Peppermint Tea and Us

Warm Warm Tea

"I say let the world go to hell, but I should always have my tea."

Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Notes from Underground


"Just go to hell," A voice heard from the office as Luhan snickered on his seat.

May I send him to the hell? He thought as another papers arrived on his place.

"New cases! Those laws strangled me like crazy!"

"Then why you gave it to me, Oh Sehun?" Luhan pleaded.

"Because I don't understand. Pleaseee help me gegeee~," Sehun begged as Luhan sighed.

"Fine," Luhan said at last because he didn't contain the aegyo anymore.

"Thank you so much gegeee."

"Just go to hell with that aegyo."

"Love you too gegee," Sehun swayed away to his desk.

It was his second year in the lawyer company when he worked with many lawyers to solve some cases. Heck he never had any holiday aside of Sunday.

"Hyung?" A voice called as Luhan turned to his co-worker.

"Oh my God are you a panda?" He asked again.

"Tao, you are the panda, that's absolute," Luhan took off his glasses and put it on the desk.

"You should go back," Another co-worker showed up, this time with his cat smile.

"Yeah says who always get home earlier without being recognized," Luhan smirked at Jongdae.

"Let's go," Jongdae pulled Luhan away as Tao and Sehun arranged things on his desk for cover up.

Luhan surrender and followed Jongdae outside the building. They passed people in the crowd that evening. Everyone seemed to enjoy their dinner time by wandering over the restaurant and cafè.

"Where are we going?" Luhan asked Jongdae as they stopped walking.

"Let me introduce to coffee's friend, tea," Jongdae opened the door and Luhan stepped inside a cafè.

"Tea? I never drink tea. I love coffee," Luhan emphasized as they arrived at the counter.

"Hyung!" Jongdae greeted as a barista turned around and Luhan's jaw hung open.

"Hello there Dae!" The chubby doe eyes barista greeted cheerfully.

"Hey hyung! This man here need a cup of tea!" Jongdae beamed.

"Watch out!" A shout heard as a waiter slipped and the tea on his tray stormed to Luhan, wetting all his blazer and shirt.

"I'm sorry!" An angelic voice as Luhan turned to the pale skinned waiter.

"Joonmyeon! Jongdae's friend, are you okay?" Minseok asked worriedly but Luhan and Jongdae already helped the waiter to gather the pieces.

"I'm so sorry Minseok hyung," The man said as Luhan and Jongdae noticed that he almost cried.

"It's okay but you need to clean the mess," Minseok said.

"Let me help you then," Jongdae took the pieces from Luhan and the waiter thanked him.

"I'm sorry, he's still new, please forgive Joonmyeon," Minseok bowed.

"It's kinda burn but it's okay," Luhan referred to his clothes but refused to take it off in public.

"No! Come with me to the locker room. I'll get you a new shirt," Minseok replied.

"Fine then," Luhan said as Minseok led him to the locker room.

"You can change with these. It seemed that we wear a same size. I'm Kim Minseok," Minseok smiled as he gave a plain white shirt to Luhan.

"Luhan. Thank you," Luhan said while he tried to steady his voice upon the cute barista.

"Okay then. I will take the cream to heal the burn," Minseok went and Luhan used the time to change.

He wanted to yell at the waiter but seeing how angelic was him, he didn't dare too. Besides, he didn't want any attention and he wasn't a scene maker.

The pain started to spark as he changed his clothes. He could predict that his chest was badly burned because of the tea and coffee.

"Oh my God that must be hurt," Minseok came as Luhan quickly closed his body with the shirt while blushing.

"Sorry I don't mean to see. Here's the cream. You can use it to heal the burn," Minseok smiled and Luhan took it right away.

"Excuse me, but where's Jongdae?" Luhan asked.

"He's happening to have an interesting conversation with Joonmyeon, typical," Minseok answered.

"Yeah, a flirt," Luhan mocked a laugh.


"Let's get them before that Joonmyeon get diabetic because Jongdae's cheesy pick-up lines," Luhan said as they laughed and went outside.

"Let's go home Dae," Luhan pulled Jongdae as the latter gave a piece of paper to Joonmyeon.

"Bye Joonmyeonnie! Bye Minseok hyung," Jongdae cheerfully waved goodbye.

"Be careful of that kind of man, Joonmyeon," Minseok suggested playfully.

"O-okay. Thank you," Joonmyeon bowed and excused himself to the kitchen.

"Hyung you forgot to drink a tea!" Jongdae whined as Luhan facepalmed when they reached their apartment corridor.

"Yeah we even forget about that."

"You should come tomorrow," Jongdae insisted but Luhan already thought of that idea.

"I will, Dae."


Jongdae kept throwing papers at Luhan's desk to remind him to come to that place again.

"Dae, I will come okay. Stop sending those papers," Luhan came to Jongdae's cubicle as the latter nodded.

"And I'll come with you," Jongdae chirped.

"Yeah say who discovered a new person to get laid," Luhan referred to the poor waiter.

"No hyung. I'm serious on him. He's nice," Jongdae stared at his senior.

"Prove it, young man," Luhan winked and they went back to work.

They walked casually to the cafè right after 5 sharp. Luhan felt the urge to meet the barista again because he somehow attracted him.

But no, he shouldn't be so sure of that.

"Hyung!" Jongdae entered the cafè right to Minseok who greeted back.

"Well hello there!" Minseok beamed.

"So he just got here becauseee we forgot about the tea plan," Jongdae explained shortly.

"What do you want Dae?" Minseok asked.

"Green Tea! I want to be skinny."

"You are already skinny," Luhan emphasized.

"Chamomile?" A voice heard beside Minseok as Jongdae grinned.

"Good choice! I'd take that," Jongdae smiled upon Joonmyeon as Minseok rolled his eyes.

"How about you, Luhan-ssi?" He turned to Luhan.

"Just Luhan is fine. I don't know much about tea so maybe some recommends?" Luhan looked at the menu.

"What are you feeling now?" Minseok asked as Luhan just realized his sore body.

"Sore? I sit along everyday," He answered.

"Then it'll be peppermint tea. The mint will calm your mind," Minseok said.

"I'll have that," Luhan smiled as he turned to pull Jongdae from the counter before the poor waiter did wrong on their tea.

"So you are serious about that waiter?" Luhan asked casually as they sat across each other.

"Of course! And how about you?"

"Me? What?"

"Minseok hyung is cute. He's been single for a long time."

"So you try to set me up here? Ah I must know it from the start," Luhan facepalmed himself.

"Hey I got someone nice too," Jongdae smiled as Joonmyeon came with their order.

"Here's your tea. Enjoy the evening," Joonmyeon warmly said.

"Thanks Joonmyeon hyung," Jongdae sipped on his tea happily as the latter blushed.

Luhan sipped his tea and his eyes widened a bit upon the mint taste. He never felt the refreshing coldness like this from a coffee. It really calmed his mind while the soreness vanished away.

"So how is that?" A voice heard as Luhan almost choked on his tea.

Minseok chuckled and gave a tissue to Luhan while Jongdae excused himself to talk to Joonmyeon. Luckily the number of customer didn't increase so Minseok tried to steal some time for asking the beautiful man ahead.

"Oh it's good. Mint huh? I never drink any tea and this is good," Luhan tried not to be nervous.

"Yeah I think so too. My favorite one is that," Minseok smiled as he took Luhan's cup and sipped at the same place Luhan drank it.

Luhan blushed instantly because its just an indirect kiss but the latter seemed not to realize. He went angry when someone touched his things or slept on his bed but when Minseok showed the gesture, he didn't mind at all. It was like they were an old friend.

"So you are a lawyer?" Minseok asked.

"Apparently yes. Tiring job," Luhan commented.

"Well drinking tea can reduce the tiredness."

"You love tea that much?" Luhan curiously asked.

"Yeah I'm addicted to coffee and tea. But you shouldn't drink both much. Ah, there's another customer. Would you mind waiting for me until the cafè close?" Minseok smiled as Luhan nodded his head and Minseok quickly swifted to the counter.

"Hyung, are you done?" Jongdae came.

"You go first," Luhan replied and Jongdae's lips formed a teasing smile.

"I'll wait for Joonmyeon too," Jongdae looked at the waiter while Luhan laughed.

"Finally you are serious."

"Glad to know that too!" The younger beamed.

Luhan and Jongdae patiently waited for Minseok and Joonmyeon. Right after the last customer left, Joonmyeon flipped the sign and began to mop the area.

"Let me help!" Jongdae cheerfully said.

"No you shouldn't. You are a customer," Joonmyeon replied.

"No problem hyung," Jongdae said as he took the cloth to clean the table, smiling widely.

"Well, I can help too," Luhan turned to Minseok.

"If you want. Are you sure you're not that tired?" The barista asked.

"Nah, I drank your tea and now I'm better. For real."

"Well then if you want," Luhan received the cloth and started to wipe the table while Minseok dealed with the mop.

Finally when they finished, they walked outside the cafè to their apartment complex. Jongdae kept insisting on accompanying Joonmyeon so they went to Joonmyeon's place first.

"I wonder..."

"What?" Minseok curiously asked.

"I wonder if you are the owner of that cafè," Luhan stated.

"Why then?"

"Because you lead that much. All the waiter was nice to you. You don't always wear the uniform. But I don't know. That was just my observation," Luhan answered.

"Not bad as a lawyer. Yes I'm the owner of that place," Minseok smiled.

"What a good one. Why do you like coffee and tea?"

"Coffee hyped me up and tea calm me down. As simple as that. Glad to see people feel happier after drinking those coffee and tea."

"Well then I should drink tea more than coffee. They give me the same effect like you," Luhan concluded.

"Maybe you can come everyday," Minseok suggested.

"That is a brilliant idea, Mr. Kim," Luhan said as Minseok chuckled.

"Fine, Mr. Lu. We should drink the tea together."

"Just two of us? I can't stand Jongdae's cheesiness," The lawyer protested.

"Well I'm glad to see Joonmyeon smiled again. But I agree to the previous suggestion. Just two of us is perfect," Minseok replied.

"Alright. See you tomorrow?" Luhan said as they arrived in front of Minseok's apartment building.

"At least give me your phone number," Minseok gave his phone and Luhan gladly saved his number there.

"I'll get going."

"See you tomorrow!" The barista said once again.

Luhan smiled along the way home. The fuzzy warm feeling in his heart really made him happy. He felt calm around Minseok and he believed that if he found someone meant for him, not anxiety but he would be calm around the person.

"So how's the nice night walk with Minseok hyung?" Jongdae teasingly asked the moment Luhan stepped inside their apartment.

"Lucky that you are my far cousin or I will strangle you for setting me up," Luhan answered as Jongdae laughed.

"But he is good right?" Jongdae rolled on the couch to see his cousin.

"He's more than good. I hate saying this but thanks," Luhan smiled.

"Fine fine now deal with that cheesy feeling of falling in love."

"You too, Dae," Luhan went to his room and took a warm bath before going to sleep.

From : Unknown

Hello this is Minseok. I want to say thank you for helping in the cafe and accompanied me home. Good night Luhan. See you tomorrow ^^

To : Minseokkie <3

Finally I got your number. Nah that's not a problem. Good night and see you tomorrow too :)

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nabnaab #1
Chapter 1: oh! sequel please! ><
Chapter 1: i liked this!
Sm00zy #3
Chapter 1: I absolutely loved this fanfic .. the idea, the story, and the ending part is so amazing .. :)
x1uhAn #4
Chapter 1: The ending part. Sooooo cute :)
Can't wait! Fighting :)))