
One, Two... Three

(Not my picture; Credit to owner)

I'd like to intoduce to you all, Donghyun 




(Credit to owner; not mine)

I guess this is sorta what i pictured Yoongi to look like; ing adorable


(Not spell checked!)

Yoongi was sitting a home, in his small dingy apartment, drinking a scoldingly hot cup of green tea when he first felt the sinking feeling of loneliness hit him square in the chest. Yoongi looked stupidly down at his steaming cup, his glasses quickly fogging, blurring his vision. That didn't really effect him beacuse he was looking past the cup into the depths of his thoughts, his eyes not focused on anything.

"I'm lonely..." He voiced distractedly. His mind slipped in and out of past memories, remebering past occurrences.

His mind haulted on the fading memories of his elementry and middle school years. He remebered the the little boy with white hair and red eyes, his only "friend" during those years. That little boy, Donghyun by name, had been the only kid Yoongi could stand to be around. The reason for that may have been the fact that the boy was mute and deaf and really good at checkers. He remebered his dilapitated school building that had been built next door to a blind and mute school, and shared a large playground with. That was how they met, he recalled.

Both boys had been sulking in the backfence of the school yard when they first interacted. Yoongi couldn't call it talking because he'd never exchanged a single word with the boy but he remebered waving a shy hello at the strange looking kid. The white haired boy had been sitting on the moss covered picnic table with a checker board set before him and a intricetly stacked tower of checker peices. The boy smiled softly and beckoned Yoongi over.

Yoongi opened his mouth to speak but the boy held a hand up and made a slow gesture with his hand. Yoongi looked up at the boys eyes for understaning, and for the first time he saw their dark red color. Yoongi's eyes widened considerably, he had not noticed their color previously due to the boys long bangs. Donghyun saw the startled look in the others eyes and his soft smile fell from his lips. Yoongi had already been surprised by the boys hair color previously, but seeing the blood red eyes of the young boy scared him unlike how the white hair had intrested him.

When Yoongi saw the dejected look on the boys face he pulled his stare away from his face down to the board between them. Cauntiously, Yoongi reached a hand towards the tower of game peices, afraid to make the boy sad again. He carefully plucked the first peice of the top of the tower and placed it down on its proper place on the board. Donghyun looked in curiosity as the dark haired boy in front of him delicately remove each peice and place it in its rightful place.

When all the peices had been set Yoongi finally looked up at Donghyun. He was startled once again by the strange eye color but composed himself faster this time. He gestured towards the board with a nod and Donghyun seemed to understand. Soundlessly, Donghyun, grabbed his first checker peice and placed it two squares away...

And that was how Yoongi first met Donghyun. The two boys held between eachother a strange relationship that bloomed and evolved as the times they met at recess increased. And it really was the strangest relationship you would probably see in all your life. Donghyun didn't learn the other boys name untill after 4 months of their first meeting. And Yoongi didn't learn Donghyun's name untill after a year of them knowing eachother.

Niether boy ever talked, Donghyun because he couldn't and Yoongi because Donghyun couldn't hear it. And that was how Yoongi came to learn Sign language. And that wasn't the only thing he learned because to Yoongi, Donghyun was a source of never ending knowledge, surprisingly enough. Despite the boys disability, to this day, Yoongi had never met a more brilliant mind. Donghyun always had a book with him, despite his young age. Everytime they met the two boys could be found either reading together or playing a pointless game of chess or checkers (pointless because Donghyun always won). Yoongi could probably credit a large portion of his knowledge to that boy. Yoongi came to love the other, as a brother ofcourse. If Yoongi thought about it now he would realize that at one point in his life the only reason he'd gone to school was to see the other boy.

They were friends untill the last of Donghyun's days.

It took Yoongi a few more years after that to figure out that Donghyun had been an albinoid and he'd carried along with that the painful burden that came with the mutation. He remebered the day Donghyun had died of heart failier-

Yoongi jolted back to reality at that, cringing away from the awful memory. I'd been a long time ago and it wasn't the clearest memory Yoongi had but it still hurt. He finally looked away from the cup because the steam was being to make his eyes water. He sat quietly for some time, watching as the patches of steam on his glasses slowly shrunk away. His mind lead his thoughts back to their original noticing: that he was lonely.

This time his mind drifted towards his highschool years. In his highschool years, he had to admit that his loneliness was due to his own fault.

As he'd grown, he'd gotten handsomer and matured. His voice had grown deep. He'd lost his curved soft look and gained a rougher more edged look; his body became sharp cuts and long limbs. He'd magnitized a dark aurora around him, a subtle dark prescence. His wardrob faded into blacks and greys. He did none of it on purpose, it just seemed to slowly come over him, the bad boy look. His eyes and their gaze seemed to darken. By the time he'd reached 11th grade he was the epitimy of silent, dark, and dangerous. In the halls, people either gaze at him in curiosity or completely ignored him. By this time, Yoongi had realized how many girls had a things for the dark and mysterious guy; he'd stopped counting the number of girls that had confessed to him after 10th grade. He was also often approched by guys who seemed to think Yoongi's dark look was "cool". Yet, Yoongi rejected them all.

Of course Yoongi still interacted with others; he wasn't a total social reject. He still had to suffer through the team projects and labs. He often got asked for answers to homework problems. But of course those connections were only temporary, he never befriended any of them.

The reason for his isolation may have been that Yoongi found it a neusence to have to put up with stupid teenage kids that couldn't distinguish their first name from their last. It may not have been appearnt to others but Yoongi was, infact, very very smart. In comparison to Donghyun he may have looked like a normal child, but anyone else compared to Donghyun would have looked like they had the brain of a goldfish.

But then, during his Jr year, he met Jaebum and Jinyoung. Once again, Yoongi seemed to have befriended quite a uniqe pair of human being.

He'd first met Jabum in math class. It had been a the kind of day where it was to cold too be outside yet too stuffy inside where the a/c was on full blast and everything was layers and layers of thick winter coats. It had been about mid school year, closer to the end, at the time. Yoongi was quietly sitting in the back of his class with his notebook open, scribling nonsense. He'd already finished his work while the teacher had taught the lesson, he already knew how to do this, and now he had an hour to kill while he waited for the bell to ring. This was also the last period of the day and he honestly just wanted to go home, his impatience was getting the best of him. He laid his head down; the quiet buzz of music that drifted out of his earbuds made him feel sleepy almost.

"Hey," Yoongi snapped out of his bored daze when a deep voice spoke. He lifted his head to stare at the person that loomed over his desk.

"Yes?" Yoongi answered monotonously. The boy's lips broke out into a friendly smile. He looked a bit surprised; maybe he assumed Yoongi would growl at him like half the student body thought.

The boy had choppy black hair, not styled in any particular manner. He had a nice handsome face, sharp jaw, and piercing dark eyes. His voice was dark and commanding, with an air of authority. He looked like the kind of guy you would avoid picking a fight with. Yet his smile and the light aurora he drew with him, was nothing but friendly.

"Were you able to solve problem 23?"

Yoongi wanted to ask why he couldn't ask someone else for help, but he didn't believe in unnecessary rudeness.

"Yes" He was hoping that he would get the hint and leave him alone.

"So... can you show me how you got it?"

He didn't get the hint.

"Yeah, um, you just need to find the limit..."

"I know but how?"

Yoongi could find no way of describing it, it was like being asked how to add 1 and 1. Not in the sense that it was easy but that it was the kind of task that simply seemed impossible to verbally explain. Or at least that's how Yoongi felt.

"Um, you have to find the asymptote- I mean the number that the function can approach but never reach. Uh just try graphing it first or make a table... I'm sorry I don't think I'm of much help."

Yoongi wished the bell would ring already.

"Oh... okay, I'll try that. Thank you." The boy looked down at his workbook and then back up at Yoongi. He turned to walk away. Yoongi let out a relieved breath.

The boy only got a few steps away before he turned back around.

"Oh by the way, I'm JB. Yoongi, right?"

"Yeah" Yoongi offered a weak smile.

Yoongi's look turned into flabberghast when the kid, JB, walked to the empty desk next to him and seated himself down. Now Yoongi really wanted the bell to ring. He decided that if he looked down at his desk long enough, JB would disapear. He didn't, unfortunetly for Yoongi.

"So, how come I never see you talk to anyone?"

Yoongi felt that sentence hit him hard. He looked at JB, not really knowing how to respond.

"Oh I didn't mean it offensively, sorry. I meant, like, how come I've never talked to you before. You look pretty young too, how old are you?"

Yoongi gulped. Deep breath.

"I'm 16. And I never really had a reason to talk to you... I'm not exactly what you would call social." Yoongi really didn't want to have this conversation.

JB flashed him an easy smile.

They spent 25 more minutes like that. JB would speak a lot and then ask a question to Yoongi, who would then answers with a vauge few word answer. When the bell did finally ring, Yoongi shoveled everything into his backpack.

"Hey it was nice talking to you, Yoongi."

"Um, yeah same."

JB bounced his way to the classroom door. Just as he was about to step out of the class into the streams of loud students, a body zipped its way right into JB's chest. JB seemed just as surprised as Yoongi for a second before the brightest most genuine smile took over his entire being. All Yoongi was able to catch was a glimps of a black tuff of hair before the person disappeared into JB's embrace.

"Babe, you okay?" Yoongi watched in bewilderment as JB's voice went from authoritive and hard to soft and sweet in a second. He drew the other boy in further.

A muffled response that Yoongi didn't catch was expelled from the hidden figure. JB seemed to relax a bit, which Yoongi took as a good sign.

"Oh Yoongi, this is my boyfriend, Jinyoung." JB turned towards him and released the other person from his grasp. That's when Yoongi realized how long he'd been starring at them. The boy was now revealed to Yoongi, he had dark eyes just like JB only they were rounder and softer in their gaze. He wore a white sweater over a blue button up and khaki slacks. He smiled, big and wide, at Yoongi. Yoongi almost cringed at the happiness that flowed from Jinyoung. Jinyoung opened his mouh to speak but Yoongi beat him to it.

"Hello. I'm sorry but I'm going to be late, goodbye."

Yoongi rushed out of the class. He could hear JB yell something at him from behind, it sounded like "See you" but Yoongi wasn't sure.

After that, JB approached Yoongi whenever he saw him. At first Yoongi had found it annoying to an extent that he had no possible way of verbalizing but eventully, with time, Yoongi found himself waiting for the older boy. Slowly, he became acustomed to the others presence. Yoongi also found himself wanting to be around Jinyoung. Jinyoung was such a warm soul that whenever Yoongi found himself around the latter he felt safe, in a strange way.

JB and Jinyoung were inseperable, Yoongi came to find out. They'd been dating since JB's freshmen year. JB was one grade ahead of Jinyoung, but that never seemed to get in the way. He could see that the two were in love, and it wasn't young rash love either.

Eventully, after five years, JB and Jinyoung had become what Yoongi considered family.

Yoongi's tea was now cold, he realized. But he smiled. He remebered the day JB and Jinyoung had appeared at his doorstep unannounced. They were all out of highschool by then and it wasn't unusual for the couple to occasionally pass by Yoongi's place.

But unlike other times they weren't alone. A small body was hanging from around Jinyoung's neck when he opened the door. Yoongi looked in question at the pair. He then noticed the smile that played on both the other two boy's faces.

A small chubby hand gripped Jinyoung's shirt. Something gripped Yoongi's heart just as tight.

"Yoo, we'd like you to meet someone..." The smile on JB's face could not be rivaled. He looked so radiant in that moment, like he was the happiest man alive. The grip around Yoongi's heart tightened a little more.

"...This is our son, Kunpimook."

Kunpimook. Yoongi's world seemed to shrink to nothing but the four of them. He didn't know what to say. He didn't know what to do either.

Jinyoung unlatched the small boy from around his neck and turned him to face Yoongi. The child had soft looking black hair that drooped over his forehead, his eyes were a deep dark brown, and his skin was a light tan tone. Basically, he was the epitome of cute.

"Bambam, baby, this is your uncle Yoo."

Jinyoung offered the child to Yoongi, who still hadn't said anything. All Yoongi could do was take the child.

The baby looked up at him in wonder first, then a small toothless smile made its appearance. Finally Yoongi came to his senses.

"H-hi" It came out in a sqeak.

The baby only smiled wider and lifted its tiny hands to his face.

"Ba-ba" The baby blubbered then stuck his little fist in his mouth.

At that a giant smile slid to Yoongi's face. He pulled the baby closer and more comfterably to him.

He looked back at JB and Jinyoung who were watching in amusment, but still standing outside.

"Oh, oh sorry, uhm come in. Sorry." Yoongi smiled sheepishly at them as they squished themselfs into Yoongi's small apartment.

Once they were comfortably seated on the floor of his living room/bedroom, Yoongi set the baby down and let it crawl it's way to Jinyoung.

"How-when di-uh. When did this happen...?" Yoongi struggled to find the right words to ask the right question.

Jinyoung smiled. "We've been planning this for a while actully and it was suppose to be a surprise, I guess it worked.

"We just picked him up from the adoption agency, we thought we'd drop by since it's close by." JB continued where Jinyoung stopped.

"How old is he?"

"He e a month ago."

"...Congratulations... I know you guys have always wanted a kid and I know how hard it is for you in society, how people look at you. But you, here you are, with a kid of your own... Your going to be the best parents out there." Yoongi didn't know what else he could possibly say. He felt so happy for them.

JB's smile widened more. Jinyoung handed the baby to JB and then crawled over to Yoongi and pulled him into a hug.

Yoongi hugged him back.

That was two years ago. Now the little brat was three and as energetic as ever. Yoongi's smile couldn't be bigger.

"That little brat.." He mumbbled affectionetly to himself.

He stood up now, cup in hand, and made his way to the kitchen. He inserted his cup into the microwave and set the timer to 2 minutes. Just as he'd done that his phone chimmed. Grabbing it off the counter, he hauled himself onto the small kitchen island that divided his kitchen from the main room. The text read:

We're going out tonight, care to join?

It was a text from Jin. Jin was a friend he'd met at his university. They had a class together and they normally sat together at lunch. Since highschool Yoongi had become more social, and much less awkward. He still rejected the majority of invites but he wasn't a total social recluse. Jin was a good guy and a good friend. He responded with:

Sure, I need a break from all this school work.

Where we going?

The responce came quick. It said:

The Big Bang

Yoongi rolled his eyes, even if Jin couldn't see it. He realized that it probably wasn't Jin's idea to go out; it was mostlikly Jungkook's idea. The poor boy couldn't controll his hormones. The first thing the boy had done when he'd turned 18 was go to a strip club, even if he couldn't even drink. Yoongi audibly sighed and texted:

Why a strip club? Ugh fine.

I'll meet you there, what time?

There was no instant answer so he put his phone down and got of the counter. He opened the microwave and took out his once-again scoldingly hot cup of tea. He took a sip just as his phone chimmed. The text read:

Kookie says around 10 or 10:30.

He knew it, it was Jungkook's idea. His responce was short:

Ok, see ya there.

Again he sighed and sat back down in his chair; the only chair he owned. He relished in the hot feeling of the tea spreading through him. His eyes flashed to pile of heavy textbooks and folders stacked next to his bed. Suddenly, he felt tired. Today was his only day off from work and he'd only had one class today. Lucky for him, today was friday so he only had work tomorrow and not school too.

He finished his cup of tea in a few more gulfs and then set it in the sink. Kicking his slippers off, he crumbled onto his bed and wrapped his warm quilt around himself. He then set his phone's alarm to 9pm and closed his eyes.

"Goodnight" he mumbled into his pillow. No one answered back. Feeling a bit more dejected he went to sleep.




Hello... Its been a while hasn't it...? sorry this update took so long. I've been very busy, I'm always busy. Schools a pain in the but i have to suffer through it. Well at least i got to updating, right? its better than nothing *_* I hope this chapter makes up for the long wait.

Um i have to admit that part of my reason for not updating is that i have no idea what im doing with this story so idk what going on or what the plot is... oops.

Please comment on what you think, be honest but please dont destroy my selfesteam, its already runing on low :3

I write because i love to, but also because i love the feeling of reading a good fanfiction and truely enjoying it and i want others to feel that way too.

THANK YOU to all of the people that subscribed before i even posted the first chapter, seeing the notification that i had subscribers really helped me plow through finishing this chapter. Im happy :D

I can't promise that i'll update quickly but i'll try my hardest.




(Again, credit to owner; not mine)

And here is our beautiful JJ Project ship, probably my second fav ship in Got7.


Sorry to Bambam for making him a kid not really (You're very manly oppa, dont worry!)



Because i love you...

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Armybabyjjvz #1
Chapter 2: Aw Damn. I wanted Jimin to be a stripper
Chapter 2: Wow!!!where is jimin?i bet god put jimin on earth to accompany be his lover of life!!!next~
kpopbrazil #3
Chapter 2: hum, isn't this yoonmin? Where 's jimin?
Chapter 2: I love it~~!!! Don't stop now!!
Chapter 1: i had a full on fluff attack when yoongi smiled at the baby my hEARTU-
Chapter 1: Why is yoongi's life so sad? ;w;
Someone needs to wrap him in a blanket and hold him while eating cookies and watching tough looking people with mouse noises dubbed over their voices or something
Ilikebeinme2411 #7
Chapter 1: Dang it why is it one chapter (exact words when I finished the chapter)!!! Update SOON!!
Chapter 1: I really liked this! I can't wait for you next update.
Chapter 1: I love it~ I can't wait to see what the characters come up with next~

When it comes to writing, I just let the characters play it out. Then I write it down. It flows easier and you get a lot less writer's block that way~
Just a suggestion if you want to try it~ ^_^
maishahanif #10
I really love the description i hope you keep it up!!!