

“Senna please... Listen to me.”


“You’ll never understand.”


“Couldn’t you just accept and be happy for it?!”


“Happy? What about me Taehyung!”


“Stop being so selfish and childish Senna.”


“Sorry Taehyung, I just couldn’t.”


Senna looked away from Taehyung and stared at the purple-red sky feeling the slow breeze that hits her face.

She gazed down the building, ‘a 60 feet fall? Not bad.’ she said to herself.

She was so wrapped up with her own thoughts that she didn’t hear Taehyung calling her.


“Senna don’t do something, I know you are better than this.”


But Senna’s mind kept wandering from the first time she met Taehyung at the coffee shop where she worked.

Taehyung was just a regular costumer, and she was a newly hired waitress.

She always anticipates for Taehyung to pass by or enter the café.

Taehyung would often brought things for her like clothes, shoes and others.

And that day she knew she loved him. But she never knew that Taehyung also loved her, but it’s ‘Sisterly Love’.

She never thought knowing him and being friends with him would lead her to fall in love with him.

But their interactions changed when she confessed to Taehyung about her feelings.

Just then Taehyung rejected her because he already had a girlfriend. And he acted distant from her since that incident.

After a few weeks Taehyung showed up and told her that he is getting engaged with his girlfriend.

She cried for days, she ate nothing and stopped working.  She even tried to move on, but she just can’t.

No one even tried to help her or comfort her. She always feel alone, why does everyone had to leave her, first her parents, second her friends, and then Taehyung.  She chuckled at those memories and wiped her tears.

 ‘How stupid’ she thought falling in love with him was the dumbest thing she ever did, knowing that Taehyung will never love her back.  Tears started to fall from her eyes again; she held her chest feeling the tightness of her heart.  She looked up to the sky and then to Taehyung.


“I’m sorry Taehyung. I LOVE YOU.”


She smiled and slipped off the steel railings.


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