
miracle in skool

After class they were all planning to attend the music class Yuna seemed really pale and she didnt look good.She was not feeling well.

Jin- ok?

Yuna- huh?

J-hope- You look really pale.

Hyeri- Yes...and you look tired too

Jin- (putting his hands on her forehead) um...I think you have a fever

Jungkook almost punch Jin...He totally cant stand it

Suga- I think you caught the cold.....

Jimin- Maybe its because of the change in weather....

V- You should go to the Nurse's office

Yuna nodded

Yuna walked inside the Nurse's Office She sat on the bed.The nurse turned around and smiled.

Nurse- You are here again...You were here this morning right?

She gave some pills and a glass of water to Yuna. Yuna gulped down the pills and drank the water and kept the empty glass on the table that was right next to the bed

"why dont you rest here while i get you some ice cubes"Saying that the Nurse walked out of the room.

Yuna laying on the bed all alone, she looked up at the ceiling. AAfter some minutes she heard someone opening the door and walking in. since the pills were starting to show its effect Yuna's vision became blury and she could hardly see the figure standing infront of her. She couldnt recognize the owner of the voice calling her name and soo the voice faded away and she out

Yuna opened her eyes. She turned aside and saw the Nurse. 

Nurse- oh...You are awake....I didnt wake you up because I didnt want to disturb your peaceful sleep.

Yuna just nodded. It was getting dark outside

" By the way a guy stoppe dby..but you were sleeping so he left" the Nurse said . yuna  didnt remember any of that. She didnt remember that some one was constantly calling her name...She just figured out that it might have been Jin....

But who could it really be?....If it is a guy then it would be Jin or else who would come to see her other than Jin?....or maybe.....jungkook....but why would he?



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I knw dat there r many spelling mistakes n others. i'll edit dem all after I finish did fanfic...btw dis fanfic wud end soon..


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merelin #1
CongRatuLationN auThoR nIm NoW Im BaCK to ReaDinG ThiS faNFIctioN..AgAIn
hiatsu #2
congtratulation kid...and yes all the best for your exmz...hope u'll top the class love u...
mikeal #3
Chapter 30: "miracle in skool" congrates
sayurisakagami #4
congratulation!!!!.....the way jungkook propose to yuna was very cool
yukihirasawa #5
gaawwd....the was perfect!!!
chihiru12 #6
Chapter 30: I knew it!! that boy in that foto was jk...ahahhahahah congratulations author-nim....i'm really gonna miss u....and best of luck! aja!aja!...
Khristinexoxo #7
Chapter 30: The ending was amazing it really is a miracle in school....oh! best of luck wit ur exmz....i hope u'll get 100 on 100...fighting!!
kimkel #8
Chapter 30: oh my god...the way he proposed to her....congratulations authornim...and all the best with your exm results...i'm gonna read this fanfic all over again
nelisa #9
Chapter 28: oh...this is so sad....But then they became friends....I cant believe that this fanfc is comming to end end...i'm already missing you authornim.....
jungkookbtskookie #10
i cudnt upvote either....i want kookie to propose to Yuna....wen is he doing it!!!.....i cant wait to read da nxt chpter...update soon author nim