The new brothers

My New Big Family

"Se Yi-ah. Here is your room." Hongbin and Hyuk guided their new sister to the room they (all 6 boys) decorated. Se Yi smiled widely when the room is just like the one she wanted. With polkadot lamps (honestly, idk what it is called but it is like the small bulbs in one wire and if you turned the fuse on, it will lights up) above her bed, an iMac situated at the corner of the room, and all those girls dream room.

(kind of like this for the lamp but not really)

"Oppa.." Se Yi turned around and faced her two tall brothers - not too tall because Se Yi is almost their chest level. 

"Yes, sweety?" Hongbin smiled, revealing that dimples of his. "I don't think this room fits me." Hongbin and Hyuk looked at each other before Hyuk ruffled her hair. "You are not anybody in this house, silly. You are the daughter of the Kim family and the only sister to the Kims brothers. Don't feel like you are an outsider. Arraso?" Se Yi smiled and nodded her head. Hyuk and Hongbin smiled in relief to know that their sister is okay now. But then.. 

"YAH! KIM HONGBIN! KIM SANGHYUK! GET YOUR ASSES DOWN HERE NOW!" The two looked at each other and they know what does that means. "Did we forgot to do something, Hyuk?" Hongbin asked. Hyuk tried to think, and when his face expression changes, Hongbin and Se Yi knows that something bad is about to happen . 

"WE FORGOT TO TAKE THE LUGGAGES OUT OF THE CAR!!" Both of them ran downstairs while Se Yi laughed at their behaviour. Ever since they got home, Hongbin and Hyuk took her out of the car and brought her for a tour around the mansion. It took a half an hour since the mansion is too big. Se Yi sat on her bed and laid down for a while, but immediately sat when she heard someone knocking the door. "Come in."

It was Mrs Kim. She smiled and took place next to Se Yi. "Se Yi-ah. Omma and appa.. We are already married 3 months ago." Se Yi nodded, understood. "He was so sad because you could not be there while he takes me as his wife. Omma is so sorry, Se Yi." 

To Mrs Kim's surprise, Se Yi hugged the woman and said, "Gwenchana, omma. As long as appa is happy, I'll be fine. Do accept me as your daughter because I wanna have a mom after 10 years without one." Mrs Kim felt her shoulder wet. Se Yi is crying. She thought and her hand patted the younger girl's back. "I will, Se Yi. I will love you just the way I love my sons." Se Yi nodded and they were interrupted with Mr Kim's appearance. 

"Appa." Se Yi smiled and Mr Kim took them into a bear hug. "I love you omma, appa." She said and Mr Kim tighten the hug. 


"Se Yi!" Jaehwan called her name. The Kim brothers decided to take Se Yi out for shopping and buy something for her. "Yes oppa?" Jaehwan smiled at the sight of his sister and said, "Get dress. We are going out." Se Yi looked  at Jaehwan and asked, "Where?" "Myungdeong." Se Yi said 5 minutes and ran upstairs. He chuckled and shouted, "We will wait in the car!" He heard the other shouting 'ok' so he went to the car. 

"Lets go." Hyuk said when Se Yi entered the car. Hakyeon speed the car to Myungdeong street. Se Yi took out her iPhone and checked all notifications. All of it was from her friends and seniors who said farewell to her. Se Yi smiled and shook her head while reading the notifications one by one. "Are you okay, Se Yi?" Wonshik asked her. Se Yi nodded and smiled to him. 

"Hyuk oppa.." She turned around and looked at Hyuk who was sitting at the back. "Where do you school?" "Jeguk High School. Why?" Se Yi made an O mouth. "Nothing. Just that I heard omma said about putting me in the same school as yours." Hyuk grinned and said, "Well, I will protect you always." Se Yi laughed and Hongbin pinched her cheek. "Why should you be so cute, Se Yi?" "Aniya.." Se Yi lowered her head. 

"We are here." They went out of the car and walked through the street. Many girls were whispering to each other when they saw the Kims siblings. 

"Oh my! Look at that girl! So lucky!"

"I thought the Kim brothers don't have a younger sister. Who the heck is she?" 

"Oh, she's gonna get it! Stay away from my oppa, u little sh*t" Okay, Se Yi was pissed off. Taekwoon saw her reaction and being the protective he used to be, he took Se Yi into his arms and closed her ears. "Okay, nobody can hurt you anymore when you are with us." Hongbin and Hyuk nodded to Taekwoon so they went to the girls, told the truth and the girls went all teary and begged for forgiveness. Hongbin and Hyuk flashed them the 'sorry-not-sorry' smile to them and went to the siblings.

"Let's go in that shop." Wonshik pulled Se Yi into a fashion shop, leaving the others at the back. "Yah! Wait for us!" Hongbin and Hyuk followed their hyung while the other three just let their dongsaengs be. 

"Se Yi, try this on." Wonshik took a shirt and a short jeans and gave it to her. "Okay." Seeing the excited face of her brothers, she went into a fitting room to try it out. "What did you give her?" Hakyeon asked Wonshik. "Just wait and see." 

"Oppa, I'm coming out. Don't laugh, okay?" "Arraseo!" Se Yi went out and the boys' jaws went down. 

(the shirt and jeans look like this.)

"So pretty." Taekwoon said, breaking the silents among them. "Okay, enough staring. We will take that, miss." Wonshik said to the shop helper who kept on staring at Hongbin. The shop helper snapped into reality and quickly nodded. Se Yi went inside the fitting, took the garments off, wore her own garments and handed the outfits to the shop seller. Taekwoon paid for the outfit and all of them went out of the shop. 

"Let's go eat something and go home. Se Yi must be tired." Hakyeon suggested so all of them went to eat and went home. When they reached home, it was already 9 pm so all of them got ready for sleep since tomorrow, all of them will have to go to work and to school. 

Not bad for the first day with the new family. Se Yi said before went off to dreamland.



Omona.. Took me a few days to complete this. so sorry guys. I will update more. Sorry!! Wooho! but seriously, i'm as happy as N in the gif when I complete the story. And again, SORRY!! The next chapter will be up soon. Wait guys!! Bye!!




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Chapter 2: I love it!