Just One Day(Blue Rose)


Guys just imagine your in an island with white sand and a crystal clear sea with white clouds and blue skies.With Park Jimin. :))) Jjang!


Woah. This place is just amazing. It's so peaceful. This girl, I wonder if she will enjoy staying here with me. I want to make it up to her.


YOU: Ya?! Where are we?

JIMIN: How many times do you have to ask?

YOU: Like duh! I don't care. By the way everytime I ask you always answer me with a question!*babo*


Jimin sudddenly carried you and you struggled to get off but he is just so strong.


YOU: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Put me down you brat! What are you doing and for the nth time where on earth are we?????!!!

JIMIN: We are on a vacation. It's summer remember?:)

YOU: *smiled bitterly* The day you choose. . . the day you said . . .

JIMIN: Come one don't be like that. I'll make it up to you.



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