
(Tug on My) Heartstrings

Title: (Tug on My) Heartstrings

Genre: Fluff, Romance

Pairing: Jongin/Chanyeol

Word Count: ~5.6k

Rating: PG

Warning(s): General cheesiness, klutziness and an abundance of origami cranes, age switch (where Jongin is 3 years older)

Summary: Jongin doesn’t do dates or the falling in love thing. Or at least he doesn’t until the new takeaway delivery guy Chanyeol makes him want to. [Inspired by the song Paper Heart by f(x)]


Jongin usually sees the delivery boy's face as soon as he opens the door, but today he's met with a chin and a pair of generous lips he doesn't recognize.

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panicattheexo #1
Chapter 1: AFFAGSJSKJA this is so cuttttteeeeee and I love when you write fics with food so much omg I cry
Aquarius_Vong #2
Hi, remember me? :) this is the Vietnamese version i promised to give you. Thanks so much. https://chankailover.wordpress.com/2016/04/26/oneshot-heartstrings/
Chapter 1: Well, a wish for 1000 cranes definitely didn't happen for Jongin but I'm really thankful that it did for Chanyeol (although he only made a few). Jongin shouldn't be afraid to take chances just because he'd seen the worst from others. So I'm really glad that he gave Chanyeol - their relationship - a chance. Hope it goes well for both of them <3 ^-^
Aquarius_Vong #4
Chapter 1: dear author,
I must say i really enjoy this story ;___: Interesting and warm T^T
Can I have your permission to translate this into Vietnammese? Please.. T^T
I promise to write down full credit and send you the link of the Vietnammese version.
I hope you will agree :)
i love this story so much !!
Blue82 #6
On the paper cranes has always been a myth I enjoyed so it was nice seeing it mentioned here.
Chapter 1: This fic left me with a warm feeling inside my chest. Just like that. I appreciated it. I am also a person who doesn't want to give his heart away, but sometimes it's really disappointing when no one is even trying that hard to enter it,so I really liked Chanyeol. Thank you for writing this fic ☆
Chapter 1: Cute ^_^ exo and food is inseparable.
Chapter 1: Well, I like happy virus chanyeol and I can see him here authornim ~
whovian #10
Chapter 1: *squeals* Ah!! You've killed me! Death by Adele needs to be a thing because every time I read one of your stories, I die from how cute and fluffy and perfect it is. I order you to stop making me squeal and giggle!!