Morning After

Morning After

Your head ached with the subtle yet constant gnawing pain of lost memories and too many shots of vodka and--who knows what else? Yesterday, you'd gotten into a fight with your parents about school, the day before you'd also gotten into an argument with your best friend, Park Chanyeol. Not knowing what to feel or how to sort your thoughts, you drank... and drank... and drank.


"I really can't believe they'd say that," Your words slurred, the unpleasant smell of alcohol lingered in your breath. "I work so hard, all the time, I never stop." You slammed your fists on Chanyeol's counter. "Seriously, really, really, I just," then pounding your fists against your head, tears sat at your waterline. Chanyeol stood beside you, glaring at you, concerned. You let out a sharp gasp before sobbing and whining loudly. Chanyeol didn't react, he just observed sadly. 

"You're really drunk," Chanyeol finally muttered.

"Yah, Park Chanyeol-ah," You then turned to face him with your classic pouty face. "You don't think I know that I'm a mess?" You cried as you poured your nth shot of... whatever you had in front of you.

"Y/n, why are you drinking?" Chanyeol said kindly as he stopped you from pouring yourself any more.

You paused at his question, why were you drinking? "Hahaha," you lowered your head, then raised it in hysterical laughter. "HAHAHAHAHA," 

Chanyeol winced from shock at your abrupt reaction, "What's so funny?"

"Yeo--yeol-ah, I--" You stuttered, for different reasons. Not knowing what words were about to come out of your mouth, being drunk, being nervous. "We got into an argument the other day and I--I'm so sorry for the things I said to you. I never meant any of them--Chanyeol, I..."

"You..." He said in anticipation.

"I love you,"

He sighed cooly, "Of course you love me, we're best friends. I'd be sad if you didn't love me." He shrugged nonchalantly, then poured himself one.

You were bright red, but neither of you could tell whether it was because you were flustered or just really drunk. "No, that's not what I--"

Chanyeol stopped you right there, cupping half your face with one of his hands. Your heart skipped a beat the second you felt his warm touch on your face. "Are you sure you want to say this to me?" His slightly red face showed signs of worry.

You did not hesitate to continue; almost as if you'd just completely ignored his question. "I love love you, I love you more than anything in the world."

He then brought up his free hand to cup your face with both, and said to you "Oh, y/n.. baby," He stared at you with lust, "You're so cute," Then he put his hands down and exhaled loudly. "You're so cute, and I love you too, but you have no idea what you're doing right now." He then trailed his eyes to your innocent look and continued. "I'll wait for you to say again, sober, to say it back properly."


Waking up at what seemed to be the crack of dawn, you stretched as you usually would right after waking up in the morning; noticing you were not in your own bed.

"Ow," a raspy, low voice said in the midst of subtle morning darkness. As you were stretching, your arm hit what seemed to be another person's arm.

"What the hell?" You said, with an also weak and raspy voice. You frantically rubbed the limbs of the person by your side, thoughtlessly trying to verify if their presence was real and you weren't imagining things. "Please don't tell me I slept with someone last night." You thought to yourself.

"Can you relax? It's just me,"

By then, you could identify the voice. Park Chanyeol, your best friend. You cringed as your so many unspeakable thoughts danced inside of your hungover head. "Did we," You paused, "sleep together?" You said; burying your face in one of his pillows, frowning.

Chanyeol laughed hysterically--well, as hysterical as a person could at the crack of dawn. "Just who do you think I am?" He finally caught his breath, "You passed out before I could try anything." He joked happily.

"How can I ever thank you for taking care of my drunk ?" You giggled, then lifted you face from his pillow to face him. He turned your way as well and propped himself up on his elbow. He smiled for a few seconds, then realized something. 

"Y/n, do you remember anything from last night?" Chanyeol said hesitantly, and anxiously, slightly frowning.

"I remember having too much to drink."

"That right?" He smirked a little, then returned to frowning.

"That's right," You said, yawning cutely.

"Seriously," His face hadn't changed, in this moment, the morning sun had seeped through the elegant fabric of his draped and shone upon his face; revealing a perfect face. Perfect complexion, sparkling eyes, and incredibly beautifully unique elf-like ears. Usually your best friend was not so concerned over what you remembered and or didn't. What had changed?

"Seriously, I remember nothing." You shrugged awkwardly in your position.

He sighed, "Okay, come here." He commandly softly. You obeyed, moved over to his side and laid somewhat underneath him. You exhaled loudly and nervously. "Y/n, last night you..."

"Yeah?" You interrupted.

He hesitated, looking unsure and wavering. "Last night you told me you love me." He finally came out with it.

Your heart stopped, but you didn't want him to notice this so you covered with "I do love you, you're my best friend." And right then and there your heart started again, and began to beat erratically. Your breathing became heavy with anxiety and remorse, it was noticeable.

"Well, you actually said you meant it in a different way."

You gave up, it was no use hiding from the one who knew you best. "... I'm sorry," you squeaked, subconsciously squinting your eyes from nervousness, your already-weak hands trembled.

He laughed then moved his hand to your head and pulled you even closer to him, burying your face in his chest, hugging you oh-so tightly. "Don't be sorry," He smiled, "I love you too."

After finding relief in his genuine words, you also refound concern, "This doesn't change things does it?" You said shyly, worried.

Chanyeol leaned down and placed a loving kiss on your head and laughed with his mouth closed. "Maybe a little,"

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Chapter 1: Awwww so sweet.
ch-channie !!!! /kiss the monitor screen/ <3 mwah !!