear his thundering heart beat.

“Did I say something stupid? Did I fall?”

Sehun clears his throat. “If saying ‘I do’ to me is what you called stupid, then yes.”

“You are still annoying.” Jongdae murmurs. She then eagerly looks at her finger. She is curious about the rings Sehun’s prepared but what she sees makes her stares at Sehun.

“Don’t look at me like that, people are staring and they will start thinking you that you are weird.”

Jongdae ignores that and some people starts dancing around them, she spies Kyungsoo and Jongin, her Mom and Siwon, and also Baekhyun with a tall guy whom she assumes as Chanyeol.  She wants to point it out because Siwon is glaring at them but that is not important now, the rings are important.

“The ring..” Jongdae doesn’t know what to say, is it okay to hugs Sehun out of happiness because he got the ring she wants or should she be mad for playing her?

“The shop owner told me I had to buy them and it cannot be cancelled.”

Sehun can’t afford to tell her the real story about that but the surprise look on Jongdae’s face that turns to a full bloom smile makes him smiles unconsciously.

“Besides, it’s cheap.” He adds and it makes Jongdae frowns at him but she says nothing. “You should have seen the first ring I bought you, it has a big diamond on it. My bet, you’ll throw this one away after seeing it.”

This time Jongdae does glare at him more open.

“You should give it to your materialistic girlfriend then, I am keeping this one.”

“Sadly, I can’t have one, remember. I have to look at only you now”

Sehun smirks at her and she blushes. “I’m thirsty” She announced and they stops dancing. Sehun follows her to get a drink.

“Don’t get drunk on me, we still have lots of things to do.” Sehun teases when Jongdae gulps down two glass of champagne. It makes her blushes more.

“Don’t speak to me, you ert!”

“What’s with you calling me names?”

Jongdae tries to walk away from him but Sehun catches her hand.

“Don’t walk without me, too many eyes looking.”

Jongdae looks around and Sehun’s right, there are lots of people secretly pay attention to them. She puts on her best smile. This is her wedding, she won’t be the person who ruin it. Sehun puts her hands on his. They greet some guests, a smile on their face.

After few hours, older people start to disperse and going home for the night and they are faced with their parents before starting the party Baekhyun prepared. Kangin hugs Sehun, voice loud.

“You are a married man now, Son.” He laughs, clapping his shoulder. Sehun stops himself from glaring at him. Kangin then moves to Jongdae, taking her hand in his.

“Jongdae, my daughter. I hope you can take care of Sehun.”

Jongdae smiles pleasantly and nods. “I’ll try my best, Uncle.”

“Uncle? Stop calling me that. You can call me Dad, now.” He boisterously laugh and Jongdae nods, repeating his word, calling him Dad and Sehun feels sick in his stomach.


Sehun looks at his Mom who is holding to Minseok and she comes forward to hug him too, this time Sehun hugs back. His Mom sobs a little.

“Don’t cry, Mom.” He runs her back and she cries more.

“How can I not, you are now someone’s husband, not my little boy anymore. I have the right to cry.” Leeteuk looks up at him and Sehun wipes her tears carefully. Jongdae sees a rare smile on Sehun’s face when he talked and it warms her to see that.

“It’s not like I am going far away, I will still visit you often and I’ll come if you tell me to. I am still your son.”

Leeteuk laughs and nods. “Of course you are.” She sighs and smiles, looking at Jongdae then back at Sehun. “I wish for your happiness, my son.”

Leeteuk pats his face and smiles knowingly. “Okay, I think I have enough for today, I’ll be going home with your Dad.”

“Are you feeling sick again?” Sehun worriedly asked and she shrugs it off.

“It’s fine, I am just a little bit tired. Beside, I think the real party is starting soon” She laughs lightly and Sehun hugs her again.

“Just stay at the room upstairs, Jongdae wouldn’t mind.” Sehun looks back at Jongdae and she comes forward.

“Yeah, I will tell Kris to prepare a room, for you, Mom” She shyly said and Leeteuk holds her hand.

“I will feel better at home, I am really fine.” She looks at Jongdae. “I am sorry you can’t have your honeymoon immediately, I scolded Sehun for you about that.”

“It’s okay, Mom. We can go some other time. There are lots of things to do first.”

Jongdae explains, her face suddenly turns red when she felt Sehun’s arm around her waist. Leeteuk realizes this and laughs happily.

“Heechul-ah, now I really feel like having grand children.” Jongdae tries to control her face but she’s already so red. She can feel Sehun’s laughing and she nudges him on the ribs.

“Yeah, I hope we can have one running around after a while” Heechul humors Leeteuk and both mothers look at them when Jongdae whined.

“What? I can’t hope for that? I am old Jongdae, you need to humor me a little.” She laughs. “Now, I should take some rest too, looks like Baekhyun won’t start the party while I am still here” She looks behind Jongdae and finds Baekhyun walks to them. Siwon crosses his arm.

“Who was that guy dancing with you, Baekhyun?” He asked immediately when she is near. Baekhyun avoids him, standing next to Jongdae instead.

“Who? Jongin? That’s Kyungsoo’s husband, Dad, how can you forget?”

Siwon clicks his tongue. “Don’t play with me, Girl. I was talking about the tall guy who-“

Jongdae decides to save her this time. She holds Siwon’s hand.

“Uncle, please. It’s my wedding, you cannot frown today.” Siwon looks at her pout and sighs.

“I am sorry Jongdae.” He glares at Baekhyun one more time. “You better brings him to me soon, Girl”

Baekhyun hides behind Jongdae and Heechul laugh, slapping Siwon lightly.

“Let her be, Siwon. Jongdae’s already married, it’s time for Baekhyun to find her match too.”


Heechul waves her arm in front of him. “Shhh. You should me up now. We are not invited to this party.” Heechul circles her hand around Siwon’s arm and looks at the kids, especially Baekhyun. “If something breaks, I’ll know where to find you.”

“What are you talking about, Auntie? It’s all under control. Beside Kris is here.” She point at the said GM who’s busy glaring at the DJ.

Heechul nods, trusting that Kris will handle everything well. “Play save, children. Good night.”

Heechul walks away with Siwon and this time Baekhyun look at the couple.

“Now it’s party time.”


Baekhyun really goes all out about the party, in no time the hotel’s ballroom turns into a club, people dancing here and there and drinks being poured. Jongdae finds herself in the middle of people, also dancing with her new groom. She laughs and jumps even in her wedding dress and Sehun lots of times has to steady her, preventing her from falling.

“Jongdae!” Baekhyun calls, Jongdae looks at her and stops. Baekhyun waves her hand, signaling her to get closer. Jongdae grabs Sehun’s arm and walks to her.

“What’s up” There is a man standing close to Baekhyun and Jongdae’s pretty sure this is where Baekhyun will finally introduce her boyfriend.

“This is Chanyeol.” She points at him, face a little bit red when Chanyeol hooks his long arm around her shoulder. He offers his hand to Jongdae.

“Hi, I’ve heard so much about you. I am Chanyeol”

“Likewise, thank you for coming, Chanyeol” Jongdae grins. She then points at Sehun. “This is Sehun.”

Chanyeol happily takes his hand too and honest to god, his smile creeps Sehun out a little.

“Ah, this is the infamous Oh Sehun, pleased to meet you. I hope you guys the happiness in the world.” He gestures with his hand, attracting few people to look.

“Chanyeol, stop it. You are embarrassing me.” Baekhyun pushes him and Jongdae laughs. She likes this guy.

“Well, what is this? Byun Baekhyun being shy.”

The four of them finds Kyungsoo and Jongin staring at them. Kyungsoo is grinning evilly and Baekhyun wants to shove her off.

“Shut up, Kyung”

“Don’t say that to my wife, Baekhyun. She is cute….” Jongin defends his wife, making the girls roll her eyes. Sehun looks at his best friend and snorts.

“What are you laughing at, married man?”

Sehun shakes his head at Jongin and Jongin curses him.

“Don’t curse on the groom, Jongin. Let him be, it’s his wedding. Now, where were we?” Kyungsoo looks back to Baekhyun and Chanyeol. She offers her hand to Chanyeol.

“I trust it we haven’t met before. Hi, I am Kyungoo, sadly Baekhyun and Jongdae’s best friend.”

Chanyeol takes her hand, smiling so bright making Kyungsoo wants to cover her eyes.

“Yeah, I know you. I am Chanyeol. Baekhyun told me you always look so angry, but you actually look nice.”

Kyungsoo glares at Baekhyun and Jongdae snickers.

“And who are you Chanyeol? Baekhyun’s friend?” Kyungsoo lures and Chanyeol takes the bait before Baekhyun can stop him.

“I am Baek’s boyfriend. We’ve seen each other for 3 months.”

“Shut up, Yeol!”

“Boyfriend, then have you meet her Dad?”

Baekhyun this time shoves Chanyeol off before answering. “You should shut up too, Kyung or I’ll step on your feet with my sharp stilettos.”

Before Kyungsoo and Baekhyun start choking each other, Jongdae claps their shoulder.

“Now ladies, as much as I enjoy your silly fights, I don’t want to see one now. This is my wedding, remember.” She glares and it’s effective.

“Right, because it’s your wedding day, you will be the main of it. Kyungsoo and I prepare something for you.”

As fast as the wind blows, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo are laughing with each other. They then walk toward the DJ holding hands like they won’t choke each other to death few seconds ago. Jongdae eyes them warily. Baekhyun whispers at the DJ and suddenly the music changes. The romantic song plays.

“Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the main for tonight, the newly married couple, Mr. and Mrs Oh”

Kyungsoo announces and everybody claps, making a space in the middle and they start chanting ‘dance dance dance’ at Jongdae and Sehun. Jongdae sighs for the nth times that day because her feet are already sore. But then a hand appears in front of her. She looks up at Sehun.

“Come on, your friends are all staring”

“My feet are sore and I am tired.”

“One more dance to entertain them and we’ll go up”

With that Jongdae blushes. The meaning behind those words makes her can’t look at Sehun’s face. It’s been bugging her mind for a while and Baekhyun and Kyungsoo keep on teasing her about that. The highly anticipated wedding night. She shakes her head and decides to forget about it for the time being and choose to focus on not stepping on Sehun’s foot with her super high heels.

“Are your friends always that weird?”

Jongdae looks up at him and shrugs her shoulder.

“They secretly love each other, let them be.”

Sehun nods. “Hey, there’s something bugging my mind since earlier.” Jongdae looks up again. “Are your Mom and Siwon together?”

Jongdae almost spits on his face for trying to control her laugh. “No, they are not. Don’t be silly.”

“Why? They look so close.” Jongdae relaxes on Sehun’s embrace.

“They are not together. I know they look good together but they are not.”


Jongdae nods. “I realize this lately, they are close and Uncle seems to care deeply for my Mom. If one day they decide to change their friendship, Baekhyun and I won’t mind that much. He’s already like a father to me.”

Jongdae explains and Sehun nods. It fascinates him seeing Jongdae’s family interact with each other. They look genuinely happy and it makes Sehun a little bit jealous. Jongdae’s family is not perfect, she lose her Dad, but still her family looks far happier than Sehun’s ever be.

“Hey, what are you thinking?” Sehun stares at Jongdae’s questioning eyes and shakes his head.

“Nothing.” He looks around the room and finds Kris, the GM glaring at him. “Why is your GM glaring at me?”

He feels offended by that because they don’t know each other but this man is openly glaring at him. Jongdae looks back and she even waves at Kris.

“He’s always glaring, don’t worry too much. What you should be worried of is working with him. He’s got iron fist.” She whispers the last sentence and laughs.

Sehun looks back at the said GM and he’s still glaring. If he’s looking at it right, there are two reasons why he is watching him so closely like that. One he has feelings for Jongdae and this marriage has made Sehun becomes his number one enemy or two, he knows something, everything.

Sehun is thinking which one it is when he saw Zitao getting closer to the said man. He chuckles and Jongdae looks up.


“It’s nothing.”

He waves it off carelessly and Zitao seems to try her luck with Kris, looking at the flirty gestures and Kris’ annoyed look. Jongdae finally catches what he’s looking and laughs too.

“You should tell your friend to be careful with Kris. He is married.”

“Really?” Sehun spins Jongdae once.

“Married to his work” Jongdae said breathlessly when she’s back in his embrace.

“You are underestimating Zitao, then.”

“You are underestimating Kris. He is known for rejecting everybody.”

“Including you?” Sehun said on her ears and Jongdae slaps him, not answering. “You are not answering, is that a yes?”

They both stop dancing and Jongdae’s face is red.

“He is not my type, so that’s a no. Stop being so curious.”

“What’s your type then?”

Sehun chuckles lightly and that’s when they hear a single voice.

“Kiss kiss kiss”

“Oh god, is that Baekhyun’s voice I heard?”

The single voice immediately turns louder and it seems everybody stops dancing and anticipates the new couple to kiss. Jongdae wants to hide her face but Sehun catches her.

“Should we humor them a little more, my wife?”

Before Jongdae can even retort back Sehun’s lips are already on hers. It’s different from the kisses they had, not that Jongdae’s counting of course. Sehun nibbles on her lower lips first, making her gasp and opens , inviting him in. Sehun moves impossibly close to her, guiding her hands to his neck. With Sehun’s lips covering hers, coaxing her to kiss back Jongdae feels nothing and everything at the same time. Her heart beats faster and her stomach feels tight. Sehun bites on her lower lip and Jongdae doesn’t know where that moan coming from. Sehun lets go of her lips and that’s when she realizes she’s closed her eyes. Sehun chuckles and she opens her eyes, blinking rapidly. The sound of people cat calling them is drowning for what matter is Sehun’s grinning at her.

“You look like you never had someone kissing you like that.”

Jongdae keeps silent, her hands still on Sehun’s neck. Jongdae keeps her silence and Sehun stops laughing. This time a smirk on his face.

“That’s the first time for you?”

Jongdae doesn’t want Sehun to find out so she hit his shoulder hard.

“Shut up, I’ve had better. Now let go of me, ert!”

“Now, people” Jongdae and Sehun look at the source of the voice, finding Baekhyun smiling wide. “It seems like the newlyweds can’t wait to be alone. Don’t you think it’s time for us to them to their honeymoon suite?”

Jongdae is ready to strangle her best friend but the cheers are so loud and the need to hide is more important now.

“Oh my god, I am going to kill Baekhyun!” She said, not thinking and just hides her face on Sehun’s chest.

Baekhyun and Kyungsoo come to them and practically push and drag them to the elevator, Jongdae’s other friends cheering behind them. It’s such an embarrassing scene where the hotels attendants too look at them and Jongdae wants to die. With the effort of lots of people pushing them, Jongdae find herself inside an elevator with Sehun, going up to their honeymoon suite.


When they got to their suite Jongdae is sure Sehun can hear her thundering heart beat. They stand awkwardly next to each other seeing the bed full of roses and champagne served for them. There’s also candles lit everywhere in the room and Jongdae kind of has a feeling that their hotel doesn’t really prepare all of these things. She pictures Baekhyun and Kyungsoo’s grinning face and curses.

Sehun looks at her with a blank stare. “I’ll shower first and can you please remove all of those roses and those candles? I don’t want to be burned while asleep.”

He walks to the bathroom even before Jongdae can talk back to him and slams the door shut. He washes his face and stares at the mirror. There’s this weird exciting feeling on his chest, thinking back to what he’s supposed to do tonight and he laughs, touching his heart. It’s beating loudly and if Jongin or Zitao finds out thy might laugh at him for acting like a nervous .


It makes him think back to Jongdae. From the way she acts, Sehun kind of know that she’s the actual and he can’t say that he’s not excited for it. He smiles, moving around to shower fast, who knows what might happen.


Jongdae blows the last candle and looks at the bed. She grabs a handful of the rose, smelling it and put them into a plastic bag she found earlier.

“Clean the bed he said.” She scoffs, glaring at the closed bathroom door. “It shouldn’t surprise me anymore about how rude he is.”

After cleaning the bed she falls face flat on it, smiling contently from the lingering smell of the flowers.

“Ah…. it feels nice to sleep.”

She turns to her back and brings her hand up. She looks at the ring on her finger and giggles. She is busy giggling and inspecting her new ring when the bathroom door’s opened with Sehun only clad with a towel on his waist.

“What are you laughing at?”

Jongdae sits back and looks back at him and shrieks, closing her eyes.

“Oh my god! What are you trying to do, you ert!”

Sehun ignores her to get to the closet, looking for clothes.

“I forgot to take my clothes before showering. Don’t be so weird.”


Jongdae screams once again and before Sehun can do anything she runs to the bathroom, locking it, just in case. Jongdae leans on the door, trying to calm her heart and scoffs. She should have known that rude guy will try to take advantage of her. She is pacing around the bathroom, not knowing what to do. Should she come out? No, Sehun is out there waiting for a chance. Should she just stay in the bathroom? That sounds like the best choice now, but first she needs to take a shower and maybe after that she can think another way out.

She looks around and realizes that she left her clothes outside.

“.” She bangs her head on the door. “I am so stupid!”

“Are you okay in there?”

Jongdae backs away from the door, startled by Sehun’s voice. She grips a bottle of shampoo, who knows Sehun would try to break the door.

“Jongdae?” Sehun calls again, this time he also knocks.

Jongdae clears . “Y- yeah, I’m fine.”

“Okay then, by the way, your phones keep on ringing, you want me to pick it up?”


There is silence for a moment and Jongdae waits for Sehun to speak again.

“Alright, I’ll just let it be.”

Jongdae springs up and maybe if she has her phone she can get out of this situation.


She can hear him sighing from behind the door. “Can you just bring the phone to me?”

She slowly opens the door, peeking at Sehun who’s sitting on the bed, holding her phone clad in a wife beater and a boxer. She tries not to look at him directly. Sehun looks at her flushing face and walks to her.


“What now?” Sehun frowns.

“Can you bring me that bag over there?” Jongdae points at the black bag on the bed. Sehun eyes it and then back to Jongdae.

“What’s in it? Your tools to murder me?” He sourly asked but he moves to pick it up to the still red Jongdae.

“Don’t- don’t talk nonsense. It’s only my clothes.”

Sehun hands both her phone and bag and stands there in front of the door, staring at Jongdae while the said girl tries to avoid his staring.

“What are you looking at?” Jongdae asked, she wants to slam the door at him but he looks like he has things he wants to say.

“Don’t you need help with your dress?”

“What?” Jongdae seems to not understand what he says but then Sehun moves his hand up and down as if opening a zipper. Jongdae flushes.

“Oh my god, can you just stop being a ert for a minute?” Jongdae slams back the door and Sehun chuckles to himself. He has to admit his new wife is really cute but it seems like Jongdae is forgetting that they are married already and that means Sehun can be ert whenever he likes to her.

Jongdae huffs, sitting on the toilet with only her underwear, phone to her ear.


Jongdae sighs in relief hearing Baekhyun’s voice. “Baekhyun, Unnie! You need to help me!”

“Jongdae what happen? Why are you calling me? Aren’t you supposed to be with Sehun now?”

Jongdae practically can hear the teasing coming out of the elder’s mouth.

“That’s exactly why I call, you need to help me get out of here. Sehun’s trying to take advantage of me.”

There is a silence from the other line and Jongdae’s afraid that Baekhyun fall asleep on her.

“Baekhyun? Unnie?” Jongdae rarely address the elder like that but she is desperate and probably by being nice to her, Baekhyun will be kind enough to help her.

“Jongdae are you serious?”

“Yes! Oh god, I am so scared.”


“I can see it in his eyes, he wants to do things to me-“


“Please, you need to-“

“Shut up Jongdae!”

Jongdae stops rambling, she is quite confused why Baekhyun actually sounds angry.

“Are you calm now?”

Jongdae nods and then realize Baekhyun can’t see her.

“Yeah, why are you sounding mad? Am I disturbing you? Oh my god, are you with Chanyeol now?”

Ther are rustling from the other side and Jongdae anxiously wait and then Kyungsoo’s voice fill the receiver.

“Are you really that stupid, Jongdae?”

“Kyungsoo? Why are you with Baekhyun?”

“Baek’s Dad came earlier and he made sure Chanyeol is far away from Baekhyun, so I must sacrifice my night with Jongin to protect Baekhyun from the monster.”

Jongdae hears Baekhyun’s protesting voice beside Kyungsoo.

“But that’s not the point. Why are you freaking out, Jongdae?”

Jongdae backs to being restless, trying to rely her story to Kyungsoo, but before she can say a word, Kyungsoo beats her.

“Don’t tell me you are freaking out because of Sehun because you are not supposed to, okay maybe a little but he is your husband now, for god sake.”

Jongdae is quite and grips her phone closer to her ear. It seems like she is just waking up from a bad dream and get drench with another bad reality. Sehun is her husband now.


“Are you having a shock because you just realize that now?”


“Jongdae? Don’t pass out. It’s okay, you are just having another jitters. It’s your wedding night, so it’s fine. Just trust him.”

Jongdae doesn’t know what to say to that because her heartbeat suddenly picks up and she gulps. Tonight is her wedding night and like Baekhyun said, she is supposed to be with Sehun now. She wants to throw up.

It looks like that she’s on speaker that she can hear Baekhyun’s voice mixing with Kyungsoo, sounding worried.

“Jongdae, are you okay? Do your breathing exercise and calm down.”

Baekhyun just like earlier guides her again to her breathing exercise and Jongdae follows her instruction. Inhale and exhale.

“I am so scared….”

This time Jongdae’s voice sounds low and she seems like she is going to cry.

“What are you scared of now? You are Kim Jongdae, nothing scares you.”

“But I am so scared, my heart feels like it’s going to burst. I don’t know what to do.”

“Just calm down, okay. You will be fine, it’s just , Jongdae.” Kyungsoo’s voice actually sounds annoyed and taunting at the same time. “You will enjoy it.”

“Oh my god, Kyungsoo…”

Jongdae pulls her feet to her chest, holding her head with her other hand.

“Oh, don’t be a baby, Dae. Trust me, once you try it, you won’t be able to stop. You will love it and it can be a nice start to build to marriage life.”

This time Kyungsoo’s voice is full of teasing and Jongdae can also hear Baekhyun’s laugh.

“But Soo…”

“No buts now, go to your husband’s embrace.”

“And don’t forget to wear the lingerie we bought for you. It’s expensive, so you better wear it!”

“No, you guys don’t get it!”

Jongdae stands up and touches her stomach to calm herself.

“We perfectly get it, Dae. You are just nervous, but don’t worry, just like I said let Sehun handle everything.”

Kyungsoo finishes with a giggle and Jongdae ends the call. She can’t let her friends make fun of her any longer. She pouts and sits on the floor, hugging her chest.

“What should I do, now?”

She rubs her temple and pouts. She remember her mom and the contract she signed with Sehun, she sniffs.

She’s gotten this far and she won’t be the reason to ruin the deal, she won’t be the reason to ruin Grand H, so she picks herself and gets into the shower.

She can do this.


Jongdae heaves a deep breath before opening the bathroom door and walks out cautiously. It’s quite and she moves slowly to the bed, seeing Sehun’s back. Her heart is drumming inside her rib cage and looks at his side just to find Sehun, eyes closed, sleeping.

She stops in front of him a while, playing with her pyjama’s sleeve. Sehun is already asleep and she sighs, feeling both troubled and relieved.

She moves to the other side and climbs to the bed slowly to not disturbing Sehun.  She puts a pillow between Sehun and her and then lay down, staring at the ceiling, feeling her heatbeat still races.

“Why are you beating so hard? It’s embarrassing.” She murmurs, touching her chest. She peeks at Sehun for a while and sighs one last time beore turning to her side.

“I guess I owe Baekhyun and Kyungsoo a new bag for their wedding gift.”

With her heart steadily calming down, she lulls herself to sleep, not paying attention to the movements beside her.

Sehun opens his eyes and looks at Jongdae’s back. He touches her chest and feels his heart beats loudly in his ears. He chuckles and moves a bit to stare at her back.

“It’s so unfair for you to do this to me. You make my heart beats drumming in my ears and you smile at me, hold my hands carelessly but here you are, scared of what to come tonight. You as a wife.”

Sehun moves his hand to her hair, it slowly and retreats his hand back.

“Right, I am letting you pass tonight, wife. I’ll make sure to catch you next time and see that wedding gift your friends gave you.”

He smiles lightly and closes his eyes, for the first time in a long time, he finds himself asleep peacefully.


I finally update, yay! I am quite busy with college lately, so I can't really update. But then I saw bunch of people have subscribed to my stories and I was like woah~where are all you people coming from?keke...

So I decide an update is in order, while some subscribe to my other stories, I decide to update this one because I actually already finishes writing the next chapter so yeah, just hope I am not lazy to update the other two as

So, please enjoy the update andtell me how you feel while I laugh my out of exo new teaser (I don't know why I found the teasers really funny, especially Tao's) and mourning over Shindong and Sungmin's enlistment and also fangirling over Eunhae's album and M&D. *sighs* things I do on my spare time...




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I miss this story
When will u update this?? (T_T)
I'm miss this story update. When will u update a new chap?
victoriamis #3
Chapter 8: Update!!!! I want sehun to do ert things to dae! Hahhaha
Chapter 8: So cute and Jongdae nearly fainting. Can't wait for Sehun to swipe her off her feet and ravish her ^^
Chapter 8: They seriously the cutest ohmygod let me just squish their cheeks please
dolcepepe #6
Chapter 8: OMG!!!!!
they're so cute
vixx_fanfan #7
Chapter 8: update soon