
Wild Tea Leaves

A/n: So here it is! Just some pure fluff and stuff ^w^ I was inspired by our topic in Health subject about Medicinal Plants haha and our teacher asked us to write a short story about healing involving at least one plant from the given then *poof* this story came haha okaay, enough XD I hope you like it! Sorry for any mistakes! Have a great year guys!




[Minseok's P.O.V.]



     It was a usual sunny day. The sun illuminated the clear blue skies. The trees dance in the warm summer wind, while the birds chirped happily on its branches. Vibrant  colored flowers dotted the green pastures. My own footsteps echoed faintly as I walk through the empty, quiet hallway of the day care center.


'I guess they're all at the playground.' I thought so I made my way there hoping I was right. As I walk towards the playground, Mrs. Yoon, a petite middle-aged lady greeted me.


"Hello, good afternoon Mr. Kim." I grinned and greeted her back. "Are you here to pick up your child?"


"Yes, I am."


"They're all at the playground." she told me. I guess my assumption was right.


"I'm on my way there, thank you Mrs. Yoon." With a short bow, I continue my way towards the playground. I pushed through the glass doors at the end of the hallway and saw all the children playing around happily with several day care staffs watching over them. My eyes searched for my little boy. Before I could go further, a hand tapped my shoulder. I turned to see, Jongdae smiling at me. He greeted me with a peck on my cheek. A smile made its way on my lips as well as tiny blush on my cheeks.


"Sorry I was late." he grinned apologetically. "Kris had to go home because Tao got sick and there's no one who'll watch their two-month old daughter so I had to finish up the work."


"It's alright. I just arrived too." I winked at him.


"You're early today." he said wrapping an arm around my waist as a soft chuckle escape from my mouth.


"Soo and Jongin just came back from you know-honeymoon." Jongdae chortled. "So Soo covered for me."


"Umma! Appa!" we turned to see the familiar dark locks of our little boy, bouncing as he ran towards us with a wide grin on his face. He engulf us both in a bear hug.


'How was your day little troll?" Jongdae kneeled down to his level and ruffle his hair as he let out a giggle.


"It was great!" he said. "Can I please stay longer? Please? With a cherry on top?" he pleaded with his signature puppy dog eyes. Well who would say no to that?


"Okay sweetheart." I laughed when his expression was like he had just seen Santa Claus. "But just for a little while, kay?"


"Thank you umma!" he beamed. I can't help noticing familiar dark green leaves wrapped around his hand. I was going to ask but Jongdae beat me to it.


"What happened  to your hand?" he asked taking his hand gently.


"I scratched myself while helping a friend get her doll that was stuck in the bush, but I'm fine. My friend treated it for me." he said with a grin. I grinned as well, oh he is very Jongdae-like "I'll go now!"


"Be careful!" I called after him as he sped off towards his friend. He's like a battery that is always fully charged. Jongdae grabbed my hand and went close by where they are.


"Is your hand okay?" a little girl with long brown curls asked.


"Yes, it's okay now."


"I'll change the leaves." she said. "So it can heal faster."


"But I'm already fine! See? I'm strong like Superman." the little girl giggled.


"Alright. But still, we have to change it." we watch as our little boy pout as the little girl change the leaves. I look over at Jongdae, who was in peals of chuckles. Suddenly, a familiar memory came back to me.




"Your hand is bleeding!" I screeched at a boy playing by the old oak tree who looked like he's at my age.


"Nah I'll be fine." he said grinning. How could he still grin at that? I saw some wild tea leaves nearby and pick some of it.


"Come on, I'll clean it." I can feel him wincing as I treat his wound. After treating it, I wrapped the wild tea leaves around his hand. My mom says that wild tea leaves help wounds to heal faster. "Better?"


"Better! I'm strong like Superman!" he said confidently making me laugh.


"We'll change it again later, okay?"


"Okay, thanks! I'm Jongdae!"


"I'm  Minseok."


"Come on Minseok! Let's go play!" he dragged me back to the playground and played together until our parents came to fetch us.


*end of flashback*


"That's how we met." he said with a reminiscent smile.


"Yeah, I know." I giggled at him.


"I didn't let my mom change the leaves that day."


"What? Why?"


"Because it was you who did it." he grinned cheekily making me roll my eyes at him.


"Whatever, Superman."


"I'm not Superman anymore." he pouted at me.


"Who are you then?" I raised my brows at him as he laced our hands together.


"I'm YOURMAN." Ugh. My husband is such a cheese.


"You should be Cheese Man." We laughed as the precious memory swirled warmly  in our hearts, treasuring it forever.



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jambydsy #1
Chapter 1: Oh god so much fluff
I could cry
I love it