The Waitress (J-Hope)

Story Collection (BTS & GOT7)

(A/N: I wrote this for Valentine's Day then forgot about it forever but tbh if we can all picture ourselves on a date with our favorite idols then we can sure as hell picture it as valentine's day

anyWay enjoy)


Hoseok rubbed his stomach and slid off of his chair, balancing on the table. He reached over to take his girlfriend's hand and lift her off as well. She retracted her hand as soon as she stood, and immediately turned her back to Hoseok to exit the restaurant. 
"S-Solbi! Wait for me-" He sped up his walking pace to meet her at the door, when a feminine figure stood in front of him, lightly pressing his shoulder.
"Did you enjoy your dinner?" The waitress batted her eyelashes and flashed a charming, yet seemingly innocent smile. After seeing Hoseok nod and stepping around her to catch up with his girlfriend, she swiftly held onto his arm and spoke again. "And your little gift?" She referred to the free desert she had given him earlier on in the dinner. 

"It was great, thank you," he smiled and attempted to step around the persistant waitress, yet again. 

"You know," she began, twirling her long, dark hair around her finger. "I get off work in a few minutes, if you want, we could totally go out fo-"

"I have to go, uh- thanks for the service! Happy Valentine's Day!" He shouted, as he began to run out of the restaurant in an attempt to catch up with Solbi. 

As he made his way outside, he was met with the cool air of the night, and looked up to see a captivating full moon. As he finished admiring the stars in the sky, he lowered his gaze to see Solbi's retreating form growing farther and farther away. 

He jogged at a  decent pace, with the food in his stomach preventing him from moving as fast as he desired. He shoved through the crowds of people lingering about the sidewalk, until he caught up to the girl, holding onto her hand to keep from losing her. She twitched, then softened at the sight of her boyfriend's smiling face. 
"You walk really fast! I could hardly keep up," he laughed and gripped her hand tighter as she sped up her pace, leading them away from the crowds. When she finally slowed down her walking, Hoseok slung his arm around her shoulder. "Why were you going so fast? I'm out of breath-"

"You know what I want right now?"

"Hm? What is it, my honey bunch? I'll do anything for you tonight-"

"That woman to rot in jail," she spat.

"Huh? What woman?" Hoseok questioned, bringing his free hand to scratch his neck awkwardly. 

"That waitress. I want her in jail. Could you do that for me?"

He tilted his head quizically, "Why would you want that?"

"She was trying to steal from me."

His eyes widened and he removed his arm from her shoulder and wrapped it around her arm. "What did she try to steal?"

"You," she answered flatly. "She tried to steal you from me. I want her to be sentenced to a minimum of 500 years in prison."

Hoseok's expression lightened and he chuckled, wrapping his arm around Solbi's waist, lightly swinging her back and forth. "Baby, you scared me, I thought you were serious-"

"I am serious," she replied instantly. He tried to search her face for any trace of amusement, but all he found was stiffness in her expression.

"She couldn't steal me from you even if she tried," he smoothed Solbi's hair, his hand coming down to the side of her cheek, her skin with his thumb. "What gave you that idea in the first place?"

She turned away and continued walking. "Forget it... It's dumb."

"My sweetie pie, why are you upset?" He asked, holding her hand, yet again. 

"I just hate that woman. So childish..." she clicked her tongue in annoyance. "She has eyes, she could clearly see that we were on quite a lovely date, and she just had to intrude with her... with her... long hair, and her stupid eyelashes. She's a criminal. She saw you with me and she tried to keep you for herself. She tried to take away the person most important to me. That calls for a life sentence, if you ask me. Or even the death pentalty in some countries," she huffed and crossed her arms, looking down to her legs, which had stopped walking at some point during her tirade. 

Hoseok couldn't conceal his smile when he heard the angry words from his girlfriend. "My Solbi baby is jealous," he cooed, while nuzzling her cheek. 

She turned away. "No, I'm just... I... I just-"

She was cut off when he lifted up her face to meet his and smiled affectionately. "Happy Valentine's Day, Solbi."

She blinked, losing all her previous resistance at the sight of his loving gaze. She wanted to curse him for being so utterly adorable at all the right times, but all she could muster was, "Uh- yeah... Happy Valentine's Day."

Hoseok leaned in to meet his lips with her glossy, red ones. His heart skipped a beat when she almost instantly reciprocated the kiss, bringing her right hand to graze his neck, and her left one to clutch his coat. After a few moments, she gently pulled her head back down and smiled at her boyfriend's tinted red lips. She wiped them with her thumb, and Hoseok let out a light giggle. Solbi wrapped her arms around his neck, laying her head on his chest. "I can't believe we just did that in the middle of the street," she mumbled, tracing his torso lightly with her fingers.

He placed his hands on either side of her waist and pecked the top of her head. "There aren't many people left in the street, don't worry. Only a few people saw-"

"Hey!" She laid her palm flat on his arm and let out a breezy laugh. "That's embarassing. Let's just go home now-"

"So we can do even more?" He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

"Oh, ew. Gross, gross," she sped up, with Hoseok following behind her, a smile present on his face. "More like so we can devise a plan to get that waitress in jail A.S.A.P."

"I think we should let her go for now," he combed his fingers through her hair as they paced down the street. 

"Of course you do," she mumbled. "She was nice to you. What if it was a male waitor who did all that to me, huh?"

Hoseok puckered his lips, looking off into the distance, pondering for a moment. 

"I suppose we should press charges, after all."

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nmnmthyn #1
keep it up the good work!