Delicious Date

Delicious Date

Sharing a dessert with Taehyung:

Cheerful chatter, clinks of silverware, and the scent of countless delicious ingredients bombarded your senses. The restaurant was beautiful. White walls with delicate gold trim, foliage, everything you could possibly imagine to make your evening even more splendid. You could hear your name; you were being beckoned by a deep, grainy voice. It was one you had heard plenty of times and yearned to hear all the time. Your eyes made their way to the handsome man across from you. He wore a crisp suit delicately adorned with a tie. As your eyes locked, you felt out of breath. Every time he looked at you, you felt like you had just run a mile or two. He smiled at you, a smile that went all the way to his eyes.

"What are you looking at, jagiya~?" He asked curiously at your distracted gaze.

"Everything is so beautiful! How did you get us reservations here, Tae?" You both sat in one of the most prestigious restaurants in the city. It was nearly impossible to reserve a table, especially on such a busy night. Taehyung simply winked at you in response.

A waiter delivered your dessert to the table. A chocolate caramel lava cake sat directly in front of you, begging to be eaten. Taehyung always, always ordered dessert first. As many times as you tried to understand this funny quirk, he’d just explain, “I won’t have room for it later.”. 

Taehyung looked as though he was nearly salivating over the delicious looking cake. You giggle as he quickly his lips and picked up his silverware. You expected him to shove half the cake in his face just in the first bite. At home when you would make him any sort of food, it would be obliterated in mere seconds. What you didn’t expect was for the fork to be waiting patiently at the entrance of your own mouth.

Tae often surprised you with the small acts of kindness he did. He was always quite spontaneous. You took the bite of delicious looking cake off his fork as he fed it to you. You lightly smiled as he watched you enjoy the sweet, chocolaty bite. The cake was absolutely phenomenal. You felt as if your taste buds could do back flicks to express how delicious just that one bite was. 

You tore the fork from Taehyung’s grasp and dished a large amount onto it. Holding the silverware for him, he smiled widely before taking a great big bite. 

With a beautiful atmosphere surrounding the both of you, smiles and laughter continued long into the evening. The both of you would most definitely have to do this again. :)

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