Part 2~


-The girls are watching the show their oppa is in, Win: Who is Next, when they notice something wrong with the performance… Jinwoo, Taehyun and Seungyoon had some mistakes, especially Jinwoo, who forgot all the lyrics. This upset Seulbi, who was bewitched by the short boy. They headed directly to the recording studio and Mino met them when it was over. He was accompanied by a very upset Taehyun.

Minhye –  Taehyun oppa! What happened?

 Taehyun – I don’t even want to talk about it…

Mino – It seems that Bobby went to their room yesterday night and they couldn’t practice.

-As Mino was explaining the culprit appeared.-

Bobby – Yo Taehyun how did it go?

-Taehyun just ignored him and turned his gaze away.-

Bobby – Oh are you sulking now?

Seulbi – Can’t you see he’s upset? Leave him alone. It was your fault anyway.

Bobby – My fault? I don’t why I’m to blame for a baby’s failure and lack of talent.

-Mino was just in time to stop Minhye’s fist from hitting Bobby’s face.-

Bobby – Oh oh~ Mino, you better tame her better. – He got closer to the girl’s face and held her chin with his index. – This gijibe seems a bit too feisty. – What no one was expecting was Seulbi’s punch that hit the guy’s jaw, leaving everyone in shock.-

Mino – S-S-Seulbi… Was that you just know?

Seulbi – No one insults my dongsaeng. Much less touching her without my permission.

-Bobby grabbed Seulbi’s collar and everyone got alerted. Mino softened his grip on his sister’s  elbow so it immediately had a spring effect and exploded the hurt guy’s lips, just causing him further pain. Everyone was shocked, mostly Taehyun that didn’t know the girls that long ago, much less their temper.-

Minhye – No one…  And I mean NO ONE messes with my eonni.

-Mino was about to shout Minhye’s name but someone did it for him.-

G-Dragon – MINHYE! What do you think you’re doing?

Mino – Uh, hyung, there’s a reason for this…

Taehyun – It was because of me Jiyong hyung!

Mino – Uh, Seulbi, Minhye, just go to your dorm for now. Please allow them hyung.  Bobby, you better not get close to them anymore. – His voice gained a tone of threat in the last part.-

Bobby – What?? Did you see what they did to me??

Seulbi – I think everyone here saw it. Oh, and you might want to apply some ice there… It might bruise. – She winks and goes on her way. While her dongsaeng follows her she walks slowly while singing “Why so Serioooous~”-

GD – So, might someone explain what happened here? – By this time the injured person had already gone to care for his wounds. – Why was there such violence?

-Mino explained the entire situation to GD, who understood and also got angry at Bobby. The younger hadn’t even debuted yet and was already acting like he owned the place, betraying the faith GD had put in him. He decided to pay a visit to the little peace wrecker later that day.



-Back in the dorm, the female duo received disappointing news.  An envoy from YGE came over to inform them that they would be suspended from activities with the company for a while.-

Minhye – Yah, you must be kidding. It wasn’t us who started it, we just defended ourselves!

Seulbi – I know, right… Doesn’t verbal abuse also count?

- Not long after that, while Minhye was practicing her singing in a room, Seulbi was practicing dancing in another. That is, until Bobby interrupted the older girl's practice. Seulbi just sighed.-

Bobby - What? Not happy to see me?

Seulbi - Humph.

Bobby - Oh, didn't you like the visit you got? Now you have more free time and less stress! All thanks to me. Aren't I awesome?

Seulbi - Well, one can have any kind of dreams. Even impossible ones.

Bobby - What? -He was getting annoyed that his plan wasn't working. He had planned to upset Seulbi so she would attack him again and be expelt. Same for Minhye.- Come on, stop denying it. I won't tell anything.

Seulbi - Mwo?

Bobby - Still pretending? Why don't you just admit that you like me? I can see it in your eyes… Also, it’s all over your face.

Seulbi -MWO????? -She was really getting upset but was trying to control herself to avoid expulsion from the company. Bobby kept getting closer to her, smiling like he owned the world, trapping her against the practice room's giant mirror. He abruptly placed his hand on the wall right next to the girl's face, which scared her. In fact, she was scared right now. There was just no way she could face up to a boy, much less one of his stature, who just kept getting closer and closer until she couldn't take it and raised her hand to slap him across the face. However, she couldn’t do it. She was so scared that she could hardly move, closing her eyes and waiting for anything that was to come.Nothing. Nothing except a familiar voice and painful groans. She opened her eyes to find Jinwoo, Mino oppa’s friend, holding Bobby's hands behind the latter's back.-

Jinwoo - And just what do you think you’re doing?

Bobby - Can't you see?

Jinwoo - Me? I can see a helpless girl being threatened by a much stronger guy than her. And that doesn't seem very fair to me.

Bobby - I don't know what you mean, little one. We were just having a conversation.

-Sounds of footsteps were heard approaching and Tablo's and Mithra Jin's voices were recognizable. Bobby used his last strength to break free and get out of the room as quickly as possible. As he exited, a little princess entered the room followed by her dad and band mate.

Mithra Jin - Hey, you're the new guys right?

Jinwoo - Neh! Team A Jinwoo imnida.

Seulbi - Uh... Uh! Jeong Seulbi imnida!

Tablo - Hello. This is my daughter, Haru. Haru say hi.

Haru - Oppa, Eonni, are you two boyfriend and girlfriend?

- The rookies blush and deny little Haru's question, trying to answer to any others she had to shoot at them.-

Mithra Jin - Oh yeah, didn't you have that duet song you wanted to try? Since Chanhyuk-ah and Suhyun-ah can't, why not ask them?

-Jinwoo looked curiously at them while Seulbi still tried answering Haru's questionnaire. -

Tablo - You're right! Hey guys, I know you're still rookies, but how about this? With no limit date, bring to life a duet I created? I know you must be busy, but I would like to see it growing.

Seulbi - I'm not... Exactly busy...

Tablo – Hm?

Seulbi – There’s a.. uhm… situationg right now… - She was obviously embarrassed about her suspension.-

Mithra Jin – Oh yeah… I heard about it… But it’s a special request from us. Don’t worry about it.

Seulbi - It would be an honor sunbaenim! But are you sure about choosing me?

Tablo - Why not? Also, it's "oppa". Don't make me feel old, jezz.

Seulbi - N-neh!

Mithra Jin - What about you Jinwoo-ah?

Jinwoo - Well, I don't know if I should accept it... -Haru pulled at his pants-

Haru - Pretty oppa... Please sing it for me. I don't mind if it's with weird eonni!

Jinwoo - Would the princess like me too?  –He kneeled in front of here. - Then the knight shall fulfill the princess’s wishes.

Tablo - It's settled then! Thank you so much guys. And don't worry about the show Jinwoo, just practice this duet whenever you have time, I'm not in a hurry.

Rookies - Neh! Thank you sunbaenim!

-Tablo looked at Seulbi. -

Seulbi - Ah! Oppa!

-He then looked at Jinwoo.-

Jinwoo - Uh... Hyung?

Tablo - Good. Now, I'll get the music sheets to you so keep an eye for it, ok? I hope next time we meet it will be working on this. Come on Haru.


-Everyone said their goodbyes leaving the rookies in the practice room. Jinwoo didn't seem to intend on leaving nor did he seem like a bad person so Seulbi locked the room's door, just in case any undesirable appearance would occur again.







I should revise this because we wrote it in a rush... We just wanted to get to the lovey-dovey parts kkk

And although we did prepare the plot before hand... I guess we're just not that much of a writer duo  ^^"

Maybe we'll revise and perfect this sometime later, if it ever gets someone who likes it *desperatly hping for someone to read it and like it*

So.. opinions ? Opinions are much appreciated and comments keep us happy *-------*

If you have any idea of what would be good for the plot, tell us too  *O*


Again: we have nothing agaisnt Bobby. We just needed a bad boy character  x___x

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