

The café was quiet in the morning, only a few early birds were there for breakfast. Yunho was one of them. Sipping his every day dose of coffee, he flipped through files that he brought along.

Waitresses there stood in a group discussing about the handsome young man who always took the same table no matter when he came by.

Mile long legs, precise body proportions, soul capturing almond shaped eyes, perfect jaw line, heart shaped lips and the elegant aura he possessed had gain him numerous admires.   

A chime from the bell hanging on the corner of the door caught the waitresses’ attention. Yunho looked up and saw the person he was waiting for, a smiled came on his lips and the waitresses went back to their little chatter, pulling the new customer into their topic.

“Morning.” Yunho greeted cheerfully.

Without even bothering to reply Yunho, Yoochun extended his hands towards the older man with him palms opened up.


Yunho saw the anxiousness in Yoochun eyes and decided to for his own pleasure. With a deep tone that wasn’t his normal voice, he spoke to Yoochun in a whisper. “What would you give me in return?”

“Anything.” Yoochun replied with honesty.

Yunho leaned in closer until he was half way across the table. “Really?”

“What do you want?”

“A kiss. A long passionate kiss.” Yunho smirked, he closed his eyes and pouted his lips, he heard the shrieking of the waitresses that were observing them both like animals in a zoo, but he didn’t care, he knew Yoochun wouldn’t comply with his request.

“Fine.” Was Yoochun’s reply.

Yunho’s eyes opened up in lighting speed to see Yoochun leaning closer to lock his lips together with his own. He backed up just in time before Yoochun planted a kiss on him.

“Yah! I was just teasing!” Yunho shouted with his finger pointed across the table.

“I know. Do you think I would really kiss you? Now give me the information!”

Yunho shook his head in defeat; he still wasn’t Yoochun’s rival when it came to playing tricks. “Alright, you win.”

“INFORMATION!” Yoochun repeated, emphasizing the word he spoke for the fourth time.


Yunho passed all the files on the table to Yoochun which was received in lighting speed, “These are all the information about every Kim Junsu we narrowed out. About seven persons…all are in their twenties and quite good looking. Maybe the Kim Junsu you’re finding is one of them.”

“But I told you his name was Xiah when he worked in Rosen Host Club. Couldn’t you get a single person?”

Yoochun responded to Yunho but his eyes were still on the stack of files that he had in his hands, scanning the pictures first to see if any of them catches his eye.

Yunho finished his coffee before answering “No. The Rosen club you told me didn’t have Xiah’s real name in the employee record. He was employed under the name ‘Kim Xi Ah’.

“But doesn’t the company have to have some identifications to confirm that he IS ‘Kim Xi Ah’? ” Yoochun asked with curiosity.

“They should. But you know, the host club industry is not as ‘legal’ as they seem to be. When a ‘flower’ that could confirm the soaring of profit shows up for a job, they don’t ask questions. They just hire. ”

Yoochun had a grin on his face, his ‘Xiah’ was definitely a flower, a beautiful one indeed. “So does that mean these are all the Kim Junsu’s you could narrow down for me in Korea?”

“Yes. Are any of them your princess?”

“Nope. Not one.” Yoochun sounded disappointed. His face was crumbled up like a piece of paper trying to think of another way to find Xiah. “Couldn’t you find him with his picture that he submitted to the club?”

“He didn’t have any photos. Not even one. He was the jewel of Rosen, and was for the eyes of VVIPs only. I tried to dig up some from anyone that had taken a picture with him, but there was none.” Yunho explained. “He is a very mysterious person.”

“How about getting descriptions? Anything?” Yoochun was desperate, Yunho could see it.

“It’s not that easy Yoochun.” Yunho saw the frown on Yoochun’s forehead tighten again, and then a sigh. “But you know… according to one of my men, he found out that someone from Rosen spotted the ‘Xiah’ working in the same place near his area. But he couldn’t be positive that if it was him.”

It was as if Yoochun heard that he won a huge lottery that his eyes sparkled. A small speck of hope!


“Well… I asked them to investigate and yes, there was a Kim Junsu in that area, in his twenties, but….” Yunho paused, triggering Yoochun’s patience to explode.


“Well.. he isn’t quite the beauty that would catch your eyes. I don’t think he’s the one.” Yunho shook his head.

Yoochun didn’t care, he wanted the information and wasn’t ready to let go of the slightest chance of getting his treasure back. “Do you have to information with you?”

“As a matter of fact, yes.” Yunho pulled out a brown envelope from his briefcase and handed it over, “It will be a huge disappointment…” He whispered.

The younger didn’t seem to hear Yunho, he was only busy removing the papers and searching for the picture. His eyes nearly popped when he held the picture in his hands.

Yunho heard Yoochun gulp and assumed that he was shocked “told you it’ll be a big disappointment…How could he be the one you’re…”

“Found him.”

It was Yunho’s turn to get shock; nearly dropping his cup of coffee. “WHAT?”

Yunho snatched the picture rudely, and looked at the picture of a boy who wore thick framed glasses, hair covering half his face, wearing a shirt that were at least 2 sizes bigger and was buttoned up to his neck as if he was trying to choke himself…

There was no way that this person would have captured the eyes of Yoochun who always had a keen eye for beautiful things.

“Yoochun… are you sure it’s him?”


Yunho’s eyebrows were twisted weirdly and his head was overflowing with question marks. “But he’s… well.. dorky…”

“I know a diamond in a rough.” He smiled.

“Are you really sure?” Yunho emphasized.

“I’m telling you, I found him!” Yoochun’s repeated, his face had a silly smile hanging on it.


“Hyung! I found her!!” 12 year old Yoochun ran towards his older friend that was much more matured for his age.

14 year old Yunho closed his book of economics (too matured? = =) and turned his head to see Yoochun running towards him with his puppy in his hands.

“I found Harang!! I thought she was lost!” Yoochun’s eyes sparkled with joy. His cuteness made Yunho felt like pinching him on his chubby cheeks.


Yoochun looked exactly like that time he found his missing puppy that was lost for only 6 hours. The sudden memory made Yunho laugh like crazy.

“What?” Yoochun asked when he heard Yunho.

Yunho managed to stop his laughter “Aigoo~ You look so cute! ” Yunho extended his hands and squeezed Yoochun’s face between his palms.

Yoochun narrowed his eyes and hit Yunho on his arms rather harshly “Yah yah! I’m 29 now! Stop it.”

Yunho continued laughing as Yoochun concentrated on the photo. 

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Chapter 41: Just finished reading this fic, and I love it! Great work, Author-ssi. ^^ <3
Chapter 36: lol. Junsu's step mother didn't noticed Yoochun again like last time when Junsu was hospitalized xD
Chapter 31: omg yay! I'm so happy because YunJae reunite again! <3
Chapter 18: I'm glad that Junsu's step mother is kind. at least he doesn't have an evil step mother.
Chapter 11: new reader here! and I love this part xD ; “Fine. Let me introduce myself. I’m Park Yoochun, 29 years old, director of Park Corp and currently in love with you.” Yoochun beamed on his own bold declaration of love to him.

ㅋㅋ love this fic.
icecreamchoco #6
oh wow i read this fic on winglin. i miss this... thank you authornim for reposting this :)
Chapter 41: My yunjae feels really adorable yoosu fanfic even though not much yunjae ^^ good jop
ayazo13 #8
Chapter 41: so sad that already end, but I love it
ayazo13 #9
Chapter 34: thanks for keeping the story going, is so good
Chapter 34: Noooooo. You can't die.... Not before Kibum and Junsu realise/confess their feelings.
And of course jae and min are related, I mean from whom do you think has Changmin the big appetite ;)