Sentimental Thief


Living alone in a large house looks inviting to a thief.


Warning:  ! Boyxboy


Thank you to hannie89 at Ice-cream Poster Request Shop for the awesome poster ^^


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Chapter 1: Awh so sweet ^^
LovingKitty #2
Chapter 1: Omo so sweet the thief ^_^
Chapter 2: Oh. It was beautiful and kind of heartbreaking for me... Orphans always sadden me. :(
SBsolo #4
Although you didn't say who was who, to me it seems as Teukie was the thief! If Eeteuk broke into my house in the middle of a blackout to steal something I'd be like "You already stole my heart, I don't think you need anything else" jkjk, I'd probably just hide beacuse I wouldn't want him to see me looking like crap. Sorry long comment. Anyways, this story is beautiful just like your other stories! :)
SadisticSinner #5
I think I'll love a thief like this one to broke my house and steal me~ tehe~
That's a nice thing that you didn't use their names because you gave the readers the freedom to choose their favorite otp~
but I think eeteuk and sungmin is a great pairing xD
memoire- #6
Daydreaming about my crush is that person xDD! But then it is originally awesome and the poster is nice!!!
rizzorin #7
hahaha!~ nice~ i like it~ hahaah!~
okey...this one is very touching.. :'( you got the point there... LOVES the last sentence.. "You don’t need a reason to like or love someone" <3 <3