The Pocketwatch



Jaehyo's pocketwatch was always within his arms reach. It was a family heirloom,

passed down from his great grandfather. Once he turned 20 his father passed it onto him.

It was the only object of value he owned and he treasured it more than his own life. At

times he'd be hyponotized by the trinket, swinging it back and forth... and back and forth.

He loved the texture of the chain and the way it wrapped around his fingers.That pocketwatch

was his and nobody else could touch it, let alone look at it. Whenever someone else's eyes

made contact with his trinket he'd become hostile. His behavior became erratic and eventually

people kept their distance.


Unfortunately, one night a poor soul found out too late the lengths Jaehyo would go in

order to "protect" his pocketwatch. The man was found in an alley behind an abandoned

building the following morning. He was running late and only wanted to know what time it

was. As if luck was on his side, he saw Jaehyo leaning against the brick building, illuminated

under a streetlight as he swung his pocketwatch back and forth in a trance-like state. Little did

he know that approaching him would lead to his demise. The murder scene was gruesome

and the coroner announced the time of death was 7:30. Jaehyo was never caught but many

people suspected he was the one who did it.


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Thank you Sunny! Its because of you I wrote it! So thank you! :D