yoongi 1

BTS One Shots






I'm blind. It was since two years ago where i was involved in an accident and here i am, darkness everywhere.Then i meet this crazy guy named after Min Yoongi. I always hate him because of his heartbreaking words.

"How shame to know that a pretty girl like you is a blind girl,"

"You don't deserve to be in this perfect world yourself,"

Whenever i heard those words, it was actually painful, i started first as a happy girl who wENts to school but that accident takes away my sight.Since then, everyone kept their distance away from me.

One day, everything started to change.

"Okay class, for today's assignment, i'll let you be in pairs, i'll read out the pairs for you and remeber, this assignment's due date will be in within four months and by the end of April, please pass it to me for your markings," the teacher read out the names.

"_____________ will be with Yoongi," 



"So, the assignment is a bit hard for us don't you think? I started to touch the braille letters from my book that was especially done for my by the school.

Suddenly, some hand grabs my hands. it was tender and soft.

"Urm... Yoongi, is that you?" he didn't speak a word, i was a bit scared by the silence and the way his hand grabs my hand. 

"Sorry,taken away," well, it really made my cheeks hot and we continued to discuss. I was a bit weird from how he acts lately. 

It's been already a month we've been partners and he always have been together with me,

i know how he smells, i know its him from the steps he take and i know him through every breath he exhaled. Whenever i'm walking, i can sense him and he's always there.

"Yoongi?" as i stopped walking along the road one day when i was back from a store.The footsteps stops.

"How do you know it was me?"

"How do i know it was you all the time?" i turned backwards and bumped into something. Wow he was so close to me.

"Woah there missy, i just wanted to make sure you're safe. You're walking alone at night is pretty much dangerous y'know," 

"I know my way to home, it's okay Yoongi," i was a bit shy from the way he said that, it's the first time ever for him to be that caring. I keep walking eventhough i still can hear his steps. I just walk and ignored him as if i thought he was gone.

"Urm, ___________ can you help me with my homework? I need to sent it tomorrow but i don't know how to do it.Can you help me?" 

"Oh, sure...let's go to my house," we walked for a few minutes and i started to think that maybe it's okay if i be nice to him eventhough he said bad things about me. Maybe he's trying to forget it.

I opened the door and let him sit on the couch.

"Where's your parents?" i really hoped he never asked that question. But who can ever stop a human's mouth especially Min Yoongi.

"They died. I live alone and sometimes my aunt will come by," i tried to make coffee but it's not easy for a blind girl like me. Then i felt someone (actually, him) at my back and holds my hand to pour the hot water. 

"I'm sorry" i heard the whisper that he puts by my ear and his hands makes its way through my waist. Wait..

"I'm sorry, i'll never hurt you again. I...i...." i don't know why i cried. It's the first time ever i felt this way. As if everything heavy that kept in my heart is now gone. 

"I Love you so much, I don't know why i said those words to you, but believe me, if you even cried again, i'll never forgive myself. I'll be the eyes of yours that will see the lights and love of ours that covers the atmosphere. I love you," he hugs me tightly i heaved by his jacket and cried.

"I love you too," there, i've said it.


"Suga hyung," I looked back and saw Hoseok standing by my door with some flowers.

"Okay,okay, wait.." i put on my coat and went out driving his car. This is Min Yoongi. Still here in this world where everything i saw is still perfect 100%.

But something's wrong.

"Hyung, it's been two years. Get a life," i kept silent and re-think again. We've came to the place. As usal for every month for 2 years, i'll be here, at her cemetry putting her favourite daisies.

She's gone. 

The doctor said since the accident she suffered brain tumour and she'll not live any longer. I've stayed with her till her death and now, i still stayed with her.I don't know till when but i still promise her one thing.

"I'll be the eyes of yours that will see the lights and love of ours that covers the atmosphere"




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done for second request!! *chu*


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amanda0103 #1
Chapter 1: OHMYGOD!! NAMJOON!!!!!
badgurlyaw #2
I cant access to request. Why?
badgurlyaw #3
Do u still accept requests?