
Letters and Direct Calls Relationship
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Reaching her room, the tears fell. She removed her dress, her shoes and she slumped to the bed, pouring years of emotions into one night. She remembered everything that happened to them, the fight, when he came back to surprise her, the holidays they spent together, the messages, the hugs, kisses and then the ultimate fight. Where she expected him to make it right, waited for him to straighten things out, losing faith, trying to forget, letting it go and moving on but above all of those, one thing stood out; she missed him, she missed the man she loved.

A knock on the door woke her up, it was 9am on her watch and she totally missed the breakfast buffet “You okay girlfriend? If you can hear me, my aunt wanted to meet up and wants to take me around Boston. Sorry to leave but I'll be back as soon as I can... Bye” Layla said and Chaerin closed her eyes and stayed in bed. Another knock was heard “I heard you the first time, Layla” she said, grabbing her robe on the way to the door. “It's Henry” he said, her hand on the knob
“I'm sick. Come back tomorrow”
“Are you okay? Do you have medicines?”
“I'm okay. Just go” she said
“Are you sure?”
“JUST GO, HENRY. I SAID I’M FINE” she shouted, marched to the bed and put on some music. She got the cheapest food in the pantry and ate, it's almost noon and she still haven't had anything.

A knock on the door was once again heard “Room Service” it shouted, she opened the door “Yes?”
“Someone left this for you, Miss Lee” he said and handed her a huge paper bag
“Thank you” she said and closing the door. There was food, medicine, her favourite sweets and a note "I know our last conversation didn't end well. I'm sorry. We really need to talk. Get well soon - Puffed Cheeks"

After devouring the food, she pulled out the Henry phone from her bag and gave it a charge, she has been using it for playing games and as a music player. She turned it on, turned airplane mode off and for the first time in years, she logged into all the SNS apps. The notifications flooded; messages, missed calls, voice messages and other stuff. She checked them out one by one, he has been leaving her voice messages that dated back to 3 years ago. He has messages asking how she is and how he misses her and then a new message came in. “Kitten. Hi. I don't know how to start this but sorry for what I did to you. I guess you got tired after waiting for two years, because when I told myself that this is the time, you weren't there to welcome me with open arms. I'm sorry for being a jerk, I just got jealous that you were having fun without me and that you were with Harvey even though he left you and he even has his arm around you which kinda threw me off” she read
“Harvey really was an that day. That jerk thinks he and I are still together. Ugh” Chaerin said to herself, recalling what happened
“I really am sorry, Kitten. I hope we can still talk and fix this and we can be just like before.” she continued reading and put down the phone. She run herself a bath and soaked in the tub after. She stared at the ceiling, thinking about what Henry said. “It's been a few years already and I mean he's still Henry… I hope. Plus we need closure. We need this.” she said to herself.

After getting out of the bathroom, she sent Henry a text saying "Ok. Talk it is. Meet me later at 7 at the hotel restaurant". She thought of every scenario that could happen tonight. 1. She goes into an emotional breakdown and sob; 2. She gets real angry, slaps Henry and leave him; 3. She won't show up and tell him that she's sick…. But that'll just leave him to go up to her room or 4. They make up, everything goes back to their normal best friend relationship. “I think I can do this. I have to do this.” she repeated to herself while prepping for her 7 pm dinner appointment. She wo

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SRSLY gonna miss this fic ;____;


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mimi_qitchi #1
Chapter 8: Can't wait to see the epilog