Chapter 7

Supernatural High

Skipping Kai’s POV this time just because I wrote this new chapter before I wrote the last one and expected to have a Kai chapter in between. I’m sorry if this seems like I’m rushing the storyline. I’m still working out the main plot.

There are some PG-13 moments this chapter. Eventually there will probably be some M rated chapters but for now it’s just a little making out. So heads up if you don’t want to read that!

Your/Kiyeon’s POV

I stood outside the large house in Gangnam that Kai gave me the address to. It was the first time I was visiting EXO’s house even though we’d been dating for months. Kai offered to pick me up but I told him it would be stupid for him to come out to get me just to turn around and go home. I’m a big girl. I know how to ride a bus.

Kris wasn’t kidding when he said Suho’s family was rich. The house his father got them was a mansion in Gangnam. Who buys his teenage son and his friends a mansion?

“Hey Jagi” Kai opened the door before I even finished knocking.

“Hi Oppa” He kissed me sweetly then led me inside.

“Want a tour?”


The living room was huge with a gigantic TV screen and several couches that provided more than enough room for all the boys to sit comfortably. Here we found Sehun and Baekhyun playing a soccer video game.

“No Luhan?” I asked teasingly.

“Luhan, Chen, and D.O. went to the grocery."

We moved on through the giant house when the two made it evident they would not be interrupting their game to talk to us.

“This is the practice room.”

Kai opened the door to a large room with hardwood floors. One wall was completely mirrored while the opposite had screens printed with a cloudy sky on it.

In the middle of the room there was a lone figure dancing. He was amazing. Every movement was incredibly smooth.

I clapped excitedly as the song finished.

“Oh! I didn’t realize you were there.” Lay rubbed the back of his neck.

“That was great!”

He blushed.

“I can’t believe you guys have a dance practice room in your house!”

“It’s mostly for Kai actually.”

I turned to look at Kai expectantly.

“You have to show me!” I pulled his arm.

“Not now, maybe another time.” Kai tried to pull me out of the room.

“Please Oppa?” I flashed him with my rare aegyo.

“Lay is using the room. We’ll do it next time.”

“I don’t mind, go ahead.”

Kai sighed but took his jacket off and started to stretch. Under his leather jacket he wore a white tank top, showing off his strong bronzed shoulders and muscled arms.

Lay started the music for him and a familiar voice filled the room.

“She’s my baby”

“Is that…?”

“It’s D.O.” Lay affirmed.

Kai’s dancing was amazing.

 (I can’t describe Kai’s dancing because he’s freaking Kai so you can just watch.)

“That…was amazing! Why haven’t I seen you dance before?”

Kai blushed and led me out of the room to continue the tour.

“I think Suho is taking a nap in his and Lay’s room.”

“They share?”

“We all do. If we didn’t there wouldn’t be enough room.” He shrugged. “Sehun and Suho used to share but when Sehun and Luhan got together Suho and Luhan switched. That’s Suho and Lay’s.”

He gestured to the first door we saw after climbing the stairs.

The next room was incredibly messy and looked like it belonged to a 10 year old.

“Baekhyun and Chanyeol’s”

He pointed out the other rooms and explained the sleeping arrangements as we walked down the hall. Kris and Tao. Chen and Xiumin.

“And this is mine and D.O.’s”

We entered the last room. It was by far the cleanest of all the ones I’d seen. One side of the room was decorated in more neutral colors like black and grey. At the desk there was a computer and what looked like recording equipment. There were shelves of books and movies along the wall. The other side was much brighter. The comforter was dark blue with red pillows with a laptop sitting on it. The walls were covered in photos of the group in different places. I located the sticker photos we took on our first date. The bookshelf on this side contained movies like the other but instead of books it was mostly comics.

“Hmm I wonder which one is yours.” I said sarcastically as I sat on his bed. “I’m surprised the room is so clean.”

“D.O. likes to keep it tidy. He cleans up after me.” Kai admitted.

“This is cute!” I hugged the little stuffed wolf that sat between his two pillows.

“That’s Monggu!” Kai sat next to me and smiled at me.

“I like him.”

“I like you.”


Kai laughed and kissed me lightly. He leaned in again and planted another longer kiss on my lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he deepened the kiss. I felt his tongue my lower lip, asking for entrance. I consented and he repositioned us so I was lying on the pillows with him leaning over me without breaking the kiss.

We’d obviously kissed before but this was more…intense. We’d never really made out before but damn it was nice.

Kai bit my lip playfully before moving to my neck. I turned my head to bare my neck to him. I swore I heard him growl before he attacked. He kissed and mouthed at my sensitive skin, not quite biting. I let out a soft moan right as the door swung open.


I squealed as Kai fell off the bed in surprise. D.O. stood in the doorway looking ready to scold.

“Kyungsoo! I wasn’t expecting you to be back so soon!” Kai laughed nervously as he stood up. I just blushed and tried to hide behind Monggu.

“Obviously” The shorter boy just raised an eyebrow.

“So, we’ll just get out of your way! Let’s go see what Kris is doing Kiyeon!”

I nodded quickly and we ran out of the room.

“Wow that was embarrassing!”

“So where is Kris?”

“Oh I don’t know,” Kai laughed, “I just wanted to get out of there quick. I’m pretty sure he and some of the others are out shopping.”

We went downstairs and into the kitchen where Kai pulled out some snacks. We were still eating when the remaining boys arrived.

“Hi Kiyeon!” Chanyeol greeted as he came in the front door. Tao came in next carrying multiple shopping bags with an exhausted looking Kris following him.

“Hyung, is everyone here now?”

Kris nodded.

“Did you want to…?”

I watched, confused, as Kai nodded.

“I’ll go round up the others.”

“What’s going on?” I asked Kai as he led me to the living room again.

“I have to tell you something really important.”

“You aren’t an axe murderer are you?” I asked in an attempt to lighten the suddenly tense room.

“No of course not!”

The other boys filed into the room.

Kai took a deep breath after a reassuring nod from Suho.

“Ok Kiyeon. You trust me, right?”

“Kai you’re scaring me a little.”

“You trust me right?” he repeated.

“Yes of course.”

“Ok, I have to tell you a secret about myself…about all of us.” He gestured to the other boys. “I’m, I mean, we’re…”

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 16: Update if u can ^3^
meemow123 #2
Chapter 16: OhmyTVXQ (I never fail to laugh at this lol) THIS IS AMAZING PLZ TELL ME WHEN YOU GONNA UPDATE THIIISS .. I NEED TO KNOW I FREAKING LOVE TTHIS FIC I usually neeeevvverrr read ICs its almost like a rule lol .. But this is too good i cant help it ... Kris??? @-@ OMG no dont kill him!! And is Suho okay?? He is, right?? And Luhan?? sehun?? Lay? Baek? Chan? Everyone else wwhom I am too distracted to name?? %-%
This is great!! I hope you will update, please dont abandon it!! :) hwaiting!!
Ps. I read this whilst eating chocolate. Best descision eer ^^ chocolate+aff=heaven ^_^
meemow123 #3
Chapter 3: I swear to TVXQ I love this fanfic haha XD
Chapter 16: I have to tell you that I flipped out (in a good way) when Han Geng and everyone else showed up. Just all of those names. I immediately grabbed my phone and texted my friend about it which is rare for me. And then Chen at the end!
You're doing an amazing job ^^
tianbao #5
Chapter 16: I found the last part ,Chen part funny and I keeping reading it
Sherloki #6
Chapter 13: show big bang performance too... how could you miss them?
Aina_Shuichi #7
Chapter 13: enjoy this story so did great authornim^^
Chapter 10: This story is amazing and reallyngood written. Update soon
aoigamer #9
Omo....i love this story...please update soon authornim...
Chapter 10: Update soon author-nim~~!