Unnamed (Jaebum)

Story Collection (BTS & GOT7)

His eyes landed upon her face, surely for no more than a few seconds, but almost instantly he recognized her. Jaebum was hesistant to continue staring, afraid of causing a hold-up in the register line, but he could hardly control his gaze when she walked through the door. Though it had been years since he saw her last, his emotions welled up as they always had when he was a mere lovestruck boy in highschool.

Is that really her?

He stepped forward in line to pay for his things, attempting not to appear fazed by her presence. He placed all his items on the counter, and as the girl behind the register scanned them in a painstakingly slow fashion, he let his eyes wander back to the woman who had just entered, now browsing the narrow aisles, occasionally picking up a item and examining it. 

She looks exactly the same, he thought. He eyed her up and down, earning a few judgemental stares from the people behind him in line. 

Noticing this, he turned his head over his shoulder a bit and laughed nervously, making gestures with his hands to signal he wasn't a ert. 

As the woman made her way around the aisles and into the line, his concern for the strangers' impressions faded. His body stiffened as she stopped in line, fumbling with her bag, not yet noticing him. 
His eyes, yet again, fell upon her face, which was momentarily covered by her hair. She propped her bag up onto her knee as she rummaged through it, before pulling out what Jaebum assumed was her wallet.
She looked up, and just as her eyes connected with his, she immediately turned away. She appeared briefly stunned, and her gaze nervously shifted from side to side. She turned to put back the few items she had grabbed, mumbling half-hearted apologies to the people she bumped into, and exited the convenience store briskly. 

Jaebum flinched, almost instinctively, to go after her, but stopped after the lady behind the counter cleared deliberately. Instead, he just shifted his body toward the windows, his eyes swimming through the crowds of people lingering on the streets in search of her. It's been nearly three years since their last encounter, and she doesn't bother to speak so much as a simple greeting? She hardly spared him so much as a glance. 

He spotted her, as she was hastily moving further and further down the street, her nimble body had disappeared from his view almost instantly. He searched a moment longer, his eyes shifting around the numerous groups of people, from couples, to families, though to no avail. He let out a frustrated sigh and rubbed his left temple.

"It's definitely her!"

"... Sir, that will be $8.25."


my writing skills are sub par when its 6 am and i havent slept in 24 hours but its ok i'll fix this chapter 2morrow . or later today, i should say....
lol what tf should her name be?? should she even have a name
i thinkk she should have no name :) but that will make the entire thing 10x more confusing nvm lets call her something really short so i dont have to type a paragraph everytime imention her
omg lets name her PJ <3 no i think something like
Maybe Sam
ok someone think of a name im bad at this
IM gonna end up naming her something reallyl in weird just watch


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nmnmthyn #1
keep it up the good work!