Andante- Chapter 18

Dreaming of You

Andante by Super Junior

(A/n: Listen to this^^ its a really good song for this chapter:D Enjoy. Hoope you leave a comment and subscribe if you haven't yet)

It was almost a year since I last saw my parents. When I saw them walk in my room, I felt so many emotions run through my body. I felt sadness, loneliness, longing, happiness, and mostly fulfilment. I missed them so much that I’m just glad I saw them again.

“I’m really sorry Minho. I don’t want to lose you too,” my mom said holding on to my leg over the thin blankets.

“Minho, If you can hear me, why don’t you tell your parents how you feel?” I could hear Taemin’s voice tell me.

I finally found my voice and followed what Taemin suggested saying, “I’m sorry mom. Please forgive me.”

My mom continued to sob and said, “Don’t blame yourself, Minho. It’s the past and I’m sure your sister doesn’t want you to dwell on the past. I’m sure... no...I know your sister forgives you. And I know that she wants you to stop blaming yourself. It was an accident. It’s not your fault.”

Whatever you’re feeling set them aside and let go of the past. There’s nothing else to do but forgive yourself. Your mom said that they forgive you.

I just looked at my parents and I saw my dad nod in agreement. I saw tears slowly fall from his face. So... they did forgive me. But if they forgave me, how come they never came home until now?

“I’m sure they had their reason why they left,”Taemin’s voice comforted my unsaid words. “I can’t hear what you’re thinking but I can only guess your confusion. Why don’t you ask them and you’ll understand why they did what they did,”Taemin’s voice continued to talk to me.

I spoke again and voiced my question out loud, “If you forgave me, why didn’t you guys come home sooner? I missed you I thought you guys hated me for her death. I thought that you guys left because you hated seeing me after what happened to her.  That... it’s unbearable to see me every day, that’s why you left.”

My dad finally spoke and said, “At first we did blame you. You were the one driving and because of that we lost your sister. But then we realized that it was an accident, which could happen to anyone. You shouldn’t have taken the wheel when you were drinking but that’s the past. We don’t hate you for it, but we’re not happy about it either. I’m sure your sister forgives you too. So it’s your turn to forgive yourself. It’s the past and there’s nothing else you can do but forgive yourself and always remember your sister in your heart.”

I’m sure you will always remember your sister even without your parents reminding you. All you can do now is forgive yourself just like how your parents and sister forgive you for your mistake. Learn to forgive...Minnie.

I could feel my eyes swell up again as tears formed around my eyes once again. I let it flow and let my emotions come out.

The hard part’s over. They forgive you and now you know the truth. Now you know the reason. The only thing that’s left is for you to forgive yourself. Everything will be alright. Your parents are here, your friends are here and I’m here for you.

I saw my mom walking closer to me and gave me a hug. Soon enough, I could feel more people hugging me as my friends walked closer and joined the group hug.

Everything will be alright.

The emptiness that I always felt from my parents’ absence slowly faded.  My parents finally came back and I don’t feel lonely anymore. I feel that everything is going to be fine, that I won’t too much pain.

It was quiet for a while. My mom’s tears slowly stopped and I could see my friends wipe away a few tears of their own.

My mom looked around and noticed my friends who were huddled in a small corner. “Hello...Changmin and Junsu. It’s nice to see you again. Sorry I didn’t notice you guys earlier,” my mom greeted them giving a small laugh. Changmin and Junsu gave my parents a bow along with a smile. “Why don’t you guys come closer? There’s enough space for all of us,” my mom said ushering them to come closer. “What are your names dear?” my mom asked.

“Hello Mrs. Shim. I’m Hongki, Lee Hongki,” Hongki said greeting my mom.

“Hello, I’m Yoseob,” Yoseob said giving my parents a slight bow.

“Hello Mrs. Shim. I’m Taemin, Lee Taemin. Nice to meet you,” Taemin said shyly.

Taemin spoke again and said quietly almost inaudible, “Um...excuse me Mr and Mrs Shim?” I saw my parents turned their head and faced Taemin. “The doctor said that Minho is getting better and that he can go home,” Taemin said shyly. This boy is so cute.

“Does this mean you’re not sleeping over?”Taemin asked in his head. I gave a slight chuckle. I noticed that his mouth turned into a slight pout. I looked at him with a pointed look as if saying “you have a pout on your face”. “I’m so not pouting Minnie,” Taemin said glaring at me. I gave a small laugh confirming that he is indeed pouting.

“Since you can go home today, how about your friends come over for dinner dear?” my mom said inviting my over.

I know you can read my thoughts Minnie. That’s so not fair. I can’t hear yours. I can only see your facial expressions.

“Thank you Mrs Shim,” Changmin said with a wide grin on his face.

“Yah...”Hongki hyung yelled silently. “You just ate dinner a while ago,” Hongki continued to say.

“No...That was a snack and it would be rude to decline Mrs Shim’s offer hyung,” Changmin said causing everyone to laugh, even my parents laughed along.

“I guess you’re not sleeping over anymore. But I’m really glad that you’re smiling again. Can you tell me the story later though? I don’t know the full story,” Taemin thought. 

Not that I would tell you this yet, unless I’m ready to tell you; that you are the one who makes me smile. You’re the one who helped carry my burdens. You’re the one who helped lessen the weight from those burdens on my shoulders. I don’t know how to thank you... but thank you. I don’t know how but I’m sure you’re one of the reasons why my parents came back. You really are an angel sent from above.


Every night I used to listen to Andante by Super Junior just to help me fall asleep. Whenever I listen to that song I can relate to the lyrics every time I listen to it. The song used to remind me of the memories that I had with my parents and how painful it is to try and forget them but now, I’m living in the present and not dwelling the past. Thank you...Tae.  Now whenever I fall asleep, I don’t remember painful memories, but memories that are worth remembering. I see the light that you shone in the dark place I was in. You lead me to a brighter path Min... thank you.

Andante- Super Junior (Listen to it. It’s really good and I think that it really describes how Minho felt when his parents left him and the pain he used to feel before Taemin came)

I fall asleep, fall asleep
As these heavy tears come to an end, the end comes
Outside the window of my room, outside my interest,… nights pass by
Your memories pass by
From the first rainy day
To the last drenched day
The endless tunnel darkness
Gradually pierces into my dreams
No matter how I try looking back on your memories
Those words I haven’t been able to escape
Till I reach the end of our separation
I turn around then turn around
Even the numerous feelings that have slowly built up
Even the numerous memories that have slowly filled in
Slowly I will forget them a bit more
In the dreams I’ve gotten used to, calmly I’m prepared for our goodbye
Even inside my dreams, my heart can’t completely replace you
Just when can I forget you?
When I open my eyes, not too long it is Thursday, then Tuesday
Now even time quickens
I want to keep you a little bit more, though
No matter how I try looking back on memories of that day
That place I haven’t been able to escape
Till I reach the front of your house
I turn around then turn around
Even the moment of farewell that slowly approached
Even your heart that slowly drifted apart
Slowly I will believe them a little bit more
Though I tried to hold it in
Without me helping at all, growing before my dazzled eyes
Like the tears that gradually welled up
No matter how I try looking back on your memories
Those words I haven’t been able to escape
Till I reach the end of our separation
I turn around then turn around
Even the numerous feelings that have slowly built up
Even the numerous memories that have slowly filled in
Slowly I will forget them a bit more
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First complete chaptered fic:) Thanks again you for reading


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Kpop__ships #1
Chapter 21: Love this :)
Chapter 21: It's ok that there is no JongKey moment in the ending. Still love the story. Happy that 2Min are happy. Sad that it ended but cant wait for you next fic.
Waterdroplet #3
Chapter 21: Lol Taemin and your comments to Minho and his mind reading!
This story is great! Please update soon!
I love your name :P
I cant wait for some JongKey moment.
Why cant Taemin read Minho thoughts?
Taemin is cute.
I'm happy that Minho and his parents made up.
Cant wait to read more.
Thank you for the update.
I hope that Minho and Junsu were able to talk thing out and still be friends after.
Waterdroplet #8
So cute~ It's all just how Jjong explained the soap opera X3
Elfeira #9
Such a beautiful story :) Can't wait for more^^