
Letters and Direct Calls Relationship
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Talking, it's what she needed the most right now. After that argument about Henry being too worried, she felt horrible; she couldn't stop thinking about what she said “arguing with my best friend”. She wanted him to say something else, she was expecting something to come out of that mouth of his but all she could hear was the tone of an ended call and silence. From that moment, she knew that she did something very wrong.

She tried her best to reach out, sending him messages, calling him over and over even though she knows that he'll never pick up. Still, she tried till she became tired; tired of him not answering, not reaching out and tired of waiting for him. She turned her attention to Harvey who's slowly creeping up in her heart, taking over the space that Henry had left for months. He made her heart flutter with the grand things, huge teddy bears, big flower bouquets, extravagant events and all the rage. She gave her heart to him, the part where Henry hasn't taken over. She loved Harvey, she gave it her best shot but he's the one who threw it all away. Harvey found a much better match, the one who loved his grand gestures and his public events; she understood that but what she didn't understand is why he didn’t close their chapter first before going on to the next one. Depression took over and she sought someone to talk to; Henry first but it seemed like he didn't care so she turned to Layla who helped her get back to reality.

When her phone rang, she noticed that it was an unknown number, she answered it anyway. “Hello?” 
“Chaerin? This is Auntie Faye, Henry's mom. I'm in town for a few weeks and I was wondering if we could meet up? Henry asked me to give you something.”
“Auntie! Yes, of course. My parents are away to visit a relative and it's just me at home ...”
“I see... I'll be over in a few minutes, is that okay?”
“Yes, see you, Auntie” she said and dropped the call. “Henry has something for me?” she said again. She got ready and cooked something in case her Auntie Faye gets hungry.

There was a knock on the door, she opened it and no one was there. Again, she answered but no one was there. Again, and the same thing happened. Just as she was about to sit down, there was another knock, “Seriously, would you st-” she said as she opened the door and was at a loss for words. She stared at him, trying to convince herself that it's not a dream. “Hi Kitten” he simply said and she burst into tears; she covered her face and just cried, her emotions filling her up. Arms wrapped around her trying to calm her down “Why are you crying?” he asked
“I can't believe you're here” she said, sobbing in between. The neighbors then started to snoop, their heads were out popping out doors and windows and were watching them.

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SRSLY gonna miss this fic ;____;


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mimi_qitchi #1
Chapter 8: Can't wait to see the epilog