
Exo Drabbles

Holy , Kyungsoo is gonna be so surprised this year he’s gonna be so happy when he sees what I planned for him. Jongin thinks giddly as he blows up yet another red balloon to go along with the others hanging around the living room. 


Kyungsoo was working today and it was one of the very few times that he was glad his boyfriend of 4 years was away from him. It left him 8 hours to plan and carry out his Valentine’s day surprise for his favourite person in the world. 


Jongin had red and pink balloons scattered around the room, a pretty cake on the dining table, and soft jazz music playing quietly in the background.


Some would say it looks like a birthday party for a 6 year old girl but to Jongin,it was a hot date waiting to happen. Jongin had been completely prepared for Kyungsoo to come home. He even had his black lace with a little pink bow on the front(his personal favourite pair) under his jeans. Jongin had abandoned the thought of a belt because it would only make it all the more difficult to take off his pants when the time came. 


A lot of couples would set rose petals on the bed for romantic purposes but Jongin thought that was stupid because who wants to clean their room before they get laid?


Most years, it was Kyungsoo that would leave Jongin with his jaw on the floor and a flame in his cheeks but Jongin was just as happy to beat him to the punch this year. 


Kyungsoo was so ing important to him and he would never be able to voice it all out in a single lifetime but doing things like this was a surefire way to at least let a burp of his feelings out.


All at once, his dog comes clambering into the room and Jongin hears the door being unlocked. He’s scrambling to make sure everything is in place when his dog decides to ing run in front of him and he trips over his dog. 


Sorry, son.


And it isn’t one of those normal falls.


It’s a fall of the worst kind. A slow-mo fall.


The moment he feels himself tipping over, he makes a grab for the dinner table but instead of hardwood surface, his hand meets pretty white cake and he grabs a chunk out in attempt to stay upright but he’s only falling more. His body hits the ground right on top of a balloon. And it ing pops. Under his . And holy holy holy  his hurts so much and is this what hell feels like.


The next thing he knows, he is on the ground, a handful of cake on his left, and remnants of a red balloon under his body. That’s when he hears the door shut and he makes eye contact with his boyfriend. .


-The ?” is the first thing Kyungsoo says and Jongin just wants to get swallowed into the ground because this is so embarrassing. His perfect Valentine’s date is quickly sliding down the drain.


Jongin lets out a groan into the floor.


"You’re in quite the mess aren’t you?" Kyungsoo chuckles, making his way over to his lover.


Somehow, during the fall, his pants slipped down a bit to reveal the top of his and Kyungsoo spots the hem instantly. “My my, doesn’t my little Nini look pretty today?” Jongin is surprised by the sudden change of tone becausehe knows that tone


Kyungsoo kneels down and tugs at the back of Jongin’s and Jongin understands


His boyfriend takes hold of his left wrist and brings his fingers to his mouth where he proceeds to a cake covered finger into his mouth, never breaking eye contact and oh god Jongin is so in love.


They’re stumbling into the bedroom, Kyungsoo’s lips attached to the side of his neck, swiping a smudge of icing off with his tongue and Jongin is keening in Kyungsoo’s arms.


It’s then that Jongin thinks, maybe this isn’t that bad of a Valentine’s date after all.

A/N: lmao wtf is this. i write so much kaisoo idk what's wrong with me. anyways, happy Valentine's day^^(its not even valentines day here yet but eh)

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Chapter 3: Oh my this via o cute and y~ and damn funny too.
I love kaisoo nd these drabble are so good ♡
Chapter 2: X'D this is so funny xD poor nini and poor soo too but at least they're happy xD cuties ♡
Chapter 1: Well o would say I feel bad or nini, but I hate unfaithfulness so much I really only feel bad for soo. >.<
Chapter 2: OMG this is hilarious