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Youngji looked at the mirror, her own reflection. Her eyes were half-opened, her long black hair was messy, and was that drool? Aigo, gross. She stretched her hands up, refreshing herself. It was 7 in the morning and her parents decided to drag her to some family meeting because it was her last day in Seoul, before her departure. Being respectful, even though she was freaking tired (because honestly she hardly ever slept, blame those unnecessary thoughts), she still woke up to take a proper bath, proper dress up.



She was on her way out of her bathroom when she heard her mom calling her, with her very loud voice. She glanced at the alarm clock on her table, indicating 7.45 in the morning. '30 minutes in the bathroom? What the heck did i do?' She got mad at herself, cursing inwardly as she went to take out some clothes.


Youngji ended up wearing a long black jeans that fit her legs perfectly, with a plain oversized white shirt. She tied her hair up into a ponytail as she dashed out of her rooms towards the shoe rack, not wanting to get nag by her mother.






Mr. Heo entered the restaurant, followed by Mrs. Heo and a tired-looking-but-still-smiling Youngji. As they walked in, the other relatives, which include Youngji's uncles and aunties and also a few cousins, waved at them, with smiles plastered on their face. They hadn't meet for quite some time, so seeing all of them gathered together at that moment, kind of amazed Youngji.


She took a seat next to her mother after she bowed to her relatives. On her left, it was her cousin, Minah, who was having a smiling competition (just kidding) with a guy next to her. 'Eh wait, who is that guy?' Youngji thought, trying to remember. How can she forget a family? No way.


Maybe Minah have some magical power because right after that, she faced Youngji and introduced that guy, who turned out to be Minah's boyfriend.


"Oh... No wonder I haven't seen him before."


But then seeing both of them giggled towards each other un-funny jokes (Youngji didn't even found their conversation funny), Youngji mind went somewhere she never expect. Seeing both of them smiling and all happy remind her of him, which was also the reason why she couldn't sleep properly the night before.


"Seeing you, make me happy," unexpectedly, that sentences kept on repeating on her mind, like a CD or something.


Realizing the fact that she had unexpectedly met him in 5 days straight, will she eventually meet him again today?


And for the first time in forever, she somehow regretted not reading that creepy book, regret not knowing what will happen to her that day.


"Will I meet him today?" She wondered, but then quickly shook her thought away.






Everyone was eating quietly when suddenly Minah held her tummy with a frown on her forehead. She was cringing her palm and Youngji noticed sweats tracing down her temple.


"Minah-ah, are you alright?" Being as concern as always, Youngji patted Minah's shoulder as she asked.


Minah shook her head weakly. She was now holding onto her stomach. Her boyfriend was in the toilet, doing well who knows?


"What's wrong?" Everyone was focused on Minah.


"My stomach," she held onto the table, still frowning, "hurts."


"Youngji-ah, why don't you buy some painkiller at the nearby store? You are familiar with this place, right?" One of her aunt, Minah's mom, asked politely. She looked so worried that it made Youngji felt guilty to decline it.


"Ah... No, it's okay." Minah shook her head, "I can ask my boyfriend to buy it for me later."


Right then, her boyfriend came out from the toilet. He quickly made his way towards Minah and held her hands tightly, worry writing all over his face.


"What are you doing so long in the toilet?"


"Oh, my stomach isn't doing well. I guess i eat something I shouldn't be eating. I'm sorry," he bowed slightly, with embarrassed grin on his face.


"My stomach hurts too," minah sighed weakly. She landed her head on her boyfriend's shoulder.


"Should I go and buy some medicine for you?" Her boyfriend said, sounding very concern.


Youngji stared at them. 'What does it feels to have a boyfriend anyway?' She sighed guiltily as her mom elbowed her, signaling her to buy the medicine. Nah, what a day.


"I will go, wait for me o." Youngji put the handkerchief away, and stood up. She bowed to her family members before she walked towards the front door.






Jackson looked at his phone immediately when he felt the vibration on his hand. It was a message.


Right after he opened the text message, he couldn't help but smiled as he fixed his clothes. Looking one last time at his reflection on the shop's tiny mirror, he went straight to the door.






Youngji fixed her bangs, the weather was good, but it messed with her hair. She was already frustrated (she really wanted to help her cousin, but she was not really in that-being-kind-to-everyone-mood) over the fact that she need to wake up so early in the morning, and honestly, she wasn't ready to leave Seoul yet. Tomorrow. One last day. She sighed heavily.


She looked at her own shoes, with both hands in her sweater's pocket while walking lazily to the nearby shop. She shouldn't be acting like this, Minah was sick. She shook her head.


"Wake up, Youngji-ah!"


She quickened her steps.


"Eh, am i on the right way?" She creased her forehead. She looked around, "ah," she nodded to herself, "there it is."


Youngji headed straight to the shop. It was then that she spotted a very familiar figure a few meters in front of her. Youngji couldn't help but grinned, feeling excited.


"Yah!" Youngji yelled loudly, as she ran towards that person.







Jackson wandered his head, taking a good look around him. He glanced slightly at the watch on his left wrist, 'where are you?' and looked back around him.


He took out his phone and sent a quick text to her. He kept tapping his feet on the ground, waiting patiently as he hummed a little to his favourite song. He then turned his head to his right, and saw Youngji. His frowned turned into a smile instantly.


"Youngji-ah!" He held his hand up, wanting to wave at her. But of course, this isn't some sort of fairytales or drama because Youngji didn't even notice him there. Jackson stared at Youngji, looking at her curiously as she walked with a tired looking face.


Taking a look at Youngji's face, his frown reappeared again on his forehead, he was worried. But then, Jackson frowned even more, wondering what the heck did that girl with ponytail suddenly became so happy as she was suddenly running with a huge grin plastered on her face. Youngji was running straight to her front. Curious, Jackson turned to look at the direction she was heading to.


Jackson didn't saw anyone he knows, but what caught his eyes made his heart skipped a beat. His eyes went wide immediately.


He turned his head back to Youngji, and that silly girl was still running. Duh, dumb. Having no choice, he quickly dashed towards her as he called out her name, hoping that she will hear him.






Youngji's sight turned black. She shut her eyes tight, still trying to digest what was happening. Everything was happening so fast that she couldn't do anything to avoid it. She inhaled deeply, as she opened her eyes slowly.


And there was someone, who was on top of her, looking straight into her eyes. Her eyes widened immediately, as she finally recognized the person on top of her. Wait, did she mention it was a guy? And it was not just any guy.






Oh. My. God.



What did she done before to be in this kind of situation?



Youngji's heart was beating rapidly. Her mind went blank, completely. Did she mention that her lips..... And his lips...... 'What?' Their lips was touching each other. 'My god what is happening.....' She was still staring at the guy on top of her. That gazed was killing her. It was just a touch but why does Youngji's heart beat so fast that it might burst out?


Is that fireworks she was seeing?


Is she blushing?


She shouldn't be doing this, right?


Both still gazing into each other's eyes until,


"What are you kids doing in the middle of this town? my god, young people." A voice, an ahjumma's voice.


Snap. She quickly pushed him away, making Jackson fell onto the road on her left.


"Yah!" Jackson groaned. "It's hurt you know."


"What are you doing to me, you ert guy. Ugh!" Youngji quickly stood up, and bowed apologetically to the passerby who were looking at them. She was feeling so embarrassed that she couldn't bring herself to look at the guy who was still groaning next to her.


"Er...." Another voice, from her back. She immediately turned her head, and saw another guy, with a bike's helmet on his head, who she didn't recognize at all.




"You know, i'm," that guy scratched his head, which supposed to be the helmet, and smiled guiltily, "i'm really sorry. You know, I didn't mean to hit you with my bicycle, it was just that you are walking without looking at me and I was in hurry so I kind of rush to your way and almost hit onto you but luckily that guy," he pointed at Jackson, "pushed you away, but......" He trailed his sentence as he rubbed his neck, "I don't know that it will turn out that both of you will kiss-"


"Oh my god stop." Youngji held her hand up, didn't want to hear what that guy was going to say. This is so embarrassing. My goodness. She was cursing under her breath. Damn.


"It's okay, you know, she was just shy. I know her, it's okay." Jackson said, he was acting like nothing was wrong. 'It's okay? It's not okay!' Youngji glared at Jackson who was trying to stand up.


"Are you sure?" That helmet guy was still with a guilty look on his face.



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please don't kill me //kisses


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ngger_palupi #1
it's really good story ever...
hmmb,,, i miss ur update author-nim.. T_T
Please aupdate...
Chapter 8: I can't stop smiling when I read your story;))) Please update!
ngger_palupi #3
authornim,,,i do really wait for ur update,,, i'm falling in love with ur story,,, so good!!!
ichaichaken #4
Chapter 8: update pleaseeeee :")))
Chapter 8: i'm still curious 'bout the book.. did Youngji bring it?
Chapter 4: Every time i re-read this chapter,i always smile like a crazy person
Chapter 8: why is this so beautiful ;u;
forever_distracted #8
Chapter 8: Havent read this chappie yet...i just want to leave a comment first and say thank you for not abondoning this story. I am seriously curious as to how this story will end.........jackji is still rocketing despite the lack of real life interactions. :D thanks again for the new chapter! I'll be reading it now and be anticipating the next one. :)
BaechuJyuu #9
Chapter 8: Finally.. An update!! I can't wait!
Tiatioot #10
Chapter 8: Update more~!!Its so frustrating of not knowing what will happen next thou~ arghhhhhh!!