Meet your new family

My New Big Family

17 March 2014 (Saturday)

"Se Yi-ah." Mr Kim called out his daughter's name. "Yeah?" Se Yi turned around to face the father. "We are moving." Se Yi looked at him in disbelief. "Again, appa?" "We are moving to Seoul." Se Yi made an O mouth and continued to watch the tv. She smiled looking at the comedy, and the smile was gone when her appa said,

"You are going to get a new omma and brothers" Se Yi's attention was 100% back to him. "You got to be kidding me, right?" Mr Kim shook his head. "No, Se Yi. Why would I be joking for something like that? To be honest. We are married legally during my trip to Seoul. I'm sorry for not telling you"

Se Yi lost her words. She wanted to scream and shout to her father for keeping the marriage a secret for already three months. But looking at the begging face, Se Yi calmed down and took a deep breath. "Okay appa. I will accept your wife and my new brothers. But only this time, Mr Kim Ha Neul. No more secret after this."

Mr Kim nodded his head, a smile curved on his lips. He patted his daughter's shoulder and stood up. "Get packed. We are moving next week. I will handle your school, so just pack everything and we will leave on Saturday." 

He left his daughter in the living room, trying to digest every single word. "Moving? Omma? Brothers?! What the.." Se Yi face palmed herself. 


24 March 2014 (7 am)

"Are you done, Kim Se Yi?!" Se Yi quickly doved her iPhone into her jeans pocket and looked around her room for the 200 time. 'Thank you, for letting me sleep in here. Till we meet again.' Se Yi dragged her luggage and Mr Kim took it downstairs. "The flight is in 5 hours. Hurry!" She looked at the time. It was only 7 am in the morning but their flight was on 1 pm. Are you kidding me, appa? Se Yi said in her mind and shouted, "Nae, appa!!" They went out of the house and her father's friend, Mr Park drove them to the airport. 

"Are you nervous, Se Yi?" Mr Park asked her. "A little bit maybe. Meeting new mom, new brothers." She grinned and a small thought came inside her mind.

Hope everything would be extra fine when we meet, omma, oppas. She smiled and plugged in her earphone. 


24 March 2014 (12:30 pm)

"Attention to all passengers of flight KS872, you are required to board the plane now. We put priorities to the oldies and for those who have babies and kids" Mr Kim moved the sleeping Se Yi a bit. "Se Yi, kajja. We are boarding soon." The half sleeping Se Yi stretched a little and stood up, follong her appa into the plane. She looked for their seat, 16A and 16B. Found it! She beamed into a smile. The father let Se Yi to sit next to the window, while he will sit in the middle. Not wanting anybody to ask anything about his daughter. 

The flight from Daegu to Seoul took for about 3 hours. All Se Yi did was eat, watched the movie on the plane and sleep, (eventhough 3 hours are a short time to sleep but its okay for her.) She was just awake when the plane boarded in Seoul International Airport. They went to take their luggages first. 

"Are you ready, Se Yi?" Mr Kim asked as they were walking towards the boarding gate. Se Yi held his father's hand tightly, giving him an assuring smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry appa." "So let's get through this together." They walked out together, their hands intertwined and what she saw next was.. hilarious.

A tanned boy was hugging a cold faced guy around the neck, while the one being hugged tried to untangle his hold. A blonde boy was poking another boy wearing spectacles, and another 2 boys were clinging to a woman. (Well, I hope you can understand what I'm trying to tell.)

"Ha Neul oppa!" The woman waved to Mr Park and he looked so happy to wave back. "Hye Ri-ssi!" Mr Park dragged Se Yi to them but she faked a cough. "Wae?" Se Yi glared to her side, a trolley full of luggages almost fell down because of Mr Park's act. "Ah, sorry, Se Yi. Let's go." They pushed the trolley together towards the waiting family. 

"Oppa!" Both of the couple hugged. Se Yi looked at them for a while, then turned her attention towards the 6 boys who were looking at her with a weird face. Is something wrong with my face? She touched her face, making sure there was no any trace of her drooling in the flight. Well, no trace at all. She suddenly remembered something, making her to widened her already wide eyes. 

"Annyeonghasaeyo, Kim Se Yi imnida. I'm 16 years old." The boys looked at each other and chuckled a little until the one with the cold faced hit them on the head. "Owie! Hyung!" Some of them grunted "Yah! Taekwoon! How dare you hit your hyung?" The tanned one hit him back. Se Yi chuckled at the sight and the tanned one smiled to her. Ouch! That smile.

"Annyeonghasaeyo, dongsaeng. I'm Kim Hakyeon. This is Taekwoon, Jaehwan, Wonshik, Hongbin and Hyukkie. Hyuk is a year older than you." Hakyeon smiled and ruffled his new dongsaeng's hair. "Aigoo.. You arre so cute, Se Yi-ah." Hongbin hugged her shoulder and she stood there awkwardly. "Yeah. N-nice to meet you guys." 

"Looks like you guys have meet your new sister?" Mrs Park smiled to Se Yi who was in Hongbin's arms.  Se Yi stepped forward and stood infront of her new omma. "Annyeonghasaeyo, Kim Se Yi imnida." She bowed a little and to her surprise, the woman took her into a hug. "Oh.. I have been hoping for a daughter all this time!" Se Yi was awkward at first, but when she felt the hug was just the same hug she had last 10 years ago, she hugged the woman back. 

"Come. Just leave your appa and brothers to take the luggage. Omma cooked many foods for you." Mrs Park pulled her new daughter away, leaving the sighing sons and husband behind. The boys who already know their step father, smiled to him and helped Mr Park to carry the luggages 

I hope this new family will always be your last, Se Yi-ah. Mr Park smiled. 



       Well..  That is the first chapter. Took me 1 day to finish it. Ideas were flowing, but when it comes to write, the idea hates me T.T

        Hope all of you enjoyed this first chapter. Second chapter coming.. tomorrow maybe?? Hehe.. stay tuned and thanks for subscribing!

        I will try to finish this story (and not let it be hanging just like my other stories :3). Bye!! Enjoy the vixx gif!!


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Chapter 2: I love it!