


Woo Jiho. That was the name. It was a very well-known name. A name that was recognized all throughout the underground rap scene in Seoul. When that name was spoken, everyone automatically knew who it belonged to. That name, along with the person that owned it was going places.

The funny thing about names though, is they can change. Names are given to people once they are born, so naturally it would be suitable to give a name to a person reborn, right?

A new name equals a new identity. A new identity equals a new life. A new life can be a blessing, or a sin.

So, what happens when the life that person knew and loved gets taken away from them? How do they cope with knowing the name they owned (along with the life they had) for eighteen years can be erased within an instant? That should alter their outlook on life.

The person that changed them is essentially their creator. He can giveth and taketh away. And that is exactly what happened.

Woo Jiho was his old name. Zicova was the new name given to him on the night of his death, and rebirth. The person that named him is a blur but their voice is ingrained in his memory. He loathes the vampire that changed him and the name he was given.

He never wanted this lifestyle, but he eventually came to terms with it. He even shortened his name to Zico since it had four letters just like his old name; plus it didn’t sound as cliché.

The night he died, his name died with him. He broke all ties with his old life and began anew.

Although he is more comfortable with his life than he was a year ago, he still questions why this happened to him. One thing he doesn’t question though is his want for revenge.

He wants to kill his creator.

He doesn’t remember the face, let alone the name. All he can go by is a voice. But, one of the perks about being a vampire is… he has eternity to find him.





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Thank you Sunny! Its because of you I wrote it! So thank you! :D