1- Love is...

What Is Love?

As cliché as it sounds, people often ask what is love.

Well, if someone is going to ask Taehyung about it, he’ll raise his brow and answer with obvious amusement, “What, you mean EXO’s song?” The person who’s asking him is probably going to turn his heel while shaking his head and wondering to himself why, of all people, he asked Taehyung.

Said person ignores Taehyung’s call asking what is he asking and if he got the answer wrong. He continues walking inside the broadcast station (they’re up for about a couple of hours more so he has time) without knowing where he is going and he ends up on their backstage room. He thinks all of the other members are either wondering around like him or hanging at the backstage, watching other groups’ performances, so he’s caught in a surprise when he hears some shuffling inside.

Silently, he peeks inside.

His lips form into a bow when he sees Jungkook, curled, lying uncomfortably on the couch and sleeping soundly. He carefully closes the door behind him and approaches their youngest.

Jungkook has always been pushed to the limit a little bit more than them. Being vocals, dance, and even visual all at once isn’t an easy task at all. He smiles when Jungkook mutters something inaudible and ponders what their maknae is dreaming about.

He spends several more minutes staring at the sleeping angel before he notices Jungkook is slightly chilling. He gets up and looks for a blanket; cautiously, covers Jungkook from the coldness coming from the air conditioner and when Jungkook moves a little, he almost jumps. He doesn’t want to wake him up, especially when he knows his tired and he needs rest.

Taehyung’s voice rambles even outside the room and he knows, they’re not up, yet.

He glances over Jungkook once more before he leaves the room, closing the door behind him and greeting Taehyung’s face. “Hello, Taehyung. Where are you going?”

“Oh, I’m actually looking for you. I’m just thinking about what you said and was that supposed to be a trick question? Are you quizzing me on new songs nowadays? Am I supposed to answer Super Junior’s “This Is Love”?

 What makes this more comical is Taehyung looks really, really serious about it that Jimin doesn’t have the heart to laugh in his friend’s face.

“Hey, Jiminnie?” Taehyung asks, when Jimin only stares on his face. “What? Did I get it correctly now?”

Jimin puts his arm on Taehyung’s shoulder, leading them away from the room because any more of Taehyung’s rambles and Jungkook might wake up inside. He’s always been a light sleeper.

“What time are we up?” he asks Taehyung.

Taehyung looks confusedly at him at first, like what the hell is Jimin talking about before his brows set apart and he glances at his watch. “Oh, you mean what time are we up on stage? About one and a half hour more.”

“Good,” Jimin smiles because he knows Jungkook can rest more.

1. Love is kind.

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Chapter 3: This is adorable and I really adore your writing, which makes it way more adorable. <33
ineedmytherapy #2
Chapter 2: Chapter 2: i really adore your writing and the story and the characters and im running out of ideas to comment but i just got to say that this story RUINED ME. my feels overloaded and finally exploded and this is so ing cute i dont know what to feel and your writing style really makes me envious and how the end sentences are always brilliant and gah, this makes me want to read more. i could imagine the jikook scene on my head so it's really great and it made me die so please update soon!!! n_n im in luv with this!!! im loving where this is going!! hoping u update soon :-----)
ineedmytherapy #3
ohmybangtanboys #4
this is too cute plz update soon! authornim hwaiting!
So cute!!!
Chapter 2: cute! cute! cute! i want more! >w<
Chapter 2: oh

this is so cute.
faith3_13 #8
Chapter 2: Great stories.
jun-kiseob_b2uty #9
Chapter 2: such a cool stories:) good enough, can't wait what will happens next^.^
Chapter 2: Please write more<3 This is so adorable!