
In her eyes

   N sighed as he sprinted through different alleys, hoping to catch a glimpse of his mentee- turned- runner. It was supposed to be a simple practice but he freaked out and ran away, a sign that he still couldn't accept the fact of his condition. He had called the others for backup since it was a large town and N alone couldn't cover much ground. He stopped to catch his breath, his stomach was growling from starvation and that just added more to his problem. As he was pondering on how to deal with the situation, he heard a shrill scream not far from where he was standing. He rushed towards the sound and found a young girl, probably in her mid- twenties lying on the cold hard ground. She had stopped screaming, her eyes were wide open with untold terror. 

   From a distance, he could see the colour red staining her clothes which was caused by a wound on her exposed neck. Beside her, sat Hyuk who was hugging his knees, his sorrowful sobs made him looked pitiful. N took a deep breath, trying to ignore the stench of blood that was beginning to enter his sense of smell. He took his steps slowly, planning to calm Hyuk down and probably get some help for the poor girl.

" Hyuk, Hyuk, look up. It's me, N. Don't worry, we can still help her. I just need you to calm down" N said with a soothing voice. Somehow, it worked. Hyuk looked up, revealing his teary glowing red eyes and his bloody mouth. The sight of it wasn't supposed to bother him since he had already prepared for it when he first signed up for the job but he couldn't help himself when a buried memory resurfaced as if it had just happened yesterday.

It was raining. He was running, an unnerved  feeling in his gut. He skidded to a stop in front of an alley and he saw something with glowing eyes and a snarling mouth holding HER in its graps. His anger rose as he charged towards the unknown creature,  with only an umbrella. He shouted with desperation, fear and anger as he pushed it away and pinned it to the wall.

"Hyung! Hyung! What are you doing? Let him go!" shouted Ravi who was trying to shake him of his trance. N blinked and found himself holding Hyuk by his collar, pushing him against the wall. He could see his reflection in Hyuk's now normal eyes, looking intimidating with his own glowing green eyes and sharp, glinting fangs.

" Sorry, Hyuk. I don't know what has got into me" he apologised, letting go his grip on the younger before turning his attention towards the badly injured girl behind him. He was surprised to see she was gone and there was no blood on the ground.

" Don't worry about the girl. Leo hyung had healed her with his blood and Ken hyung had managed to erase her memories about the att..." Ravi glanced at Hyuk before continuing " about the recent events. Hongbin cleared up the blood stains and the three of them were on their way to send her home". 

N gave out a sigh of relief. " Thank you, Ravi. You really did a good work on covering up this whole thing".

"Thank you." Suddenly, Ravi began to fidget nervously. " Can I ask you something?"

" What?"

"Why did you attack Hyuk just now? His bloodlust has stopped when you reached him, right?"

"I'm not really sure. I guess it is a flashback or something. I don't know. But the one thing I do know is we need to go back home. Hyuk looks like a mess and I don't have the mood to hunt today", N said with a tone of finalty, leaving no room for Ravi to ask more.

     The next day was a bit dull beause it rained and they had to stay at the house. Ravi was sleeping soundly, looking snug in his blanket while Ken and Hongbin were trying to cheer up Hyuk by playing Just Dance 4. The sight of them trying to dance according to the game made them looked ridiculous but at least Hyuk was smiling and laughing, not crying like a wreck just like what he did last night. Leo was nowhere to be seen which was typical of the silent vampire. N really wanted to join the noisy trio but he need to give Hyuk some space since it was awkward between the two because Hyuk was avoiding him for some reason. The flashback itself just made him more confused. For some reason, he couldn't remember his past. He don't know about the others because the past was a very sensitive issue. N and Leo had been a vampire for almost ten years, Ken, eight years, Ravi and Hongbin five years and Hyuk with only two years of experience which would explain his problem with feeding. They spend a long time with each other, acting as a support group, making sure that no one gone on a rampage but it was not enough for them to trust each other with their supossedly dark past.

        The thought of it was enough to give him a headache so he went inside his room to read some books while listening to good music. He glanced through the books that he had found behind the library, waiting to be discarded . It was free and there were some good old classical reads so he brought a box of it home. After a while, a dusty brown book caught his attention. He picked it up and noticed that there was no title on the book. If there is one, it probably had faded due to time. Interested, he sat down, plugged on his earphone and opened the book. To his surprise, it was someone's diary. At first, he didn't want to read it because it felt so wrong to read the writer's private life but since the writer had threw it away, he just continued reading.

  Dear Diary,

This is my first entry. I got this diary as a birthday present from my adorable little sister. But I can be a bit lazy sometime so I won't update this regularly. So today is the best day ever. I got a lot of presents from my family but the two best thing I had received is a choclate cake which my mother had bake it herself and also a novel I had always wanted. It was so good that I managed to read half of it before my grandmother advised me to take it slow because it will be no fun when if I finish the book quickly. Yawnn, I need to go to sleep. Goodnight, Diary.

Signing off, 

Ai Sara.

 N chuckled. He could relate to that kind of reading habit. He turned the next page, looking forward on what will happen next to Ai Sara's life. The next entry was a few weeks after her birthday.

  Dear  Diary 

Everything was crumbling to pieces now. My father's business went bankrupt and we need to move somewhere that is cheaper. My mother is worried 24/7, my father is grumpier than usual and my sister can't stop crying. Me, I also want to cry but I don't want to because it will worry my mother more. She always says that I need to be strong for my younger sister. Well, we move to some old flat which was owned by a elderly but kind auntie. We were busy with unpacking our stuff and now I'm writing this entry. The place is really creepy and I don't feel good aout this place. I hope things will get better tomorrow.

Signing off,

Ai Sara. 

N frowned, thinking on how quickly her life could just changed after a few weeks. Also, he kind of have some respect to her for trying to be strong for her little sister, just like him and his 'brothers'. He flipped the next page, more curious than before.

Dear Diary

We began to settle down in this new town with Father got a new job with computers and Mother took a part-time job as a cook at a nearby restaurant. My sister and I were waiting for a few days to enter our new schools. Sasha is going to a middle school while I'm going to be a high school student. I'm quite nervous and the stress was getting into  me so I decided to take a walk not far from home. I also brought my bag with me which was filled with some stuff that my mother thought will be useful in emergencies.

Anyway, while I was walking, I heard a really ferocious dog was barking at a tree. My first thought was to run but then I realised the dog didn't see me yet since it was busy showing its canine teeth to something up in the branches. I looked up and saw a boy hanging on with dear life. He looked so stiff and frightened so I decided to help him. I took out my umbrella ( just in case if it rains, my mother says).

I quickly charged at the dog with a yell ( more like a terrified scream) and popped open the umbrella, trying to startle the dog . I thinked it worked because when I opened my eyes, I saw it was running away. Then I heard some rustling from above and the frightened boy was now standing in front of me with a wide grin. He looked like he is almost my age and he was the most handsome guy I had ever met. He is really tall and his eyes were so, so, I don't know beautiful just like his grin. He thanked me and maybe he wanted to introduce himself but he glanced at his watch, his beautiful eyes widen with surprise. He exclaimed about how late he is and quickly sprinted down the road. But not before he turned and shouted " See you later". I really hope I can see him again because Diary, I think I had fallen in love.

Signing off,

Ai Sara.

" Wow, that's the most likely way to fall in love and it was love in first sight too. I wonder if I had ever had fallen in love. No." N shaked his head before a headache could start again. " I can't remember my past for a reason so no looking backwards. I just need to continue to read this girl's life. That's all".

Dear Diary,

My first day of school was kind of ok. The teachers are nice and the subjects can be understandable if I try hard enough. The students are just the typical high school students with many cliques. I don't want to bother myself with all those stuff. I also got a new friend. Her name is Qur Jeyoo. She is the first one to approach me with a kindly smile. She is a whizz in Maths ( I saw her workings and she is a genius but she will humbly deny it). She also has this liking to mangas and animes. We kind of clicked together and soon we are best friends.

She showed me around school and also explained the school's unofficial hierachy. She is busy explaining when a group of five good-looking guys passed by us. Jeyoo's eyes were round as saucers and her cheeks began to slowly changed to a light red colour. When the group was out of sight, she started to breath again. After a long time of pestering her, ( I can be quite annoying sometimes) she confessed that she had a crush with a certain Lee Taemin just like lots of girls in this school. To me, it is a hopeless kind of crush which actually reminded me of myself so I kept quiet about it. Jeyoo, on the other hand, was starting to launch a long explanation about how perfect Taemin is when a shout from behind cut off her words.I turned around to see the guy with the beautiful eyes walking towards me with a huge smile on his face. He was surprised yet excited that I'm the same school as him. He introduced himself and he thanked me again for saving hin from the dog. Then, someone shouted his name and with a never-ending smile he ran towards his groups of friends. 

Diary, you must be wondering why I didn't write down his name. That's because if anyone sees this, they will get mad at me. After that short conversation that left me speechless, Jeyoo and the other girls at the hallway were staring at me weirdly. Then, Jeyoo dragged me to an empty classroom and explained that he is actually one of the top popular groups in the school which means that he is figuratively higher than me and impossible to reach. I'm too depressed to write anymore so bye Diary.

Signing off,

Ai Sara.

" Ouch, that's must be really painful to know but that guy sounds friendly. Maybe they could at least be friends", N thought before he turned the next page. Suddenly, a knock disrupted his attention, causing him to close the diary.

" Come in." The door opened, revealing Hongbin who was sweating buckets and panting for air but still showing his dimpled smile as he entered the room.

"I just want to take my towel and take a shower. I don't know dancing could produce this much sweat. Ughhh. Hyung, do we have to go out tonight? I mean it still raining outside and you know ...Hyuk, he had been behaving strangely since last night", Hongbin asked with a worried frown

" It's okay. I think it's better if we rest tonight. Hongbin, do you think this is a suitable time for me to talk to him. He's been avoiding me and I do really want to apologise.

" Ummm, I think you can wait until tomorrow since today he is having fun. Don't worry. Hyuk is too nice to hate someone. Maybe he is shocked or something.

" Ok. Thank you for the advice and go take a shower. Your smell is murdering my nose. You better use the body wash that Ravi had brought you". Hongbin just laughed and went to the toilet. N then opened the diary and continued to read the next entry.

Dear Diary,

( I notice that my entries are becoming longer. Maybe I have a lot to write about and yes, I do. This entry proves it.)

I try to forget my feelings towards him, the guy with the beautiful eyes but it's hard when he is always there wherever I go. I heard that he likes to befriend everyone including a loner who is always hanging out in the shadows. Somehow, I ended up in his study group which is not my fault but the teacher's who thinks that I can help others because I tended to get high scores during examinations. The problem is I'm not good in dealing with a group of people. I will feel awkward with my small voice. It is so opposite to his loud and cheerful voice. Jeyoo can't help either beause she is stuck with a bunch of airhead girls. Anyway, the more time I spend with him, the more I fall for him and also the more I realised that he is too perfect for me. How can someone who is perfect can be so nice to people like me?

 All I know is that he is changing me bit by bit. He always encourages me to talk more and shows me that interacting with people is not that scary. Soon, I found myself talking more with a steady voice. I had new friends, not neccessarily close ones, Jeyoo is enough for me. I began to interact more in the study group and I actually feel happy when they thanked me for my help. My relationship with him ( can you call that a relationship?) is not that awkward anymore. We even argue a bit about Maths and sometimes I am right and sometimes he is right. It is really fun.

Imagine my surprise when he suddenly confessed to me that he LIKES me. I feel like I'm dreaming. He explained that he founds me interesting since the day I save him from the dog. At first, he thought that it is a weird thing that someone who can face a barking dog can be so scared and timid when face with people. He decided to help me and by doing that, he said that he is charmed by my modesty even though I'm probably the smartest student in school( I'm not. There must be others who is smarter than me).

I just stare at him but I don't think I can stand the expectation in his eyes.I just can't believe it. I don't know how to react. I think it is impossible for him to like someone like me. I try to explain to him what I think because I don't want any misunderstandings between us. I'm not that pretty and I also not talented in anything except for studying. I wonder if he even really really know me. What if he is disappointed if he founds out that I'm not that special? 

 He just laughed at me with his twinkling eyes. He said I don't really know him well so he give 'us' a week to actually know each other and then I will decide. It's a really weird suggestion but I can't think of anything either. Oh,Diary. What I am going to do????

Signing off, 

Ai Sara.

" Sheesh.This girl is really hard on herself" N thought before he went outside for a while to get a slice of bread. Everyone is doing their own stuff. When he was about to reenter the room, he bumped into Hyuk who had finished using the bathroom. He apologised and tried to talk to him but Hyuk just nodded awkwardly and dashed to the living room where Ken was waiting. There's something bothering Hyuk and he could see it in his eyes. N quickly shook himself out of his thoughts and returned to his reading.

Dear Diay, 

It's had been a long week and we did lots of things( I don't think I could write it down here because it will be too long). I guess he used the week to trick me to go dating with him but I don't care. After a week, I decide to give this relationship a try. He didn't try anything drastic because if the whole school knows, then I will be in trouble with his fangirls. ( I am the one who ask him to keep it a secret.) At school, we act as normal as we can but when we had the free time ( both of us had to help with our family stuffs too) we will have fun spending time with each other such as at the reading a book together at a library, eating ice creams at the park or watching a movie at  the cinema. The dating part is tricky since my parents will ask about who I will be going with me. I don't want to lie to them so I had to introduce him to my family. It turned out well so I don't feel guilty anymore when I go out with him.

Somehow, someone from school spotted us and spread the gossip at school. It was terrifying when you walk through the school corridors and everyone stares at you ( seething glares from the girls). The group of airhead girls that Jeyoo is stuck with approached me after school and dragged me to a store. They kept yelling at me, saying that I had no rights to steal him from the other girls. They mocked me with really painful words that my new found confidence was shattered. I'm so scared that I couldn't say or do anything. One of them stepped forward and she looked like she was going to slap me. I closed my eyes and braced myself for the pain.

Except the pain didn't come at all. When I opened my eyes, I saw him, standing by the door, panting as if he had ran all the way here. I wrote before that he has beautiful eyes but at the moment, his glare was so intimidating that I am actually afraid of him more than the girls. One of them tried to talk sweetly at him, saying that she is way better than me. She also pointed out that I'm so poor that I didn't have a phone. I just hung my head with shame. Suddenly, he took out his smartphone, fiddled with it and handed it towards the girl who had just talked. She was so happy that he was asking for her phone number but before she could even touch it, he dropped his phone to the ground and SMASHED it to pieces. The girls and I were speechless. He pulled me towards him and enveloped me in a comforting hug. I didn't realised I was crying the whole time. He whispered some comforting words to me and brought me to an ice cream store, not before he said a few words to the girls. I don't know what he said but since that day, they didn't bother me anymore.

P.S : He bought me a smartphone. I tried to say no but he said he always wanted to buy a couple phone and also his old smartphone had actually been infected by some virus. I questioned him about it but he just waved it off by making me to do selfies with him. 

Signing off,

Ai Sara.

" That guy is really romantic. If I am him, I will do something else rather than smashing my own smartphone", N thought before he jumped from the lightning outside. " The storm is getting worse. Luckily,we didn't need to go outside now". He stretched his arms for a while, feeling a bit stiff from sitting down for far too long. He was about to stop reading and go to the kitchen to prepare for dinner when suddenly, he noticed the writings on the next page. Usually her handwriting was quite neat but the next page's writings were messy. He read the first line and was suddenly became more interested.

Dear Diary,

Something terrible happened today. I couldn't get it out from my head so I thought writing it down will help me make sense of it.I should have waited for him as usual but I guess I'm too upset to think it through. He always has good reasons for everything he had done but there was one time when I don't trust him. I regret my mistake because it cost me more than I had ever imagined.

Let me keep you up to date first. I haven't done that nowadays beause I'm too busy with the examinations. He also seemed to be busy too and I understand that. But what I don't understand was why he will be busy after the exams. He always comes late to our dates and he is always too tired to hold a conversation with me. Usually, he is the one who start it and I will follow on comfortably but that didn't happen. I did ask him about it but he just smiled at me. Soon, he didn't comes to our dates at all. It's like we agreed on something, then the next day I will be waiting for a long time until he sends me a text message, saying that he is sorry that he didn't come.

I was worried and restless, thinking maybe there is something I miss. One day, I couldn't take it anymore so I told Jeyoo about it. She told me that it is my turn to keep him waiting for ME since I'm going to have a date with him on that day at the ice cream shop and he promised to come. I was about to protest but she managed to convince me with her words. I just need to go late, that's all. It's not that I'm not going to come.

So I decided to come 45 minutes late. I quickly headed to the ice cream shop. It was raining so I used my umbrella. I was about to enter when suddenly I saw him walking towards me. To my surprise and shock, he is not alone. He was walking WITH Jeyoo while holding an umbrella for both of them and carried a plastic bag with his other hand. Then he caught sight of me and his still-beautiful eyes widen with surprise. I just stared back with disbelief because I felt betrayed. Hurt. I felt so hurt that he will cheated me with my best friend. MY own best friend. He seemed to sense something wrong from my reaction and quickly ran towards me. I know he will explain the reason why he did it and I will have to yield to it because I will still believe he is a good guy. But then I don't need to believe him if I don't hear his excuses, right? Big mistake.

So I ran. Maybe I dropped my umbrella but I don't care. Somehow he caught up with me and grabbed my wrist but I struggled. I don't want to face him because I know I will completely break down in front of his beautiful eyes. I stumbled a bit, scrapped my knees and continued running until I can't run no more. Then a stranger walked up to me. I thought he is going to ask me why I'm running in the rain but he unexpectedly dragged me to an alley really really hard. He pushed me against the wall and I was about to scream when the strange's gaze petrified me. It is a pair of bright golden eyes that staring at me hungrily. I thought I saw him somewhere before but then he started talking, revealing fangs that gleamed in the darkness. Yeah, call me crazy, Diary but that's what I saw. He always repeated how hungry he is and if he is what I think he is, I will probably be dead by now. Except I'm not because suddenly the pressure on my shoulders disappeared. I blinked my eyes against the falling rain, trying to register the fact that he, who had been chasing me just hit the monster with an umbrella, my own umbrella.

He just hitting it continously until it fell down unconciously. He tunred around to check on me and I feel embarassed with my previous actions. He was helping me to walk out of the alley before he was dragged down by the monster. He quickly let go of me so I will not be dragged too but that didn't stop me to try save him. He shouted at me to not come closer and get some help. I don't want to but he set his glare on me, one that told me that I had no choice but to do what he ask me to do. My phone was out of batteries so I ran to the nearest shop. Some of the people there followed me to the alley but he was gone. The monster and him was gone but there was a lot of blood everywhere that I fainted at the spot. 

To be continued since the police is calling me in.

Signing off, 

Ai Sara.

N didn't say anything more because a headache was beginning to form inside his head. He quickly turned towards the next entry.

Dear Diary,

The police had been investigating the case for weeks now but to no results. Of course, I didn't told them about what the monster really is. Then, they received a report about a fire started by someone who fits the suspect's description. They found...they found... I can't believe I'm writing this. They found scraps of his clothing, bits of flesh and a few strands of his hair. That means...that means he is dead. It's my fault, isn't it Diary? But why no one can't say that to me? To make matters worse was the police found something at the alley. It was the plastic bag he had dropped and inside it is a box. The box contained a letter and two rings. It's a couple ring. The police gave it to me since the letter was addressed to me.

I cried when I read the letter. He said that he is so sorry for all the times I had been waiting for him. He said that the reason he is always late is because he is taking up dance lessons for an upcoming competition. He is embarassed to show me his skills so he waits until he is sure it is perfect. He also wants to give me a couple ring for our 100th days as a couple. There's a random and hurried writing below his that belongs to Jeyoo, stating that she had helped him pick the rings. Diary, I feel like I'm the worst people in the world. I went to Jeyoo's house and I apologised to her though I don't know how she accept it with all my crying and wailing. I need to stop here because I think I have to cry again.

Signing off,

Ai Sara

The thudding sensation in N's head was now turning into a loud and hard banging. It doesn't make sense but he needed to continue reading. Maybe the next entry would make sense to him.

Dear Diary,

This is probably my last entry. I need to move on, you know? Make a new start. I still have my family and Jeyoo. I just can't ruin myself anymore by crying for him for months now, can't I? I'm going to start college, probably meet new friends if I can overcome to my confidence issues again. So, I will put all my memories of him in this diary and place it at where I will forget about it eventually. Maybe I could just throw it away at the library's discarded box where no one will bother looking through it. 

Honestly, Diary, even if I can get rid of his traces in my life, I couldn't never ever escape the memories of us together. If I get married someday, he will always be remembered as the first person who teaches how talking to different people is not scary. The first person who made my heart beat with his beautiful eyes. The first person who destroyed his smartphone for me ( probably the last). The first person who still chases after me after I tried to push him away. The first person who sacrificed everything for me. Goodbye, Diary. Keep him safe for me as long as you can.

P.S I will never forget you because I can't.

P.S.S I love you, Cha Hakyeon.

N let go of the diary, causing it to drop with a thud. The impact opened the last few pages of the diary, revealing pictures of Ai Sara and her lover. N could just stared at the pictures, more importantly, the images of himself grinning at him. Soon, the flashbacks played through his mind like a movie but on fast forward. He clutched his head with pain while groaning in the process. He began to remember her now but the other details were blurry. He looked again at the pictures and one caught his attention. It was a class picture and he saw her standing with the brightest smile she could conjure. She always believes that she can't smile right but he will be the one to point her that her smile is really cute. His eyes now focused on his own image with a dashing smile with a pose. He never do that, right? But one picture sent him to another flashback. The moments after the fight in the alley, when he first met his mentor and when he first met.....


N charged out of the room, heading towards the kitchen where everyone was preparing for dinner. If his shout ( that even use Leo's old name) doesn't attract attention then his appearence did. His eyes were glowing green, his hair turned into a silver grey colour, his nails just turned into claws and his fangs were out without anything to hold it back. The others scrambled away from him, knowing that messing with him would just make matters worse. The said person just turned around with his poker face on, though something like fear flickered for a second in his eyes.

" What?"

" WHAT!!!",  N screamed, his eyes were coals of green fire. He held up the class picture to Leo's face. " Would you be kind enough to explain what you have done 10 years ago???!!!"

" You don't want to know." Leo replied curtly.

" I don't want to know? Unlike everybody here, I can't even remember my past. So don't you tell me that I don't want to know and you better start talking because you had been silent for 10 years, Leo. "

" Fine. I'm the one who attacked your girlfriend because I just got turned into a vampire by a girl who wants me to be with her forever. Too bad, I couldn't  control myself at that time, so I killed her. Then, I tried to go home when suddenly I bumped into your girlfriend who had a scrape on her knees. I attacked her and then you attacked me and I somehow you turned into a vampire during that fight. Our dear mentor found us and decided to take us under his wing but you just couldn't give up on her. One night, you went to her place because you miss her and you also almost tried to kill her if it was not for me, you will be crying over her grave now. In the end you asked our mentor to erase your memories but he could only just surpressed it. That means that you don't want to know about your past anymore." Leo explained with a monotone voice while the others were surprised to hear him to talk for a long period of time. 

       N, on the other hand, only huffed, his temper was subsiding. He stood still for a while, his eyes darkened by each second. He went towards the door.

" You think you can return to her after 10 years? She's dead, N , in a car crash with her sister years ago."

" I'm not going after her. I'm going to have a drink. By the way, if you see the murderer who had killed 9 woman in the news tomorrow, found dead with not a drop of blood in his body, then you know what happened to him" N said before he slammed the door.

The end. ( Not yet)



A few hours later.

"Hyung", Hyuk asked with anxiety in his voice after everyone had finished their quiet dinner. " Is it ok if N hyung go out just like that?"

" Don't worry. N had better control than all of us. Also, after he the blood out of the murderer, he will get sick after that. He couldn't take it all in one go." Leo answered while patting Hyuk at the back.

" One more thing. She's not dead, hyung. I saw her yesterday. She's the one I had attacked last night. You know about when a vampire tastes someone's blood, he could see all of their memories. I saw her with N but I'm confused if I need to talk about it to him."

" You don't need to, Hyuk. He already knows about her now but I guess he couldn't recognise her last night since it was 10 years ago he last met her. But can you keep her being alive a secret? I don't want him to be crushed like ten years ago.

The End ( For real)

A/N : I'm sorry if this is too long or boring or I didn't explore the whole vampire concept or something. I'm running out of time so I apologise again if this story has many grammatical 'errors' in it. Feel free to comment so I can write better stories.          





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parkhaerin0314 #1
Chapter 1: daebakk , anyways , the ending is quite a mystery thoo ,