
miracle in skool

A/N -Hey guys I'm back! Sorry for no uploading for a while....I promoz I'll surely update as soon as I can.....plz bear wit me....

Now back to story

Yuna was coming out of her classroom, she looked outside from the window...the sky was dark and she knew it would rain soon. So she tried to hurry back home but in mid way it started to pour down . It was aheavy shower so she was already wet. She heard the sound of thunder from afar. She tightened her grip at the strap of her back. She was always scared of lightning ever since she was a kid so she walked faster.Suddenly she felt a shadow behind her and a shade above her. She turned around and saw Jungkook with a red umbrella.

Jungkook- You are gonna get wet...

Saying that he pulled her under the umbrella. Yuna felt herself being pulled towards Jungkook....Their eyes met and for some reason Yuna was getting nervous and she didnt even know that she was blushing.  On the other hand Jungkook felt like as if his heart would jump out in any  minutes as he can hear his own heart beat racing so fast but he didnt want to admit it. Yuna was getting really nervous too...her heart was beating so fast....after the ghost house incident she has been confuse lately just that she just didnt know that she was slowly falling for him. Jungkook- we are here...

Jungkook's melodic voice made her to snap back into reality. 

Yuna- T-thanks....see you tomorrow then...bye...

She turned around and rushed inside. She ran upstairs and went in her room....she watched Jungkook walking away from her window. She sat down on her bed and heaving a deep sigh she looked at the mirror.

Yuna-What just happened?...why is my heart beating so fast?...whats wrong with me?

Meanwhile the only thing Jungkook could do was to kick the poor blanket.  He rolled on the floor causing him to fall flat on the floor.  He was just too happy that he got to walk with Yuna under the same umbrella.

Jungkook- Ouch!...It hurts

Saying that he smiled to himself and jump up on his bed. Poor boy in love...thats the only thing he could do but he jist dont want to keep up with this one-sided love anymore...He has finally made up that he will ask her out...but will he be able to do it?....

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I knw dat there r many spelling mistakes n others. i'll edit dem all after I finish did fanfic...btw dis fanfic wud end soon..


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merelin #1
CongRatuLationN auThoR nIm NoW Im BaCK to ReaDinG ThiS faNFIctioN..AgAIn
hiatsu #2
congtratulation kid...and yes all the best for your exmz...hope u'll top the class love u...
mikeal #3
Chapter 30: "miracle in skool" congrates
sayurisakagami #4
congratulation!!!!.....the way jungkook propose to yuna was very cool
yukihirasawa #5
gaawwd....the was perfect!!!
chihiru12 #6
Chapter 30: I knew it!! that boy in that foto was jk...ahahhahahah congratulations author-nim....i'm really gonna miss u....and best of luck! aja!aja!...
Khristinexoxo #7
Chapter 30: The ending was amazing it really is a miracle in school....oh! best of luck wit ur exmz....i hope u'll get 100 on 100...fighting!!
kimkel #8
Chapter 30: oh my god...the way he proposed to her....congratulations authornim...and all the best with your exm results...i'm gonna read this fanfic all over again
nelisa #9
Chapter 28: oh...this is so sad....But then they became friends....I cant believe that this fanfc is comming to end end...i'm already missing you authornim.....
jungkookbtskookie #10
i cudnt upvote either....i want kookie to propose to Yuna....wen is he doing it!!!.....i cant wait to read da nxt chpter...update soon author nim