
Coffee [JongTae One Shot]

Summary:Taemin is a college freshman in a cafe and the barista will stop at nothing to get his number.

Taemin walked into the cafe with his headphones in his ears as he walked in line. A man was in front of him in a suit but soon he moved revealing the barista. You know in movies when there's a hot barista behind the counter, this would be one of those moments. His jawline was freaking perfect and let's not start on how attractive his hair looked, with its blonde tips.

"What can I get you cutie." He said with a smile. He almost melted right there. He caught his breath but only for a moment.

"A vanilla iced latte." He tried to state for some reason proudly, tightening his grip on the sling of his bag.

"It's on the house." He flirted with a smirk, "If you give me that number of yours." He winked as he started making the coffee. The brown haired boy blushed at the remark but tried to act "cool", at least he thought he was, he's never been in a situation like this. "I don't even know you're name though." He replied

"Jonghyun." He stated, "And you?"

"Me what?"

"You're name."

Wow, nice going. "Uh.. Taemin." He said in an embarrassed voice. This was not acting 'cool'.

"Well Taemin, you and I are acquainted now and I'm offering you free coffee so I would say a number is in order." He said leaning on the counting moving closer to the college student.

Taemin bit his lip thinking over his next move with Jonghyun. And he decided as he leaned in closer to the barista with the random self confidence that bloomed in him. "I'll just take the coffee please." he said with the money now in his hand.

"Damn, turned down by a college freshman." Jonghyun said picking up the money.
"How did you know I was in college?" Taemin asked, sort of freaked out, he'd never seen this guy on campus before, or did he just look the type?

"I go to the same college, I'm a junior though. I can't believe you didn't recognize me."

Taemin kind of felt bad but more he felt stupid for not knowing, considering that he- or I guess now theygo to a small college with only about eight hundred people. "Oh, I'm sorry. Here let me make it to you okay?" He said

"And how do you plan on doing that, love?" Jonghyun replied leaning on the counter again.
"How about my number?" Taemin asked, it's not like he wasn't going to give it to him anyway.

"But you didn't recognize me, you know that hurts somebody's heart, you're gonna have to do better than that now."

"Like what?" The freshman said accidently outloud.

Jonghyun smirked at this, "A date I think would work, I'll take you to dinner after my shift."

The brown haired boy looked at the older boy, "okay" he said quickly.


"Now how about that number."




A/N: I hope you liked it guys n.n this is my first JongTae oneshot so pls tell me if you liked it or not 

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Chapter 1: Aw this was adorable! Keep writing fics! ^^;
Vima66 #2
Chapter 1: This literally made my day!! Love it!!~♡♡♡