Angel Love


When Minho first began as a trainee, he was fascinated by everything; from the dance practice rooms to the large cafeteria. It was certainly a new experience for him.
However, he was a quiet, shy boy so he was worried about making friends.
And surely, he was mostly ignored by everyone. Everyone had their own little groups of friends and didn't spare him a glance.
The young boy carried on with his practicing and gained experience.
When he saw how hard many of the kids practiced and worked to succeed and improve, it lightened a spark in him. He also wanted to succeed and rise to the best.
He saw a boy named Jonghyun, who was always heard as he sang his heart out whenever and wherever he had the chance. He wasn't one with many friends as he spent hours practicing, even when he had a cold.
Minho silently admired him.
There were also two young boys who seemed very close. Minho assumed they were both brothers; Taemin and Jongin. They two boys spent sunrise to sunset in the practice rooms, dancing non-stop, even after they mastered the moves that they were assigned.
Their dancing ability was unbeatable and they were a hardworking pair. Minho observed as the two boys were present each morning before anyone else and were last to leave.
Minho also practiced very hard as he used such examples as encouragement. But to cool off and calm down, he enjoyed playing sports and exercising.
Although Minho came to admire many hardworking people in the building, he also came to dislike a few as well. And that included a group of older boys who acted like they owned the place. They grabbed lunch money from people and were terribly rude and not to mention, tall and largely built. However, among them was a boy that didn't seem to fit in at all. The boy was thin, had shoulder length black hair, and was of average height. He always hung around the group but never participated in their usual escapades.
Minho remembered the day he decided to dislike that particular group of students.
He was walking to meet his assigned group and practice rapping when he saw them bugging Jonghyun. Minho would've intervened but the thin boy with the long hair stopped the boys.
"Guys, leave him alone. He didn't even do anything?" the boy said, "What's your problem".
Minho curiously watched from a safe distance.
One boy struck the thinner one on the side of his head. And it seemed quite painful from the sound that the thin boy released from his lips.
"Who said you can tell us what to do? If you want to defend him, then we'll deal with you separately", another boy said, roughly shoving him away.
Minho watch as they left the scene; weren't they buddies? Then why did they treat that boy differently? Minho shook his head and decided not to ponder too much.
The boys never did anything and Minho decided that they decided to waste their energy bulling others to relieve themselves of poor self esteem with the inability to do anything right.
One day when Minho made his way to the library to grab an issue of his favourite sports magazine, he noticed a familiar head hidden behind a thick biology textbook.
Curiously, he found the magazine and sat across from the person, pretending to read him magazine. He realized that it was the thin boy from the bullies' group.
It wasn't long before the Minho heard a loud growl erupt from the body in front of him.
"Sorry", a small sweet voice said.
The boy sounded different from Minho's imagination. He didn't sound arrogant or rude at all.
"It's fine, didn't you have lunch?" Minho asked.
The boy looked at Minho in surprise that he was even talking to him but soon recovered, "Ah, not really. I didn't feel hungry".
Minho nodded awkwardly, not knowing what to say so he returned to his magazine.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Lee Jinki!" the boy in front of him introduced with a smile.
"I'm Choi Minho", Minho said in an unsure voice as he hesitantly bowed.
They talked for a while and said farewell. The next few days, Minho and Jinki conversed in the library after school and enjoyed each other's company. Often, they even went out for lunch.
Minho liked Jinki and held a growing attachment to his smile and addictive laugh.
"Why do you keep your hair long?" he asked as he sipped on his coke at MacDonald's.
"I don't know", Jinki shrugged as he flipped his head up, to move his bangs, "Why? Does it look bad?"
Minho leaned over and helped him, sliding his slender fingers over Jinki's forehead, not noticing the frozen boy who was blushing brightly.
"It looks nice but it gets in your eyes, and I can't see those charming eyes of yours", Minho said absently.
"Charming?" Jinki laughed, "Most people say they're annoying to look at".
Minho suddenly frowned, "No, they're pretty. I want to look at them". Jinki smiled.
The next day, Minho waited for Jinki in the library for about two hours and the latter didn't show up. Worried, he even tried to text the boy, only to receive no response.
Minho was very concerned but when he found Jinki he next day sporting a dark bruise, he confronted the boy.
"Where were you yesterday? I was really worried! And what happened to your face?" be babbled.
"Nothing, hyung was just in a bad mood lately", Jinki said silently.
Minho knew Jinki lived with hi older cousin who was part of the the group of bullies.
Minho's expression turned dark, "You mean he was drunk".
Jinki avoided his eyes and that pretty much answered Minho's question.
Although Minho didn't express much concern, he felt the expect opposite. Jinki wasn't the strongest person in the world at it worried Minho when he saw another bruise littering his body. He felt a pang every time he saw the latter give him a fake smile to assure that he was alright when he wasn't.
That day, during lunch, they sat in the library.
"...wanna come?"
Minho was interrupted from his thoughts as he looked up at Jinki in confusion.
"Huh? What?"
Jinki sighed but patiently repeated himself, "Me and Jonghyun have secretly prepared a duet together. Wanna come and listen?"
"Huh you did? Since when?" Minho asked.
"We've been preparing since last month", Jinki said. Minho nodded at he saw enthusiasm shine in Jinki's eyes.
"WOW! Your voices are so smooth and amazing!" Minho exclaimed in surprise.
Honestly, he thought Jinki was a slacker as he hung out with them and his hair was getting a bit shaggy. :P
"Thanks but I think I have to improve on these few notes", Jonghyun said.
'Wow he must be a perfectionist', Minho thought.
Jinki smiled widely at Minho, "You go on to class, I'll catch you later."
Minho smiled and waved as he left. A while later, he texted Jinki out of boredom, "Yah, we should get your hair cut... Wanna come over after school?"
He had a reply almost right away, "What? Can I really trust my hair with you?? Promise not to chop off my ear?"
Minho chuckled, "Don't worry I have steady hands, and we'll just give you a little trim".
----after school----
Minho was glad Jinki trusted him as they sat in the bathtub. Jinki was quiet as he patiently let Minho do his thing.
"Okay, now close your eyes", Minho ordered as he began to cut the boy's bangs. He smiled softly as Jinki wrinkled his nose cutely when hair landed on it.
"There, all done!"
Jinki opened his eyes and looked in the mirror, "Wow! You're pretty good Minho! Thanks!"
"No problem! Now we can see those eyes of yours", Minho replied with a grin.
Their friendship grew and soon flourished into a relationship.
It was a Friday afternoon when Jinki confessed to him.
His confession almost made Minho laugh out loud.
They were eating lunch on the rooftop when Jinki just blurted "I love you".
"I love you too", Minho replied absently.
"Yah Minho, not like that! I mean I really love you", Jinki said.
Minho spat out his juice, "Really? As in more than chicken love? Like really really love?" he confirmed.
Jinki chuckled silently, "Yes that love".
Minho's face broke into a huge grin; never would he have imagined that this adorable angel would love him back.
"I love you too!" he exclaimed.
Jinki have him an odd look, "You don't have to say it just because I did".
Minho rolled his eyes at the weird boy and gave him a kiss, something he was dying to do ever since he'd seen his plump kissable lips.
When Minho was leaving school, he was called by his gym teacher who requested he join the senior soccer team.
"Really?" Minho asked warily, "I'm not even a senior".
"I know but we can really use your skills out here in the field you know", the coach explained, "Mind giving me a little audition? It won't be too long".
Minho was bewildered and excited to contain himself, "Uh-- um s-sure! I'll meet you in the field".
..."Congrats, you're on the team!" the coach said, shaking hands with the boy.
"Thank you so much sir!" Minho said as he rushed to the library to share his good news with Jinki. His was so excited that he didn't even notice that it was almost dark out.
When he opened the door to the academy, the drunk group of bullies shoves past him, laughing loudly. Minho made a face; they usually left earlier than anyone else. It was really strange. Minho went to the library and noticed it was closed. He felt upset that he made Jinki wait so long. The latter was probably mad at him. As he went across the hall, he saw a familiar plane, tan book bag sprawled across the floor. Papers were scattered around messily.
JINKI! That meant his boyfriend was still in the building -- and something was wrong. Jinki was very careful with his possessions and would never leave his bag in such a condition. Minho frowned and he bent down to carefully gather the papers and return them into the bag. As he was picking up the last two pages, he heard a sniffle. It was a sniffle. It was so soft that he wouldn't have noticed it if someone else was walking in the hallway. The tall boy's eyes furrowed in concentration as he went still to make sure he didn't imagine the sound.
There were many rumours in the academy about ghost but Minho didn't believe in that stuff.
He heard a quiet sob followed by a light sound of a hand hitting a stall, "M-Minho, help".
Minho's pupils grew as he recognized the weak voice at once. He burst into the boys' washroom.
"Jinki Jinki! Jinki, where are you?" He yelled loudly.
Shuffling was heard from a stall as Jinki replied, "The-the last stall. The lock doesn't work! Please help me!"
The poor boy's voice was panicked and frightened.
"Stand back!" Minho warned as he positioned his foot to kick open the stall door.
Before Minho could react after breaking the door open, Jinki's body collided with his. The shorter boy hugged Minho tightly, afraid to let go. Minho returned the gesture and noticed the boy's wet hair.
After Jinki's sobs subsided, Minho slowly released him, "What happened baby?"
The boy's red eyes looked up at him, "He h-hyung. Th-they dunked my head in t-he toilet".
Minho flared; he should've realized those s were up to no good when he saw them.
"I'm so sorry I didn't come from school right away Jinki! You must be waiting!" Minho apologized as he soothed the elder. Jinki didn't say anything and just held on to his boyfriend.
"Come on, we need to get you changed or you'll get a cold", Minho said, taking Jinki home, "And you're gonna stay with me from now on".
Minho made Jinki stay home the next day and kissed the boy's forehead before he left early that morning.
He first went to the academy office and filed a complain for the group of boys as this was a physical assault so they could be expelled. His name would be protected and the teachers were already not fond of the students but they couldn't kick them out since they always managed to pass by forcing kids to do their homework.
Then, he went to school.
He saw Jinki's cousin and it was funny how he didn't even know his name. But that was no problem for Minho. He didn't want to cram his brain with useless things.
Without a warning he punched the large male and kicked him twice. The latter was too shocked to respond of fight back as he groaned in pain on the floor and looked up at Minho.
"This is for hitting Jinki" *kick* "this is for dunking his head in the toilet" *kick* "and this is for making him cry" *kick*
With that, the tall boy returned to school and went on with his day happily and enjoying soccer practice before returning to his apartment to see his boyfriend.
The boy was cooking and it smelled delicious.
"Honey I'm home!"
Jinki turned and gave gave him a lovely smile. "Dinner's ready", he said playing along.
Minho gave the boy a passionate kiss before he sat on the table to watch him dreamily.
He had no worry in the world now that his angel was safe.
With Jinki by his side, Minho felt like trying a lot harder at the academy and succeed to become a great singer. He knew his future was with Jinki and he’d have it no other way.

once again, sorry for a sloppy job... Idk y im soo lazy :/

Nevertheless enjoy, lovely ppl <3 and dont 4get to leave comments!!

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Chapter 1: *pout* poor jinki.. how dare they dunk his head in the toilet.. he deserve those punch and kick.. go minho go..
niezz15 #2
Chapter 2: Noooo, more ONHO please *puppyeyes
chickenmaniaconew #3
Chapter 1: Fluffy and cute!! ;^; More onho!!!!
Chapter 2: Four paws up! Poor chicken boy though, getting clobbered by his cousin