Final: New Years Surprise

New Years Surprise


      Your shoes sank into the layers of snow as you trudged home from work. All you wanted to do, was lay in bed and sleep. You, a 25 year old reporter stepped up to your door, ing your key into the lock, and unlocking the door. You slid in and swung the door closed with your right foot. You shook off your shoes and coat before running towards your bedroom and falling into bed. You snuggled deeper into the blankets then drifted into sleep immediately.

      You blinked open your eyes, awaking yourself from sleep. Your eyes scanned the clock that lit up the numbers 8:00. “5 hours. Yes.” You sighed in content. You haven’t slept at all this past week, the most you had gotten was 2 hours with lenience from your boss. You forced yourself out of bed and got ready for another day at work. You washed your face from any sign of sleep and brushed your hair back into a loose ponytail. You dressed yourself into a black dress, covering your shoulders was a white, polished suit jacket. You slipped on black heels and ran out the door.

      You came to a halt at the sight of your favorite café. You sighed, entering the warm café and was greeted by the cashier. You ordered the usual, two coffee’s with cream and a blueberry scone. The cashier presented you with the container of coffee and a scone, wishing you a happy new year before returning his attention to the next customer. You thanked him and headed out towards her work. The building standing tall that stated KvN. You walked through the revolving door to be greeted by warm air. You gave a slight smile and bowed to the others before going to your office.

      You flipped up your laptop screen and clicked the power button on. The screen lit up and you smiled, your cold exterior melting. The laptop screen displayed the pictures of you and you’re your boyfriend, a few weeks ago. You sincerely missed him, and never knew when he would be back. You just hoped it would be soon. Your boyfriend was a famous singer, and he really wasn’t home because he would either spend the night at the dorm because it was more convenient or be in other countries. Even though, the fans were aware of you dating him and very supportive to the point that they were waiting for the marriage news, you couldn’t meet him often. You sighed, you’ve been busy yourself with all these reports and barely had time to call him.

      “Sunbae!” a voice called you. “Yes?” You replied turning your attention to the location of the voice. “Captain, wants to see you.” The girl, Sehyun told you. You nodded and walked towards the office at the end of your hall. “Captain Lee.” You spoke as you entered his office. "I’m assigning the car accident to Seonhwa, I just want you to gather info from the team and report it to me. They already have your number, understood?” He stated. “Yes sir, Mind giving me the contact list.” He nodded his head and handed you the paper. You exited his office and headed back, taking a seat. You sighed, you took a sip of your coffee and bit out of your scone.

      You stretched your arms up, hearing the slight pop from your arms. You yawned and continued typing up the information, Hani called and told you. You emailed it to Captain Lee before taking another sip from your coffee to realize it was empty. You threw the cup and took a look at your clock 7:00. You gave out a huff. You just wanted to leave because all the stress from the reports were giving you a headache and you just wanted to cry. “____! You don’t look well, go home and rest. I got the rest.” Captain Lee spoke. You sighed in relief and thoroughly thanked him. You hurried home, clicks from your heels could be heard as you slightly ran. You barged through your door and did the exact same thing. Shake off your shoes and coat before sprinting to bed. Instead of sleeping, you cried. Sitting at your desk for 11 hours straight, typing was very stressful and on top of that, you missed your boyfriend and family so much, but you never had the chance to call or visit. All of this was taking a toll on you, you haven’t been this stressed since college finals week. Tears streamed down your cheek, the more you cried, the lighter you felt.

      Strong arms wrapped around your waist, shushing you. “Love, why are you crying?” The familiar voice whispered into your ear. You gasped at the sudden appearance of your boyfriend, you turned to face him and wrapped your arms around his neck. “Mark Oppa, what are you doing here?!” You asked squeezing him tighter. “To visit you. Now, can I know why you, my love, are crying so hard that it breaks my heart?” Mark asked wiping away your tears. “I-I just have been stressed. Work has been killing me plus, I miss you and my family.” You let out as fresh new tears sprung from your eyes. Mark felt his heart tear. He softened, He brought you into his embrace once again. He your hair softly, murmuring comforting words into your ear. “Cry it all out, I’m here now, love. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry that I haven’t been here.” You cried into his shoulder, clutching onto his shirt tightly, afraid that he would leave soon. You soon fell into a deep slumber. He laid you down and gave you a kiss on your forehead. “I love you.” He whispered before disappearing from the bedroom.

      You woke up, turning to face the clock that read 9:30. You sat up abruptly, your boyfriend nowhere in sight. You slid out of bed and walked around the house, to find no evidence of your boyfriend’s presence. You finally walked towards your door to find a sticky note that had ‘Come find me, love! I know, it’s late and cold but I promise you will be safe and warm. Go to where we first met! – M Oppa’ written. You smiled, your teeth showing. You quickly changed into a coat with leggings, you slipped into your boots before dashing out the door. You took the hot pocket that Mark attached to the note and held it in your hands. Where we first met? Wasn’t that the café? You quickly headed towards your favorite café, dodging all the busy bodies. The reason why this was your favorite café besides it having delicious pastries and drinks, was that this was where you met Mark. You entered, the aroma of coffee and pastries hit you. You sat at the table where you sat when Mark approached you. A young man walked up to you handing you, your favorite drink. Hot chocolate with whip cream and a candy cane to stir. Before you had time to thank him, another man walked up to you with a letter. You thanked both of them before delicately opening the letter. ‘To my one and only, this is where we first met 7 years ago. Remember how I first approached you, asking if I could sit with you because there was no more seats. I am really glad that you said yes because I wouldn’t be able to meet this wonderful girl that I’ve been with for 6 years. These 6 years with you have been the best years of my life. There is no one I rather be with. I love you! Now, go to where I confessed and asked you to be my girl – M Oppa’ you smiled, where it all started? The park!

      You arrived to the park. You immediately walked towards one tree. There was still the carving of you and Mark’s name with a heart surrounding your names. A little kid came up to you with a balloon, you smiled and patted his head, thanking him. Then another kid arrived and gave you another balloon, and it continued until you had 6 balloons. The last balloon had another letter attached. It read ‘To my girl, this is where I first told you that I liked you, and when you said that you liked me back, I was probably the happiest man in the world. Ha-ha, 6 balloons for 6 years with you. Each one different, but each year filled with happiness. I’m so blessed to call you mine. Now, go to where we held our first date! – M Oppa’ you sighed jokingly, when was this going to end, but you smiled because truthfully you were actually very happy.

    You took a cab towards the amusement park. The Taxi Driver stared at your gifts before actually driving off. You looked down at your balloons that you brought along. You chuckled before looking out of the window. You squinted your eyes, seeing a mysterious figure standing near the entrance. You smiled, recognizing a stuffed bear holding out, not surprisingly but another letter. ‘To my princess, this is where I first took you. I can still remember how happy and nervous I was. I really wanted to impress you. You are my world, princess. Never forget that. Next, go to where we had our first kiss! – M Oppa’ you smiled for the hundredth time today, breaking a record for you. You were nervous for this date too. You continued on. First Kiss? That was the Han River! You hurriedly hailed a cab that took you to the place that you love. You checked the time on your watch to see it was 11:20!

      You walked out seeing s, all 6. They took your balloons and bear, and instead gave you each two roses. You thanked them when familiar hands covered your vision. You dropped your roses and softly took the hands into yours. You turned around to see your wonderful boyfriend. You immediately wrapped your arms around his neck. He responded and wrapped his arms around you. He gave you a peck on the lips before releasing you. He smiled at you before reading his letter “To my love, this is where I first kissed you, after dating you for a year, I finally had the courage to kiss you. This past year has been filled with so many memories. Remember when we had the pillow fights, whip cream wars, and cuddle nights. Those were the best. Each day, hour, minute, second, I think about you. 6 years have gone by and I’m so sorry that these 6 years, I couldn’t be with you often.” You shook your head no, saying that it was fine. “During the times when you were stressed from work, or missing your family. I should’ve been there because that’s when you needed me the most. I’m sorry, love. But I promise that these next years, especially the one that is coming in 2 minutes. I will try to be by your side. I’ll protect you, pamper you like a princess, make you feel like you’re the only and happiest girl in the world like the boyfriend I’m supposed to be. I’ll try to call, text and visit even if it’s for an hour, I will do it. It’s worth it because it’s for you. The girl that can make me smile, laugh and cry. Who can make my day, this girl that makes me crazy. She’s my world, she’s my everything. I love her, I love her more than words can ever express and I’m glad that I can call her mine. I hope that I can spend the rest of my life with her and also call her my wife. My Love, I promise to be yours and yours only. I will treat you like the princess you are, I’ll try to be by your side even if I have to skip my schedules and get in trouble. I’ll sacrifice everything for you. So please will you marry me?” Mark proposed as he knelt to the ground opening the blue velvet box, displaying a diamond ring. You gasped as tears started welling up in your eyes, as you looked around shocked and touched. You glanced down at the man that you love more than anything. You knew your answer as you smiled, he’s the only guy that can make you smile and melt your cold exterior, and he’s the only guy to make you feel so loved. He was the guy that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. s started counting down “5! 4! 3! 2!” You met eyes with Mark. “1!” “Yes!” you simultaneously said with s. Mark smiled the brightest smile as he picked you up into his arms You put your arms on his shoulders surprised before he planted a deep kiss on your lips. You wrapped your arms around his neck as you heard multiple fireworks go off behind you and s cheer. He separated, then whispering “Happy New Year, my fiancé” “Happy New Year to you too, my fiancé” He connected your lips together once again, this time slipping his tongue in to dance with yours. Celebrating your first day as his fiancé, and the first day of the New Year. You knew this was going to be a great year with a great start. You deepened the kiss, as you hugged him tighter. This was definitely a day you would never forget. Fireworks continued lighting up the night sky to signal the beginning of the New Year and a newly engaged couple. 

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eunhyukkie86 #1
Chapter 1: So sweet!! But authornim, your fonts are small.. I can't really see sorry but was nice!
Chapter 1: Omg it's so sweet ahhhhhh