
One, Two... Three

"Mr. Choi and Kwon will see you now..."

~Quote from Fifty Shades of GTOP

^Bull, I made that up





(Not spell checked, sorry.)

Yoongi woke up feeling disoriented. Outside his window the sky was dark and scattered with pale stars. He suddenly remebered that he had to meet Jin at the club and scrambled for his phone. He wondered why his alarm didn't go off, but then he saw the time and realized he'd woken up 20 minutes before his alarm; it was 8:37.

Groaning he picked himself off his bed and headed to his tiny excuse of a bathroom. He turned the shower faucet on and went back into the kitchen to make himself a cup of tea. His water heater took at least 2 minutes to warm up so he didn't rush. Once he'd made his tea he went back into the bathroom and sat on the closed toilet lid. He sipped his tea quietly as he waited for the water to become hot. His shower didn't like him today because it decided to take it's sweet time warming up.

He finished his cup just as the water reached a lukewarm temperature.

After his shower, he dressed and put his shoes on. It was 9:32 by then. The club was only 15 minutes away but he decided to just go ahead and leave for the club. Yoongi didn't own car so he set his walk in the directin of the club. In all honesty Yoongi loved to walk, specially at night.

The moon looked down at him from its perch next to the stars. The wind was the only thing other than Yoongi on the street at that time, he shivered. It was cold but Yoongi had his thick black sweatshirt over his thin clothes.

Cars flashed in streaks of color past Yoongi; the sound of rubber on gravel was defening.

By the time Yoongi finally neared the flashing lights of the club his nose and ears were completely numb.

"I should have worn a hat." He grumbbled to himself.

The club was a tall building- 3 stories tall- and had a modern sleek look to it. There were no windows on any part of the building and the only way in was through the front entrence. Now that Yoongi thought about it, the place almost sounded like a prizon.

Above the front entrence, a large blue neon sign flashed the words 'The Big Bang' in fancy scrawled letters.

There was a short line at the front door; it was early so he didn't expect many people. By the time he reached the bouncer at the front, a group of three girls had already approached him and asked him if he was alone. He'd turned them down, obiously.

"Hey Suga, what's up man?" The bouncer greeted him.

"Nothin' just tring to escape the stress from school. How you doin' Taeyang?" He flashed a quick smile at Taeyang.

Yoongi had gone to higshchool with Taeyang, but the latter was two years older. Taeyang was a friendly easy going guy, he could even pull some laughs from Yoongi. After Taeyang had graduated Yoongi never thought he'd see the boy again, and in all honesty he didn't really care to see the boy. They weren't even really friends, they just knew eachother. But then one day when he'd been dragged out to The Big Bang he'd run into Taeyang, the new bouncer.

And the boy really did play the part of bouncer very well, he had his hair bleached at the tips and shaved at the sides. He always wore tight thin shirts that stressed his bulging muscles.

Taeyang called him 'Suga' because of this one incident at the club. Since then, at the club, he was known as 'Suga'.

Yoongi remebered the incident very well, it always made him laugh inside when he remembered that day.


Yoongi was seated at the bar, a cold beer in his hand. He had his head resting on the cool counter top. It was really late, around 3 or 4 in the morning, and the club was almost empty. He had about 30 minutes before they closed.

"Hey baby, you need me to call a cab for ya?" The bartender, a tall young woman, brought him out of his daze. She called everybody 'baby' so Yoongi took no personal offense to it.

"Oh, no thanks, I'm not drunk. I'm walkin' home." 

"You've been here for quite a long time, you 'kay?" She was putting the different bottles of alcohol back in their proper place.

"I don't want to go home, so I'm just killin' time here. Just waiting till the place kicks me out."

She gave him a half smile and a knowing look.

"Lonely, huh?"

"Yeah, basically."

"It's okay babe, you'll either find someone or learn to live alone. I had to learn to live alone; it ain't that bad."

Yoongi smiled at her. He opened his mouth to reasure her that he'd probably end up alone, but another voice cut in.

"Did I hear someone say they're lonely?" A short slim figure approached Yoongi. She sat down on the stool next to his.

"I can fix that." She spoke in a sensual tone.

She was dressed in colored fitted jeans and a bright red crop top that exposed her whole middrift. She leaned close to Yoongi.

"I'm sorry I'm not looking for company tonight." He looked completely unfazed. The bartender watched in amusement.

"Don't lie now, Oppa. I can make you forget all the bad things." Her voice was high and soft. She was very pretty, but Yoongi didn't like people like her. He didn't like stupid people like her. People like her lacked common reasoning. This girl had come up to a complete stranger and offered herself to him, she was lucky that it was Yoongi, because it could have been someone who didn't have good intentions.

And then people wondered why there were so many girls that were found killed and on the street. Humans were stupid creatures, very stupid.

Yoongi turned his face to look at the girl directly in the eyes.

"Let me give you some advice, if you're looking for some easy go to a club and find yourself a willing person. Don't go around offering yourself to strangers unless you want to end up dead somewhere." The girl looked completely taken aback.

Giving Yoongi a dirty look the girl picked her self of the stool and scampered away.

Yoongi sighed. Then a loud laugh erupted from behind him. He turned to see Taeyang ting himself in humor.

"I don't think I've ever seen a guy reject Hyuna, even the gay ones turn straight for her. You sure know how to give a girl sugar." He was out of breath from laughing.


Ever since that night Taeyang would refer to him a 'Sugar' and that eventully morphed into 'Suga'.

Yoongi's thoughts returned back to the present.

"I'm chill man, go ahead." Taeyang allowed Yoongi entrance and turned to the next person in line.

The inside of the club was bathed in blue light. Yoongi stood at the top of a staircase that looked out over the entire first floor of the club. The main floor was divided into three sections, each had a large platform in the middle with a tall gold pole rising from the center. Tables were layed out on the outer edge of each section and a counter that wrapped around the whole platform was lined with stools. In the back end of the club was a bar, that's normally where Yoongi sat.

Yoongi checked the time on his phone; it was 10:07. Jungkook had said 10 or 10:30 but knowing how they were, they'd probably get there closer to 11.

There were a few people doting the floor, two waiters, and three girls up on the platforms.

He made his way to the section closest to the stair case. He sat down on one of the stools that lined the platform.

"Hey Lime."

A girl with light brown hair and blond highlights stopped her dancing to turn and looked down at him from ontop of the platform. She smiled.

"Oh hey there Suga. Sorry I can't talk right now, Mr. Kwon is already mad at me for coming late today. Can't let him catch me talking to you." She looked apologetically at him.

"I understand."

She winked at him before she resumed her slow dance on the pole. Yoongi watched her move. She was a very beautiful girl, also very intellegent. Yoongi knew Lime, or Hyelim, from college. She was a music major, unlike Yoongi, yet they still had 2 classes together. They'd first met when she'd accidentally tripped into Yoongi on the stair case in their college. They'd both almost fallen to their unexpecting deaths but they managed to keep their balance. After that, she spent a whole week apologizing to Yoongi for almost killing him despite him telling her that it was okay. After that they'd formed a mutal acceptance for eachother and would nod at eachother in recognization when they passed by in the hall way. But that was as far as their "friendship" (if you could call it that) went.

She also happen to be a stripper at 'The Big Bang'. That didn't really matter to Yoongi though; he didn't judge people by their situation, only by their intentions. Whenever he saw her here he would always acknowledge her with a quiet hello using her stripper name, Lime.

Yoongi spent the next 30 minutes silently observing the dancers and the customers interact. He looked on from afar as men of varing ages whooped and catcalled the young girls slipping around the poles. He would say that he found it repulsing how disgusting human beings were but that would be hypocritical of him. After all, he was in a strip club himself. And he couldn't act like some godly saint either, because one of the things Yoongi was furthest from was innocent.

By the time Yoongi heard the loud voice of Hoseok drift from the direction of the main enterance, he was about a quarter way through his second beer.

The voices got louder as they neared.

"Aye, hyung!"

Hoseok stumbled his way onto the stool next to his and wrapped an arm around his shoulders.

"Hey Seok" Yoongi smiled at him.

"Hyung!" Jungkook and Namjoon reached them just as Hoseok was about to say something.

"Already drinking hyung and we just got here" Namjoon tsked at him with a smirk lining his lips.

" off your hyung" Yoongi groaned out, already feeling the regret begin to surface at agreeing to come out with this group of idoits.

"It's alright hyung, I'll drink with you. Excuse me, could I please get a scotch on the rocks?" Hoseok stopped a waiter passing by them.

"And a beer please" Namjoon tacked on to the end just as the waiter turned to leave.

Namjoon and Jungkook slid into the stools next to Yoongi. Right away Jungkook pulled out a couple one dollar bills and beakoned Lime over. His hyungs watched on in amusement as Lime slid down onto all fours and prowled her way to Jungkook. At first Jungkook tried to act cool and composed, but by the time she had reached him and offered him her chest so he could slip the money into the strap, he was a flushed mess of teenage hormones. She winked at him before retreating back to the pole.

Both Namjoon and Hoseok snorted while tring to contain their laughter; Jungkook glared hard at them. Yoongi just smiled slightly before taking another sip of his beer.

"Where's Jin hyung?" Yoongi noticed the older's absence and turned to look at the others.

"He went to the bathroom right when we got here- Oh speaking of the Princess." Namjoon grinned at Jin as he approached them. Jin gave Namjoon a dark look.

"Already talking about me, Dance Monster" Jin bit back with a smirk once he'd reached them. Everybody knew that it annoyed Namjoon whenever someone mentioned his inability to dance.

Jungkook fell into a fit of laughter.

"Oh god hyung! Don't curse, it doesn't suit you" Jungkook struggled to regain his breath between each phrase.

Jin pouted, dark look completely gone.

"Kookie, why don't you defend your favorite hyung!"

Jungkook stood from his stool and hugged Jin. Yoongi noticed then how much Jungkook had grown; he was talller than Jin. He smiled softly at that.

Yoongi has know Jungkook since the boy was 16, he'd met him through his friendship with Jin. Jin and Jungkook were cousins, so Jin had been burdened with the responsabilty to pick Jungkook up from highschool everyday. Sometimes after school, Yoongi would catch sight of the two cousins walking side by side to Jin's car or heading into the school when Jin forgot something.

If someone asked Yoongi if he knew Jungkook he would respond with "You mean that annoying brat?", but it always held affection. In all honestly, if Yoongi had a choice, he would rather hang out with Jungkook than any of his other friends. Besides the young boy's overexcited hormones, Jungkook was quiet when he needed to be (unlike Hoseok and Namjoon), he was capable of holding a intellectually stimulating conversation (unlike Hoseok and Namjoon, Yoongi rolls his eyes at this thought), and he actully listened to his hyung (unlike Hoseok and Namjoon).

But of course Yoongi wasn't going to admit that to anyone.

"You okay hyung?" Hoseok asked Yoongi quietly. The other three where still messing with eachother, not paying attention the pair.

"Yeah Seok, I'm fine..." He knew Hoseok could see that Yoongi wasn't completely okay, but Yoongi himself didn't know what was wrong so how could he possibly tell Hoseok.

Hoseok placed a hand on his shoulder but said no more.


Divider Horizontal Blue Clip Art


For a second time in his life, Yoongi found himself with his head resting on the cold counter top of the bar in the back of the club at 3 in the morning, only this time his beer wasn't cold. And he actully was drunk, unlike last time.

"Hey kid, I think it's time for you to go home" Yoongi lifted his head with a bit of difficulty.

For some reason Yoongi had expected the nice lady from last time to be looking at him with simpathetic eyes. Insted he was met with the bord gaze of a young bartender. The first thing Yoongi felt when he took a long glance down the guy's obiously fit body was annoyance. He squinted his eyes suspiciously at the bartender.

"I think 'm older then'ya, kid" He slurred the words back. For some reason getting called "kid" really bothered the out of him at the moment.

The bartender gave him a dark look. He opened his mouth to speak, mostlikely something vicious.

"Seungri!" A loud deep boom broke through the rather quiet atmosphere in the club. Seungri's eyes widened.

He dropped the towel he had been using to wipe the counter and rushed out from behind the bar. Seungri almost ran into somebody in his rush.

A tall man with flouresent blue hair and a deep red suit grabbed hold of Seungri's shoulders before he could fall. Seungri stuttered back apologizing and bowing repeatedly.

"Sorry Sir. Sorry Mr. Choi. Sorr-" He was cut off.

"It's fine. Mr. Kwon and I need to speak with you in my office." Mr. Choi spoke lowly and formally, no emotion what so ever in his voice. He nodded his head faintly at Seungri before turing around and retreating up the stairs next to the bar.

"You' so ed." Yoongi had been watching from the bar with a stupid grin on his face. Seungri just glared hard at him before following in Mr. Choi's footsteps.

Yoongi looked around him and realized he was alone. He frowned at the thought. With a sigh he staggered out of his seat and up the stair case (where he nearly fell and died about 10 times) and out the door. He was met with a burning cold breeze of winter air.

"Hi" He waved at the light pole he passed by as he trudged his way in the general direction of his home. He wondered a bit trying to remeber where he lived.

Finally he reached the sidewalk that led to his apartment. He smiled at seeing a more familiar setting and continued on his way.

On the way to his apartment there was a park that encompassed a whole block, with tall trees and arranged flower beds. Sometimes at night Yoongi would take a quiet walk through the park or sometimes swing on the swingset. Those where the only times he really felt relaxed and calm because it was quiet yet there was still life around him; it wasn't lonely yet he was alone. He liked it that way.

In the middle of the park there was a large lake where people threw coins and childeren sailed remote control boats. It was trimmed at the edges with lilypads and white floating flowers. Trees lined its shores on one end and their thick roots wove themselves into the packed ground untill they faded under the murky waters. It was a beautiful place in the day light, but it was even more beautiful under the white luster of the full moon.

Yoongi didn't realize he'd drifted from the path home untill he found himself seated at the edge of the lake. The water was still, making it look like a beautifully polished mirror that reflected the large moon. He sat there for sometime, watching the small insignificant ripples on the surface of the lake.

His eyes were trained on a small leaf that had found its way on the lakes surface through the wind, when suddenly a large ripple disrupted Yoongi's focus on the leaf. The ripple had come from further down the shore to Yoongi's left. He looked over, expecting to find maybe a frog or something of the sorts but insted he saw a flopping creature, about the size of his fore arm, struggling on the shorline.

He was startled at first but he then got closer to get a better look.

The animal looked sort of like a koi fish, but it had a pair of long thick whiskers on its unpleasent face and thick sharp looking scales running down its back. It looked mean and vicious, not something you would want as a pet.

The poor animal was flopping eraticly on the dirt attempting to find a source of water. Anybody else who have mostlikely left the ugly thing, no matter how much you liked animals. This thing wasn't only ugly but it also looked capable of biting one of your fingers off. Also the thick spikes running down its spine made it look impossible to touch.

Maybe it was because he was drunk or maybe because he'd honestly stopped caring about the consequences, but he crouched down next to the fish-thing and reached for it.

He felt the sharp scales break through his skin like little hooks clinging to his flesh. He let out a gasp but didn't let go of the fish. It squirmed in his grasp, only causing his scales to dig further in. The skin of the fish was slick with mucus making it harder for Yoongi to hold on to. Yoongi rushed over to the pond and threw the fish into the deeper end of the pond.

He let out a sigh of relief.

The alcohol had begun to ware off and everything seemed a lot less foggy than before. He looked around him, as if noticing for the first time his location. He looked down at his hands. They were smeared in blood and dirt. He felt the dirt sting his cuts.

He looked around, feeling a bit lost, and finally decided to head back home. Ignoring the burn on his palms, he trudged back to the side walk and followed the winding path home.

Everything was deadly quiet when he made it to his building. The apartments of his neighbors were in complete silence and darkness, not a single light shone through. With a tired sigh he unlocked his door and shuffled into his living room. He threw his shoes and sock off to one side and slipped out of his shirt. He went into his bathroom and finally, under the flouresent light, was able to inspect the damage done to his hands.

There were multiple dirtied grooves of raw flesh carved into his plams where the scales had gotten caught. Dried mud rimmed his cuts and was stuck under his nails.

He stared at the blood drying on his hands.

A strange sinking feeling spread from within his chest. Dark memories, memories he'd buried deep within his mind, began to surface. They were memories filmed in blacks and greys and smudged in crimson colors. They were memories singed at the edges and splotched with tears.

For a moment he got lost in the memories.


A beautiful woman dressed in white smiled at him. She extented her arms towards him as he ran to her.

"Eomma! Eomma! Your here!" His young voice rang with joy.

"Hello my baby boy, did you have fun today?" Her warm arms wrapped around him and he was lifted of the ground.

Bright eyes watched him with attention as Yoongi rambled on about what he'd done at preschool that day. In the midst of his story he remebered something that made his smile fall.

"Eomma, I hurt my knee in the playground today. Mrs. Sohee had to put a band aid on it." His small lips formed a pout.

"Aw baby, do you need me to kiss it?" His mom cooed at him.

He just nodded his head in responce.


"Eomma, I got hurt again..." It was a quiet broken mummble; a soft prayer from under his lips.

"I was being an idot again, and I hurt myself. Sorry eomma."

When he looked up from his hands to the mirror, he saw tears begging to be let go off. But he'd cried enough already, no more tears needed to be shed.

After that he decided he needed a shower and took one. He didn't bother to shampoo or wash his body, he'd done that in his previous shower, he just stood under the spray and hoped everything around him would wash away. He stood there untill he was shivering under the cold liquid, but he liked how the fridged water burned his skin and he liked how it hurt.

Eventully he turned the water off when he remebered his water bill.

Once he was in his bed, he stared at the cieling. He though it would probably be a better idea not to sleep because the sun was already being to rim his window in deep red. It would be harder to wake up if he slept now. But he was given no choice in the matter, when within seconds after the thought crossed his mind, he was pulled into the lulling shadows of sleep.




Yoongi stood looking up at the great fish floating above him. The gaint animal hovered above a white pedestal; giant round eyes looking down at him. Its scales where a viberant bright orange and glossy. His form looked like a huge ballooon with googly eyes.

Yoongi stared in amazement. He looked around, everything was white. There was nothing but white empty space. He looked down at his feet; he were also hovering inches above the sterling white nothingness.

He took a tentative step foward. His step met a solid surface, as if there was actully a floor beneath him.

¨Min Yoongi!¨ A loud deep powerful voice echoed from out thin air. He looked up, starteled. The fish just looked down at him.

¨Min Yoongi! Answer when a god adresses to you!¨ The voice boomed from all around the infinte emptimess; the fishes lips never parted.

¨Uh uh, yes S-sir¨ He stuttered, his voice nothing compared the deep powerful voice he'd just heard.

¨Min Yoongi, is it true that today, at exactly 3:57 AM, you saved a carp from drowning on shore a small pond?!¨ Yoongi cringed at how impactful the voice was. He felt like a child being scolded.

¨Y-yes Sir Mr.¨ His eyes were still wide as they stared in awe at the bubbly-looking balloon of a creature that loomed above his head.

¨Good! Thanks to you Min Yoongi my troublsom son has been saved!¨ The voice grew louder in exclamation.

¨Um pardon me Sir but who are you? I don't think I'm the person you're looking for, I haven't saved anybody...¨ Yoongi was utterly confused at the situtation.

¨Who am I?! Who am I! You dare act like you do not recognize a god!¨ Yoongi's legs trembled as he felt the ¨ground¨ below his shake.

¨S-so-sorry Sir¨ His voice trembled quietly.

¨I am the Great Dragon God! My son you encountered was the imfamous Sea Dragon Carp of the Seven Seas! And you have saved him! Despite the dangers in helping him, unlike most ignorant humans, you did not shune him away! And for that, Min Yoongi, you have earned yourself a wish!¨

Yoongi's eyes were wide.

¨Now tell me your wish!¨ The voice's deep echo did not disrupt Yoongi's dumbstruck stare.

¨Fine! If you do not wish to tell me I shall have to choose for you!¨ The god's voice range with annoyance.

¨W-wait what?¨ Yoongi finally broke from his awe, as if hit by a physical blow, and stumbled a bit in confusion. But before any other trembling words could leave his lips, the invisable surface beneath his feet seemed to shatter and he fell into endless space.





You guys probably expected me to make Jimin a stripper, right? well he's not sorry!

Jimin hasn't made his appearance yet but hopefully he will in the next chapter.

The ending was a bit on the WTF side but i have something planned later on to explain that.

Should I even continue this fanfic? I dont even like the way I write, like it balls!



Its the dragon king!!! Magikarp!!!!




The Cousins ~



I'd like to welcome our bouncer, Taeyang!





Okay I absolutly adore Hyuna so don't take it the wrong way that i made her a bit ty, sorry :3





I ing love this ship! Here have some GTOP 



I do not mean to offend any Hello Venus fans or anyone by portraing Hello Venus as strips.

I picked Hello Venus because i think they best visually suit the roles for my story.

Also their comeback is all y and stuff so I think they can play the part.




sorry i had to let that out.

thank you to everyone that's been patient with me, love youuu

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Armybabyjjvz #1
Chapter 2: Aw Damn. I wanted Jimin to be a stripper
Chapter 2: Wow!!!where is jimin?i bet god put jimin on earth to accompany be his lover of life!!!next~
kpopbrazil #3
Chapter 2: hum, isn't this yoonmin? Where 's jimin?
Chapter 2: I love it~~!!! Don't stop now!!
Chapter 1: i had a full on fluff attack when yoongi smiled at the baby my hEARTU-
Chapter 1: Why is yoongi's life so sad? ;w;
Someone needs to wrap him in a blanket and hold him while eating cookies and watching tough looking people with mouse noises dubbed over their voices or something
Ilikebeinme2411 #7
Chapter 1: Dang it why is it one chapter (exact words when I finished the chapter)!!! Update SOON!!
Chapter 1: I really liked this! I can't wait for you next update.
Chapter 1: I love it~ I can't wait to see what the characters come up with next~

When it comes to writing, I just let the characters play it out. Then I write it down. It flows easier and you get a lot less writer's block that way~
Just a suggestion if you want to try it~ ^_^
maishahanif #10
I really love the description i hope you keep it up!!!