Part 21

It's Just Insurance
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Author's Note: Early update today for I must now go study for a big history test. Bye Bye~

     “Are you serious?” Jin-A asked as she held out her hand and took the phone. “But it’s only been three weeks!”

     Donghae smiled as he handed his daughter her phone. “You have been really good lately so I letting you off early on good behavior.” Every word of it was true, the girl’s behavior had improved in the three weeks. She was helping to clean the house, getting her schoolwork done on time, and Jin-A even managed to keep her sneaky moods to a new lower level.

     “Hyukjae, he isn’t joking is he?” the girl asked still questioning her father’s motives.

     “He’s not joking,” Hyukjae replied as he stood up from his seat on the couch. “But we could always take it back if you want us too.”

     “No, I’ll keep it.” Jin-A said before giving Hyukjae a hug. She moved over to Donghae before doing the same. “So why are you two dressed all fancy tonight?”

     “Dinner party.” Hyukjae said. “I have to attend them for work on occasion and this time I got to bring your father with me.”

     “I’m so excited, let me tell you…” Donghae let his voice trail off. Hyukjae faked a pout causing Donghae to reword himself. “Hyukjae, you know I’ve never really like going to parties.”

     “I know, but this time you are going to be a party as my husband which is completely different.” Hyukjae walked up behind Donghae and wrapped his arms around him.

     “Ew, PDA…” Jin-A said as she covered her eyes jokingly. “You two should go get a room.”

     “We do have a room.” Hyukjae teased as he stuck out his tongue. “And we use it quite often.”

     “Lee Hyukjae!” Donghae shouted before wiggling out of the others hold. “Keep your mouth shut! She doesn’t need to hear about that stuff and I don’t want you talking to people about it!”

     Jin-A just watched her father’s argue as she laughed. “I hate to ruin your fun,” she said cutting in, “but since you two are going out tonight does that mean Hyoyeon is coming over to stay with me?”

     “Oh you mean to babysit you?” Hyukjae asked.

     “No…” the girl said in an annoyed tone. “I am old enough not to need a babysitter, but I just need someone to watch me in case anything happens.”

     “Ah so that’s what you call it.” Hyukjae teased again as he walked over and messed up the girl’s hair. “Well the answer to your question is no. Hyoyeon has to work tonight so she can’t come over to look after you.”

     Jin-A rolled her eyes. “Then who is it?”

     Suddenly a knock came from the front door. “That must be them now.” Donghae said as he walked over to the door and opened it.

     “It better not be someone lame.” Jin-A said as he started walking towards the door to see who would be watching her tonight.

     “I know I like to play games a lot but that doesn’t mean I’m lame.” A voice sounded as someone walked through the doorway.

     “Kyuhyun!” Jin-A cheered happily as she made her way over to give the other a hug.

     “I missed you girly.” Kyuhyun replied as he walked over and hugged the girl back. “It’s been a while. Out of the wheelchair I see.”

     “Yup! Back to my crutches now; luckily I am faster at walking in these than I am moving in the chair.” Jin-A explained as she lead Kyuhyun into the living room. “What are we going to do?” the girl asked happily. “Please tell me it is going to be playing videogames. I bet I can still kick your even after three weeks.”

     Kyuhyun held up the games he had brought with him. “Only the best, and you only win because I let you win.”

     “We are leaving now, okay?” Donghae said as he put on his coat and made his way to the door with Hyukjae. “Remember no staying up past ten and-“

     “No parties, drinking, smoking, or anything normal people find fun really.” Kyuhyun replied as he turned around and smiled. “I know the rules guys, we’ll be fine. Go have fun at your party.”


          ~                  ~                  ~


     “What the is this?” Donghae said as they got out of Hyukjae’s car and stood in front of the house the party was being hosted at.

     “This is the house of the Vice President of the Finance department’s house.” Hyukjae answered as he linked Donghae’s arm with his own and began walking up the sidewalk and towards the building.

     “You call this a house?” Donghae asked as the continued to walk closer to what looked more like a palace than anything else. “It looks more like some fancy house rich guy

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I know you all probably think I died but it is soon finals and I got occupied. Trying to write a good update! I'll aim for the end of the week I swear!


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161 streak #1
Chapter 35: 🥺🥺🥺
Chapter 13: Congrats on winning the bid!
Chapter 35: I love it. The story is so fluffy and light, thank you for writing this story author-nim 👍💙
Chapter 35: Ahhh so I didn't expect the plot twist in the end at all. Although I don't think it's possible but i'm happy that they don't have to be separated. This is a great story. The relationship dynamic is flowing nicely and makes me happy. Thank you for sharing such a nice story. I hope one day you'll come back here and read all the comments I left here ^^
Chapter 27: lol they are so stupid and cute. Seriously, they are so lucky to have Kyuhyun to run their errand while they were playing game just to see who is the top? come on hyuk, let donghae top you once in while. lol
Chapter 18: This is so fluffy and I really admire Jin-A for being so mature and accepted her condition. She even sensed that Hyukjae felt bad for her and assured him that she was fine. She is a nice girl.
Love the last part where they talked with each other. Their relationship is so precious.
Chapter 15: I legit thought that the gift was really going to be toy. Well... but ring is super sweet and lovely and it lead to Hyukjae's love confession.
When I started to read this ff, I was a bit scared that what if Hyukjae actually loves Donghae from the beginning but didn't tell him and he accepted Donghae's idea to get married because he secretly wanted it? I was worried he would be hurting himself in the process because the love was one side love. I'm thankful you made this fic into a fluffy type and Donghae seems to be the type that is easy going and goes with the flow. He accepted their love relationship easily. That's a good thing.
Chapter 13: Donghae and Hyukjae in office together is just so cute. I love how Hyukjae messed around donghae and 'disturbed' his husband. This is so cute and my heart is melting.
Hyukjae is very understanding and reliable. Now I feel so jealous of Donghae. I want someone like Hyukjae too. So lovely.
Chapter 11: hahaha the first part of this chapter is so funny. I thought Hyukjae was enjoying from Donghae. It's so funny when I found out it was only feet massage. hahaha
Then I like it when Hyukjae secretly jumping up and down while clapping. So cute like monkey. lol
Chapter 4: These 2 idiots seriously were thrown to jail on their first date? lol This story amused me and made me cackle. Love these 2 idiots couple. I really love how they acted like idiot but still show great care towards each other deeply. How sweet.