Ice Cream Date


As soon as a knock was heard from the main door, Kyuhyun found himself rushing to it. Before he opened it though, he decided he didn’t want to seem like he was over-excited to see someone in particular. So he slowed down and counted to three before finally unlocking the door.

“You’re ready, kiddo?” Kyuhyun was greeted with a familiar handsome face which he was expecting to see for hours now.

“I told you not to call me that anymore”, Kyuhyun smacked the arm of the taller boy, his full lips pursed into an adorable pout. “You’re only 4 years older than me anyways”.

“Alright. Alright”. Siwon said rolling his eyes but the teasing glint was still there as he ruffled Kyuhyun’s soft hair. “Do you still want to go have ice-cream, or not?          ”

“Of course”, Kyuhyun said as a matter of fact before turning his head to the living room and shouted “Mom! I’m going out with Siwon-hyung for a while, okay?” and closed the door right after.

Kyuhyun was agitated alright. And so was Siwon.

Their families had been very close and it seemed like Siwon’s presence forever existed in Kyuhyun’s life. Even now that Kyuhyun was a 17-year-old high school student while Siwon was in his third year at college, they were still very close.


Today was the first day of Siwon’s summer break and of course the older boy wanted to spend it with Kyuhyun.


They walked to the ice-cream shop because Siwon enjoyed walking and Kyuhyun was willing to do it for ice-cream.


“Oh hi, Siwon!” The girl behind the counter greeted Siwon as soon as he walked through the door.

“Hey, Yoona. I didn’t know you work here”, Siwon greeted back no less excitingly.

“Well, I just started today. Thought I should get a part-time job now that it’s summer”

Kyuhyun cleared his throat quite loudly before Siwon could reply. Realizing what he should had been doing, Siwon quickly pulled Kyuhyun up to the counter.

“Oh Kyuhyun-ah, this is a friend of mine at college – Yoona-shi. Yoona, this is Kyuhyun.”

“Nice to meet you!” Yoona said sweetly.

“Same here”. Kyuhyun said dryly with a tint of unmasked irritation. 

Sensing an awkward silence, Yoona hurriedly said “So, what can I get for you guys today?”

“Oh, yes. Chocolate for me and…” Siwon turned back to Kyuhyun “the usual for you?”

“Yes”, the younger boy said quickly, still feeling a bit irritated with the unfading smile on Yoona’s face.

“Green Tea with Chocolate Swirl for him. Double scoops”, Siwon said to Yoona.

“Alright, it will be right up”, Yoona smiled before leaving the counter to prepare the ice-cream. She came back after a couple of minutes with two scones. She handed them to Siwon, who gave one of the cones to Kyuhyun. Siwon paid for the ice-cream and walked with Kyuhyun to their usual booth in the shop. Usually, Kyuhyun would sit in front of Siwon. Today, however, the high school student suddenly felt the need to switch and sat next to Siwon instead.

“Oh”, Siwon said in surprise at the younger boy’s odd action but decided not to say anything about it.  

“So did anything exciting happen this week at your school?” Siwon said after they both took the first bite.

“Well, I got the lead part for the upcoming musical”, Kyuhyun said before leaning over and took a small bite from Siwon’s ice-cream and the older boy was more than willing to let him do so.

“How about something that I was not expecting to happen?” Siwon said while smiling. His fingers reached over and wiped the ice cream smeared at the corner of Kyuhyun’s lips.  

“I got the highest score on the latest test in Math class?” Kyuhyun said playfully and Siwon rolled his eyes at the cheekiness.

While they were still talking, Kyuhyun gazed over to the direction of the counter of the shop and he saw Yoona smiling at Siwon. Being the polite boy he was, Siwon immediately smiles back at her.  Kyuhyun’s annoyance reached its limit when she even waved at Siwon and winked cutely.

Kyuhyun turned to his right side to face Siwon and pulled the taller boy closer by his shirt. Their lips were pressed against each other in no time. Siwon quickly responded to Kyuhyun’s kiss and when their lips parted, there was a smirk on Kyuhyun’s pretty face.

“I thought you didn’t want anyone to know about us yet?” Siwon said impishly.

“Well, I changed my mind”, Kyuhyun said. Then he stood up, holding Siwon’s hand and saying that he wanted to leave.

They walked out of the shop hand in hand. Happiness wasn’t containable on both of their faces.

A few minutes later, a ringtone coming from Yoona’s phone signaling a new message coming.

From Siwon: “Thank you ;) “




Here's the seond one! A bit longer than the previous, huh?!

Hope you like it!

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Chapter 7: My heart ached.. and then was touched.. Siwon really knows how to mend Kyuhyun's aching heart.. Thanks Anna!
Chapter 7: Poor kyunnie....but we love him coz of his talent, not his skin....truthfully i'm little scared to see him without make up coz we can see his tired face clearly...kyu has sooo many sched right now....and he must be really tired....
angelvoicekyu #3
Chapter 7: I got a shock when I read the first few lines of the story when Kyuhyun mentioned about him being imperfect with the thick foundation forced on him in order to look perfect in front of his fans. It's just heart breaking somehow cause I know how it truly feels to have that kind of feeling when being compared to your peers. If he has slow self esteem about how he feel, what about me? Aish, all my friends have better looking compared to me but I simply mustered all the courage to ignore it no matter how hard it is, they might be more beautiful, stunning, fair and got themselves boyfriends but it's not like they have everything they want right? So, Kyuhyun, please I love you cause of your voice, your talent and I'm sure other members love you for who you are. Besides, I never made fun of your cheeks like some people did cause I know how it feels, feeling truly downgraded in the very first place. Thank you Siwon for being by Kyuhyun's sides whenever he needed you. That's a wonderful piece Anna, no matter how low Kyuhyun felt for having Siwon as his, the other simply treasured him and don't even give a damn about his flaws.
Chapter 2: kyuhyun's jealous? Hahahhaha isn't right? Awwww cuty kyu... I smell if that is had been preparing bfr. XD
Chapter 1: wowwww... Good adrenaline wonkyu. Have fun !!!
Chapter 6: I love this story. Simple and cute
Thank u for writing it
Chapter 4: Even if they are short, they are good! :D Each story has its charm, so I can't say which is my favoruite ;) keep going, thank you ;)
All the chapter are really good
Update soon ^^